
Talking About Clothes

source: Twominute English   2013年10月28日
Buying clothes is always an exciting experience, especially for girls. It is said that shopping is the best mood enhancer for women. Whether you are making a shopping plan or planning to get rid of your old clothes, you will need to communicate your thoughts with your family or friends. How would you do that? Let's find out in this video.

# getting rid of old clothes
--Hey Lucy. My wardrobe's in a real mess. Do you wanna help me sort it out?
--I could do that, but you gotta get rid of all those clothes you don't wear anymore.
--I don't want to discard any of my clothes. I wear them all!
--Oh, come on Sam! Some of those clothes have been in your closet since 1995!
--Alright. There might be a couple of clothes that are old. But, not all.
--I think you should just give away all your stuff and get a new wardrobe.
# going shopping
--Are you going somewhere?
--Yep! I'm going shopping for clothes with my friends.
--Oh, that's nice. What do you plan to buy?
--Maybe a summer dress. I don't exactly have any plans. I just know I'm gonna buy something unusual.
--You always say that. Anyways, have fun shopping!
# shopping for a special date
--Gosh! I don't have anything to wear on the date.
--But you got a new dress last week. What happened to it?
--I've already worn it once. I don't want to wear it again. At least not in front of him!
--Then what are you gonna do now?
--I think it's time for another shopping trip. Where should I go?
--I hear Zara's got some new designs. Why don't you check that out?
# selecting an outfit for a photo shoot
--I'm just so confused.
--What happened?
--I don't know what to wear for my photo shoot?
--I thought the producers would give you clothes.
--Nobody is producing it. It's my photo shoot for my profile pictures. I gotta sponsor it myself.
--Well, you look good in everything you wear.