
common words and phrases for the procedures at the airport

source: Twominute English
exercises for this lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/12-At-...
# at the security gate
--Hello. Can I see your ID and the ticket, please?
--Sure. Here's my ID and my ticket.
--Thank you. You may proceed to the check-in counter.
# at the check-in counter
--Good evening. Welcome to A1 Airlines. Please give me your ticket and ID.
--Here they are.
--Thank you. Do you have any check-in baggage?
--Yes, I have one suitcase.
--OK. Any hand-baggage?
--Yes, I'm carrying my backpack into the cabin.
--Here's a security tag for your cabin-baggage. Please attache the tag to your bag.
--Thank you.
# choosing the seat
--Would you like the window seat or the aisle seat?
--I think I will go for the aisle seat this time.
--Sure sir, I can give you the aisle seat.
--Thanks. That will be very nice.
--You're welcome. Your seat number is 6D.
# at the baggage checking machine
--Please take out your laptops and mobile phone and put it in this tray.
--You can proceed to the security check. Please remember to collect your items after the check.
--Thank you. I will.
# at the security check
--Please empty your pockets and put the contents in the tray, and hand me your boarding pass.
--Please raise your hands and keep them raised while I inspect you.
--No problems.
--Okay. You're cleared to go. Here's your boarding pass.
--Thank you.