Idiom 'Damp Squib'

source: Twominute English     2013年7月22日
The meaning of the idiom 'a damp squib' is something which fails to satisfy expectations.
A squib is a type of firework, and if it gets wet, it just fizzles, it's disappointing. A 'damp squib' means that something which was expected to be exciting, turns out to be disappointing.
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0:18 A 'damp squib' is an event which was expected to be exciting or impressive but turns out to be a disappointing one.
0:25 Alright, so I can say: The magic show last night turned out to be a damp squib.
0:32 That's a good example. A 'Damp squib' is something which is much less impressive than expected. I'm sorry to hear that the magic show was not good.
0:41 It was a damp squib. Everybody was so excited in the beginning, but it didn't really please the audience.
0:49 I thought so. Advertisements are often misleading.
0:52 Do you remember how that new action movie got media attention but turned out to be a damp squib in the end?
0:58 Yes, I remember that. So, if something is expected to have a great effect but it doesn't, then it is called a damp squib.
1:09 You got it. A 'damp squib' turns to be a failure and unsatisfactory in the end, despite any huge expectations in the beginning.
1:17 Yes. Let's listen to some conversations to learn how the idiom is used.
1:23 Good idea!
1:30 Hey Jerry, how was the party?
1:32 It was going well at first! But then the rain came and turned the party into a damp squib.
1:40 Ah, too bad. The rain comes without a warning at this time of the year.
1:45 Yeah! It's hard to plan for it.
1:54 Helen, did you visit the new museum?
1:58 Yeah, I did.
2:00 Was it good?
2:03 Not as cool as expected. The whole thing turned out to be a damp squib.
2:08 I thought it had some rare artifacts.
2:12 Maybe, but I didn't get to see them.
2:20 I went to the beach festival.
2:23 Wow! I heard about it! Did you have fun?
2:26 Not much!
2:28 Why not?
2:30 It turned out to be a damp squib this year. More than half of the events on the pamphlets were canceled and replaced by lame events!
2:40 Hmmm...that must've been disappointing.
2:44 I just wish I hadn't wasted my time.
2:51 The magic show last night turned out to be a damp squib.
3:01 It was a damp squib.
3:07 But then the rain came and turned the party into a damp squib.
3:18 The whole thing turned out to be a damp squib.
3:25 It turned out to be a damp squib this year.