
Seeing off Your Friends

source: Twominute English     2013年6月21日
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# seeing off a friend going for an interview
--Hi, Max. Good luck with the interview.
--Thank you, Abel. There comes the train. I should go now.
--Sure. Be careful with the papers and the documents while in the train.
--Thank you for reminding me, Max. I get a little nervous in these situations.
--You'll be alright, Max. Just keep calm and remain confident.
--I'll do my best.
--Max. Bye then, and gook luck!
--Thank you, Abel. Bye.
# your friend's going for a long vacation
--Clara, how long will you be there?
--I'm off for 3 months.
--I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot! Don't forget us!
--How could I forget? I'll miss you all!
--We'll miss you too, Clara. Don't forget to call me.
--Sure! I'll call you right after I get there.
--See you in three months, dear. Have a nice trip!
--Thank you, June. See ya!
# seeing off a friend who visited you
--Max, thank you for visiting me. Give my love to little Cindy and Martha.
--Thank you, Clara. Why don't you visit us soon?
--Oh! I was going to ask you to come back soon and bring them along.
--Clara, now it's your turn. Cindy talks about you very often!
--Okay! I'll call you up before I go.
--Yes, and do it soon!
--I will. Bye for now then, Max. See ya soon!
--Bye, Clara. Call me up.
# seeing off your wife
--Okay, honey. Did you pack everything?
--Yes, dear. I have everything I need.
--Please take care while you are there, love. I'll miss you!
--I'll miss you too, Fred. Take care of the kids. I will be back before you know it.
--Yes, the kids are excited because I told them I'll take them out this weekend.
--Have fun, dear.
--Bye bye, Sammy. Have a safe journey!
--Thank you, babe.