
Dating English

source: Twominute English    2013年10月20日
Dates with someone you like can really be exciting and fun filled. Asking for a date is tough, and it's twice as hard if you don't know the right words. The situation can be more awkward if it's your first time. In this post, we'll learn some phrases that you can use to ask the person you like out on a date.
Practice all the phrases at the end to build your fluency and comprehension.
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Plans for the weekend - Basics of English Speaking - English Phrases For Vacations

source: Twominute English     2013年10月18日
The weekend is the most anticipated time of the week. We make plans to hang out with our friends and family members to get relief from all the worries of work and the stress of deadlines. In this video, we'll take a look at some phrases that you can use to interact with your friends and family to discuss weekend plans.
Practice all the phrases at the end to build your fluency and comprehension.
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How to order at a restaurant in English

source: Twominute English   2013年10月25日
Nowadays almost every restaurant employs well educated staff and trains them well. The restaurant employees can help you choose what you want to eat, but you'll need to communicate well to put a good impression on everyone. In this video, we'll learn about some phrases that will help you to place your order without any hesitation in a restaurant.
Practice all the phrases at the end to build your fluency and comprehension.
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Motivating an Employee in English - Business English

source: Twominute English     2013年11月7日
Everyone needs a little bit of motivation now and then to keep delivering good performance. Motivation helps maintain the morale of the individual which is important for good quality work. It is the job of the managers to make sure that everyone in their team is motivated and delivering optimum work output. In this lesson, you will see what to say when you want to motivate an employee.
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Checking out ff a Hotel Room (with subtites)

source: Twominute English  2014年01月01日

# Getting Your Luggage Picked.
(I recommend Sanpan for all the receptionist jobs)
Stephanie : We’re checking out. Could you send someone to pick our luggage?
Receptionist : Yes, Ma'am! How many pieces of luggage do you have?
Stephanie : Only two, but they’re large and heavy suitcases. Oh...and yes…There are some shopping bags too.
Receptionist : I’ll send the bellboy over.
Stephanie : Okay. Thank you.
Receptionist : You’re welcome.

# Paying the Bill.
(Use phones)
Tracy : Good morning. Room 256. Check-out, please.
Receptionist : Are you Miss Tracy?
Tracy : Yes, that’s right.
Receptionist : Have you consumed anything from the mini-bar?
Tracy : Yeah… A couple of beers and a bottle of water.
Receptionist : Alright, so adding that to your total, it comes to $579.
Tracy : Okay. I also wanna order some coffee from the room-service.
Receptionist : No problems, I’ll get that sent to your room.
Tracy : Great! Please include that in the bill.
Receptionist : Sure! Your new total is $585.
Tracy : Great, please send me the bill.

# Wrong Billing.
(Use phones)
Receptionist : ABC Hotel. How can I help you?
Tom : Hi there…I was just going through my bill and I found a charge for laundry.
Reception : Okay?
Tom : Well, I didn’t get any laundry service during my stay. I don’t understand why I’ve been charged for that.
Reception : Is that so? I’m awfully sorry, Sir. Let me get this checked… I’ll send you a revised bill.
Tom : Please do so… It’s very irritating being charged for something you didn’t buy.
Reception : I truly apologize, Sir. This was a mistake. I’ll get it removed right away.
Tom : Alright, thanks for the help.

# Asking For a Taxi.
Front Desk : Good morning. What can I do for you today?
Tom : Good morning, buddy! I’m checking out later today, and I want a taxi to the airport.
Front Desk : Alright. What time do you need it for, Sir?
Tom : Say about 10.30. My flight is at 12.30.
Front Desk : Okay… What kind of taxi do you want?
Tom : Nothing special, mate. Just the regular stuff.
Front Desk : No problems. I’ll have a taxi waiting for you at 10.30.
Tom : Great! Thank you.

# Leaving The Hotel.
Bellboy : Your taxi is waiting and the luggage is already in the car.
Tom : Great job! Thank you for the excellent service during our stay.
Bellboy : Thank you. It was a pleasure serving you.
Tom : Well, here’s a little tip for you.
Bellboy : Thank you, Sir.
Tom : Alright, goodbye then.
Bellboy : Goodbye. Wish you a enjoyable trip.
Tom : Thanks, buddy!

Transportation Vocabulary & Phrasal Verbs - GET ON, GET OUT OF, RIDE, GO

source: EnglishLessons4U  2013年12月14日
http://www.engvid.com/ I GET OFF a train, bus, or subway. But: I GET OUT OF a car or taxi. I RIDE a bike and a motorcycle. How do you get to work or school? Learn how to use phrasal verbs to talk about transportation, then test yourself on the quiz athttp://www.engvid.com/transportation-...

# Click this line for relevant grammar videos: phrasal verbs

Reserving a Table at a Restaurant - Basic English

source: Twominute English    2013年11月15日
Dinner reservations are really important if you want to eat in a fancy restaurant or a famous restaurant. If you call the restaurant and reserve ahead, you won't have to wait in line. So make sure you make reservations and are able to enjoy your meal without much waiting.
In this lesson we will learn to how to reserve a table at a restaurant.
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Medical English - Hospital English

source: Twominute English     2013年12月11日
People get sick, injure themselves, have different kinds of diseases and, to treat them, they have to go to hospitals. Asking different questions about your disease or operation, medicines, etc is very important.
You need to correctly tell the doctor what your symptoms are, and you must make no mistakes in understanding what the doctor advises you. So listen carefully, and make sure you build the vocabulary that you'll need when you visit a hospital.

0:16 Doctor, what’s wrong with my mom?
0:18 She’s got the flu. I want you to monitor her temperature.
0:22 How often should I check it?
0:25 Once every four hours.
0:27 What about the diet?
0:29 Regular food, but avoid heavy foods and include soups.
0:34 Okay. Is there anything else I need to take care of?
0:37 Yes. I wanna have a look at her again after three days, so make sure you visit me.
0:50 We’re going to do the operation tomorrow. I can see you look worried. But don’t be!
0:57 I am trying not to…Is it gonna hurt?
1:00 You’ll be under anesthesia. You won’t feel a thing.
1:04 That’s a relief.
1:06 You’ll need to sign a consent form before we can begin the procedure.
1:11 No problems. I’ll sign it.
1:14 You got a family member here?
1:16 Yeah, my brother’s here. He must be around.
1:26 How did you get hurt?
1:28 I tripped on the stairs and banged my head.
1:31 That sounds ugly. Did you lose consciousness?
1:35 I’m not sure. I think I was out for just a few seconds.
1:38 Okay, well that’s not good. We’ve gotta put you under observation.
1:43 But I feel better now.
1:45 Sure you do, but it’s a concussion and you lost consciousness.
1:50 It doesn’t hurt to monitor you for a few hours just to make sure you’re fine.
1:56 Okay, doc.
2:03 I feel so weak doctor.
2:06 What happened?
2:08 My head is swimming. I feel dizzy.
2:11 Did you get hurt? Are you ill?
2:14 I don’t know. I was at the beach, sunbathing all day, and now I feel so dizzy.
2:19 Oh no! It seems you’ve got a sunstroke. We’ll need to admit.
2:25 What’re you gonna do?
2:27 Nothing major, just going to give you a saline drip, and some medicine.
2:32 Okay. Thanks.
2:37 Doctor, what’s wrong with my mom?
2:42 How often should I check it?
2:46 What about the diet?
2:50 Is there anything else I need to take care of?
2:56 Is it gonna hurt?
2:59 That’s a relief.
3:02 I tripped on the stairs and banged my head.

Telephone English - Business Phone Conversation

source: Twominute English     2013年12月13日
Having business telephone conversations in a second language can be very stressful if you don't know what to say. It is very common to feel nervous when you are focused on finding English words to express yourself. So building a powerful English vocabulary is a must if you're communicating in English with your business associates.
In this lesson we will learn how to have a business conversation on the telephone in English.
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Weather related idioms and vocabulary

source: Learn English with Let's Talk  2013年05月01日
--Raining cats and dogs: raining heavily
--A fair-weather friend:  a friend only in good times
--A ray of sunshine: something/someone which brings happiness or hope
--Have your head in the clouds: unrealistic; out of touch with the real world
--Make hay while the sun shines: a chance to do something good during an opportunity
--Quick as lightning: very fast
--Snowed under: having trouble doing things because of too much work
--Under a cloud: someone who is suspected of doing wrong
--Under the weather: being/feeling very ill
--Weather a storm: come out of a difficult or dangerous situation

Pet peeve

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2014年01月05日
Pet peeve means that something which irritates you a lot. It is something that annoys you or something you just dislike. Many pet peeves are related to social convention and hygiene. They may consist of small behaviors that are not important, but for some reason these behaviors are extremely irritating. For example, when you see a person chewing with open mouth, you feel disgusted. It bothers you and puts you off. This means, it is your pet peeve.

Example 01 : Marc's fascination for his new tablet was his girlfriend's pet peeve as she always felt neglected.
Example 02 : Anna regrets house parties as cleaning a messy kitchen and doing dishes are her pet peeves.
Example 03 : Lisa's latest pet peeve is her husband's snoring as it leaves her with sleepless nights.
Example 04 : Richard was embarrassed when his boss told him , " My biggest pet peeve is my employees coming in late to work."
Example 05 : Being a frequent traveler, Jessy's pet peeve is delayed trains that make her restless.
Example 06 : Amy's pet peeve is driving to work as she can no longer deal with the road traffic.
Example 07 : Ryan's pet peeve is working while eating, but has no option due to extreme work pressure.
Example 08 : Kevin has a pet peeve of waking up early after a late night out.
Example 09 : Listening to extremely loud music is Mrs. Anderson's pet peeve, as she eventually gets a headache.

Travel Vocabulary: Planning a Trip

source: English Lessons with Adam [engVid]   2014年5月19日
quiz: http://www.engvid.com/english-travel-...
# "booking" and "reservation"
--to book a flight / a hotel room
--to make a booking with a travel agency, or with a hotel, with accommodations (types of accommodations: hotel, motel, hostel, B&B, bed and breakfast. Make sure you have a booking before you go, so your place is safe, it's kept for you. When you arrive, it's all good.)
# before "boarding"
--"check-in baggage": you give it to the airline, they put it under the plane, you pick it up at your destination.
--"carry-on baggage": you carry it on to the plane.
--a boarding pass: that lets you pass through security and into the airport. On the boarding pass, you will see your "boarding time," this is when you get on the plane and your "boarding gate," the place in the airport where you're going to get on your plane before takeoff.
--a "visa": something that you use to get into a country; it gives you permission to stay in that country.
--a different "currency" (a different type of money)
# when you're at your destination
--you might want to "rent" or "hire" a car. (This is "accommodation," without the "s"; "accommodation" means something different. "Accommodations" is where you're going to sleep.)

Beauty and Makeup (Vocabulary)

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2014年6月16日
quiz: http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabul...
# words related to make-up or cosmetics
--We usually "put on" or "apply"
     * mascara on our eyelashes,
     * eye shadow to add color to our eyelids,
     * eyeliner around our eyes, and
     * concealer to erase the puffy bags under our eyes, or to cover/hide our freckles or acne/zits.
# to pluck / wax / thread one's eyebrows
# to use tweezers to pluck one's nose hair

Telephone English: How to take or give a message

source: Learn English with Emma [engVid]   2014年5月11日
quiz: http://www.engvid.com/telephone-engli...
--"Would you like to leave a message?"
--"Yes. Can you tell Emma that I called?" / "Yes, can you tell Emma to call me tonight?" / "Can you tell Emma to call me later?" / "Can you tell Peter that Henry called?"
--"He/She can reach me at 555-5555."
--"Hold on. Let me grab a pen and paper." (Meaning, "Give me a moment. I want to write this down.")
--"Okay. What's your number again?"
--"Great! I'll let her/I'll let him/I'll let Emma/I'll let Peter know you called."

Asking & Giving directions

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2014年5月9日
# Common verbs:
1. Go (left, right, straight, down, up, through)
Examples : go left, go straight, go down the hill/slope, go up the hill/slope, go through the tunnel.
2. Take road name : you can also take the road name/number
Examples : Take road 1, take the Avenue road.
3. Turn (right/left) : You can say 'turn right/left' if the person is driving as he would need to turn his steering wheel in a particular direction.
4. Stay on + the road name + distance/time
Example : You turn left and stay on Avenue road for 5 kms/ ten minutes.

# Useful transition words:
--After that, you take road 1.
--Then, turn right.
--Next, you will see a bakery shop.
--When you get to the bakery, you go down the hill.
--And finally, you will reach the new mall.

# Pointing out landmarks:
Examples :
You will see the City Hospital on your left. (the hospital is well known in that area)
Across the Cookies and Morebakery . (the bakery is popular in that area)

# Including some important information:
Examples :
--It's a on way lane.
I--t's a very busy road.
--There might be road repairs.

# When you don't know how to give people directions:
--I'm sorry. I'm not from here so I don't know my way around.
--I'm afraid I can't help you.

Talking about movies

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年4月20日
# Types of movies :
1. Romance Comedy
2. Science fiction (scifi)
3. Horror
4. Documentary
5. Animated
6. Action
7. Thriller

# Describing a Movie - "How was the movie?"
- It was heart warming and a total laugh riot.
- The special effects were breath taking
- It made my blood run cold.
- It gave me food for thought
- The plot was intriguing

#Some useful vocabulary :
--Casting -The selection of actors or performers for the parts of a film.
--Veteran - A veteran is a person who has had long service or experience in the film industry.
--Dubbed - To translate the movie into regional languages.
--Sun-titles - captions displayed at the bottom of a cinema or television screen that translate or transcribe the dialogue or narrative.
--Cinematography -the art of photography and camerawork in film-making.
--Trailer - a series of extracts from a film or broadcast, used for advance publicity.
--Sequel -A film or movie that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one.
--Cameo -A cameo role or cameo appearance is a brief appearance or voice part of a known person in a work of the performing arts, typically unnamed or appearing as themselves.
--Block buster- A particular a film that is a great commercial success.
--Bombed- A particular a film that is not successful.

How to avoid a conversation! (impolitely)

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie!   2014年3月31日
1, Don't ever make eye contact with anyone you do not want to talk to.
2. Don't ask the speaker any questions.
3. Look at something or someone else.
4. Talk really fast or "mumble" so that the person cannot understand you.
5. Make strange facial expressions / body language.
6. Use slang/words that the others don't know.
7. Use an angry tone of voice.

How to END a conversation politely

source: Learn English with Rebecca [engVid RebeccaESL]  2014年3月19日
--"Oh, look at the time. I'm afraid I have another appointment. Let's get together soon, okay? Bye for now. Take care."
--"Well, I won't keep you any longer. You're probably busy." Or, "I'll let you go." Something like that. You could then add something from here. "Let's do lunch sometime"; or "I'll give you a call next week"; and "All right. See you. Bye for now."

(A little more formal situation):
--"It's been a pleasure talking to you." We're in a business situation, right? "It's been a pleasure talking to you." "It's been a pleasure meeting you." "I'll call you next week.", or "May I call you next week?" if you want to, all right?
--"I'll look forward to hearing from you" if that's relevant. Or you could just say, "It's been a pleasure talking to you. Thank you very much." Because in a formal situation, that might be enough.

Giving and receiving compliments - Interdemiate English lesson

source:Learn English with Let's Talk     2014年1月23日
# The key points while giving a compliment are:
1. Be sincere
2. Be specific
3. Don't compare achievements
4. Timely
# The key points while receiving a compliment are:
1. Don't shrug off or disagree
2. Don't upscale (increase the value) a compliment
3. Avoid complimenting back immediately

What is St. Patrick's Day?

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie!  2014年3月14日
It happens every March 17th, the day St. Patrick died. What is really important about St. Patrick and St. Patrick's Day? St. Patrick marks the beginning of Christianity in Ireland...

Let the cat out of the bag - English Vocabulary Lesson # 111

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2014年01月10日
Let the cat out of the bag - English Vocabulary Lesson # 111
Are you a person who lets out secrets unintentionally? A person who can't keep a secret, is someone who always lets the cat out of the bag.
The idiom 'to let the cat out of the bag' means to reveal a secret or a surprise by accident.
You give out information that you shouldn't, or reveal a surprise without intending to and you actually kill the surprise element.
Letting the cat out of the bag may be a symptom of being a blabbermouth or having loose lips. So when you let the cat out of the bag, it means that a secret slipped out just like a cat escaping from a bag.
For example, if a couple is at a family dinner, the husband announces that his wife is pregnant, he let's the cat out of the bag. He reveals a surprise before time even though he didn't intend to.

Example 01 : Lisa was shocked when her friend let the cat out of the bag about her suspension from school.
Example 02 : William didn't let the cat out of the bag before time; and waited to gift his wife on their birthday.
Example 03 : Despite stopping him, Peter let the cat out of the bag about Kevin's plan of resigning.
Example 04 : Her friends were shocked when Jessica let the cat out of the bag about her plastic surgery.
Example 05 : Dressed as Santa Claus for his grandchild, grandfather didn't let the cat out of the bag by revealing his real identity.
Example 06 : Though mother never let the cat out of the bag about her smoking habit, her daughter was shocked to see her smoking.
Example 07 : Amy's friends didn't let the cat out of the bag about her surprise birthday party before the actual day.
Example 08 : Gloria and Cathy share all their secrets and never let the cat out of the bag about each other's life.
Example 09 : Diana lost interest in the book after her friend let the cat out of the bag about the suspense.
When was the last time you let the cat out of the bag and realized that you shouldn't have?

Talking about MOVIES in English

source: English Lessons with Adam [engVid]   2014年2月17日
quiz: http://www.engvid.com/vocabulary-talk...
# vocabulary:
--genre: such as sci-fi, science-fiction, documentary, etcetera.
--a "chick flick" (a very emotional movie)
--"bromance" (a romance involving bros, brothers, two guys who might be a little bit too close to each other. They're not gay, they're just two good friends.)
--a "romcom" (a romantic comedy)
--"Cut to the chase" (Get to the point, get to the exciting part, get to what you need to say. Don't waste time.)
--"That's a wrap." (Meaning finished, we're finished, we're done, let's move on to the next thing.)
--An "A-lister" is a very top level celebrity; actor, actress, musician, etcetera.
--box office (smash)
--sequel / prequel

SMS English ( Lesson) - Modern English abbreviations and Shortened text...

source: Learn English with Let's Talk  2014年1月27日

Some common shortened text messages:
1. BRB - Be right back
2. BTW - By the way
3. BYOW - Bring your own booze.
4. LOL - Laugh out loud.
5. ROFL - Rolling of the floor laughing.
6. TGIF - Thank God its Friday.
7. HB2U - Happy birthday to you.
8. SOB - Stressed out bad.
9. Gr8 - Great!
10.TTYL - Talk to you later.
11.ZZZ.. _ Sleeping
12.IDK - I dont know.
13.CIAO - Good bye.
14.2NYT - Tonight
15.LMAO- Laughing my ass out.
16.M8 - Mate
17.NE1 - Anyone
18.EOD - End of debate
19.COS/CUZ - Because
20.N2S - Needless to say
21.CUL8R - Call you later.
All acronyms are originally internet slangs but now widespread in other forms of computer mediated communication. So be more emphatic and express your bodily reactions while texting with this SMS.

Traffic & Commuting - Phrasal Verbs & Vocabulary

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年3月29日

# Traffic Expressions:
--Stuck in traffic
--Traffic congestion
--Transportation woes
--Traffic jam: a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or can only move very slowly.
--Bumper to bumper traffic: when cars are traveling so close together that their bumper bars are almost touching
--Hold ups: a situation that stops something from happening or making progress
--Road rage: violence and angry behaviour by car drivers towards other car drivers
--Rush hour / Peak hour: the time of day when the roads, buses, trains etc are most full, because people are travelling to or from work

# Phrasal Verbs
--Run out of (gas /petrol): "I ran out of petrol on the highway and had to wait for 1 hour until help arrived"
--Pull over: "I was driving too fast and the police signalled for me to pull over"
--Pull out: "The car pulled out right in front of me and I almost hit it"
--Run over: "I am so upset because this morning I ran over a cat on my way to work"

Talking about Clothing -- Shirt -- Basic English Lesson

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年4月5日
1. put on a shirt
2. wear a shirt
3. take your shirt off
4. change your shirt
5. change into a shirt
6. change out of a shirt
7. roll up your sleeves
8. pop your collar (some people do this to look cool)
9. tuck in your shirt
10. spill something on your shirt / spill something all down your shirt
11. iron your shirt
12. button up your shirt
13. unbutton your shirt
14. get your shirt dry-cleaned
15. go shirtless (for men)
16. go topless (for women)

How to politely end a conversation? - Business English

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年5月21日

Here are some ways to end or depart a conversation gracefully.
1. Body Language -
Carefully observe body language.Signs the other person is ready to leave include a wandering gaze, a small step away from you, and increasingly shorter responses to what you say. Other behavior telling you they want to go are putting things in a bag or putting on a jacket or sweater.

2. Pause -
Wait for a pause and offer a handshake.As the other responds, say, "It was great talking with you" or "I have a few more things to do but I enjoyed our conversation. See you later."

3. Apoligize but be firm -
Offer an apology."I don't want to keep you any longer/I can see you're busy, but it was good to see you."

4. Appreciate -
Say you have to leave. You can say, "I'm sorry but I have some things I have to get done today." Remain polite but firm.

5. Smile and say goodbye.
This will communicate you're friendly. You could add something about being happy you've had a chance to talk.

6. Suggest.
If you want to see the other person again, suggest meeting in the near future. Be specific. "How about next Wednesday morning?" is better than "We'll have to get together soon."

Describing a bad day at work

source: Learn English with Let's Talk 2014年6月26日

1. Can't stand office politics -- unable to bear or can no longer take something. It is beyond your tolerance level.
2. kissing up : butter up someone. When you want favors from influential or important people in your office, you speak very sweetly and sugar coat your words.
3. call the shots -- to make important or big decisions.
4. to move up the ranks -- to climb the career ladder.
5. boss always tries to micromanage -- to have a strict control/excessive control
6. breathing down my neck- too watch too closely in a way that annoys you.
7. I'm spread too thin -- to handle too many things
8. salary and benefits leave a lot to be desired -- highly unsatisfied
9. to be done yesterday- immediately
10. wrap up- to conclude/ finish

Difference between Problem, Trouble & Issue

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年6月22日

--The word "problem" is connected with the word "solution". A problem is something negative that needs to be solved. Some bad things that happen can't be called "problems" because they're unsolvable. For example, if you broke your leg, you probably wouldn't call your broken leg a "problem". The broken leg can't be fixed. On the other hand, figuring out how to get to work with a broken leg is a problem.
--"Trouble" is less connected to solutions. It's more connected to negative feelings that you get when bad things happen.
--"Issue" is associated with difficult decisions and disagreements. We use "issue" in a similar way to "problem" or "trouble", but it also has another meaning. It can mean a topic that people are talking about or disagreeing on. Social issues and political issues are examples of this kind of "issue".

Vocabulary and Phrases - Football or Soccer

source: Learn English with Let's Talk  2014年6月16日
The way football is played now was first codified in England. Nowadays, it is governed by the FIFA, "Fédération Internationale de Football Association" (International Federation of Association Football.)

Talking about Alcohol & Drinking in English (Advanced English vocabulary)

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年6月5日
Vocabulary related to drinking liquor:
Sober - Before a person drinks any alcohol, they are sober.
Bartender - a person who serves alcohol, usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment.
Brewski -- It is slang word used for cold beer.
Pitcher / Pint -- Pitcher is a large jug of beer, whereas a pint is a small bottle of beer.
Heavy Drinker - A person who drinks a lot of liquor
Aperitif - a small drink of alcoholic liquor taken to stimulate the appetite before a meal. It helps develop a good appetite.
Cocktails and Mocktails - Cocktails is a mixed alcoholic drink that requires mixing either with one type of alcohol with juices, soft drink and other fruits juices or mixing multiple alcoholic drinks with juices or ice tea.
Mocktail is any mixed drink that does not have alcohol. The name mock tail is derived the word 'mock' meaning to "imitate or mimic" referring to mock tails imitating a cocktail as it seems very similar to a cocktail but does not have alcohol or any other spirits.
On the rocks- Whisky served undiluted with ice cubes.
Neat -- neat is to drink alcohol straight up without diluting with any juice or beverage.
Shot -- Alcohol served undiluted in small glasses.

Phrases to talk about someone who is drunk:
Tipsy -- When your are slightly drunk you feel a little unsteady, staggering, or foolish from the effects of liquor.
Bombed -- when one is highly intoxicated by drinks.
Three sheets to the wind -- This is a popular phrase used for someone who is extremely drunk. It is mostly a sailors language.
Plastered - Being in a temporary state in which one's physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drink.
Hung-over -- The sickness caused by drinking excessive alcohol.

How to tell a story (Past Events) in English?

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年7月18日

First step to tell a story is to link your ideas together. Once you sequence them it is easy for you to put it in words.

If you are going to tell your story after someone else has already spoken to you, then you can start by saying:
- That reminds me!
- Something similar happened to me.
- Words like Firstly, to start off with can help you to start telling your story or any past event.

Words that help you to connect or continue your story are:
- Then
- After that
- Next

Interruptions / New elements to the story
While you are telling your story and certain elements have to be added then you can use words like:
- Suddenly
- Unexpectedly

To end the story words that can be used are:
- Finally
- In the end
- Eventually
- Lastly

Varieties of tenses are used to tell stories such as:
1) Present Tense -- used for telling jokes, or to give a dramatic effect.
2) Past simple- used to tell a story in a chronological order
3) Past continuous -- used to describe activities in progress at the time of your story or give a background to it.

Talking about men you like

source: Learn English with Emma [engVid]  2014年7月15日
quiz: http://www.engvid.com/talking-about-m...
--He's manly / sexy / hot / hairy / tall and lanky / skinny / suave / charming / romantic / loaded / well-dressed / thoughtful / athletic / muscular / flirty.
--He's a smooth talker / a good dresser / a mama' boy / a bad boy / a gentleman / a joker / a flirt.
--He has killer abs / a 6-pack.

On an Airplane - English Vocabulary Lesson

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年7月22日

To board a plane | Embark - To get on the plane which is ready to takeoff.
Cabin - The interior of the aircraft.
Flight attendant - Man or Woman who provides service for passengers during a flight.
Aisle - the long empty space that you walk down ( between the seating rows)
Overhead bin - The place above the seats for storing luggage.
Galley - A kitchen or an area with kitchen facilities in a plane.
Cockpit - The part of the plane where the captain and his co-pilots sit.
Pilot - The person who drives/flies the plane.
Co-pilot - Person who helps the captain fly the plane.
Taxing - Driving an airplane to the correct place for taking off or deboarding.
Take-off - When the plane leaves the ground.
Motion sickness - A bad feeling in the stomach that passengers get during a rough ride in a plane.
To cruise - To fly at a constant speed that permits maximum operating efficiency.
Turbulence - Violent or unsteady movement of air.
Call light - A button passengers can press to get a crew member's attention.
Flight entertainment - Refers to the entertainment available to aircraft passengers during a flight.Usually LCD screens on the back of the seat playing movies and songs.
Refreshments - Drinks and snacks offered to passengers during the flight.
Touch down - When the aircraft wheels land on the ground.

Body Appearances

source: Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons   2014年8月2日

Gorgeous – someone who is very pretty
Lovely – Beautiful woman
Head turner –It implies that when a woman or man walks down the street, people turn their heads to focus their attention on her/him.
Stunning- means extremely beautiful, like a woman who is so beautiful that she attracts a lot of attention!
Charming - someone who is very pleasing and appealing
Attractive – someone who is very pretty
Hot – Slang for a good looking woman or man
There are times we do come across some fat and thin people, so let’s learn the right words that can be used for such people.

Vocabulary for Fat people
Flabby - typically used for fat around arms, stomach, thighs, and butt.
Chubby – Describing fat kids
Husky /Heavyset – Describing fat men
Plump /Curvy – Describing fat women however curvy is more positive connotation
Obese – For extremely fat people

Vocabulary for thin people
Lean – thin and muscular
Wiry – thin and muscular
Petite- Short and thin
Lanky- Tall and thin
Skinny – very thin mostly used in a negative manner
Slender – thin

12 Phrasal Verbs about CLOTHES: dress up, try on, take off...

source: Learn English with Emma [engVid]   2014年7月31日
quiz: http://www.engvid.com/12-phrasal-verb...
dress up / zip up / button up / do up / have on / put on / try on / throw on / take off / kick off / wear in / hang up

# Click this line for relevant grammar videos: phrasal verbs

The difference between ‘passed’ and ‘past’


The word 'passed' is the past simple of the verb pass or the past participle of the verb:
Example 01: She passed the exam with distinction. Pass = to be successful in a
Example 02:The secretary passed the message to me. Pass = hand over (give)
Example 03:We had passed the shop 5 times before we saw it. Pass = to move past

The word 'past' is not a verb. It has several uses. 'Past' is usually related to a time before the present or to indicate movement - from one side of a point to another.
Example 01: This past month was a difficult time for me.
Example 02: Thankfully all the trouble we had with the neighbors is all in the past.
Example 03: John ran past. He didn't even see us.

These day or those days?

source: Australia Plus  2014年4月8日

Fit or suit?

source: Australia Plus  2014年4月17日

Some meanings of 'by'

source: Australia Plus  2014年3月9日

look, see, or watch?

source: Australia Plus   2014年2月11日


Check out videos on the site English Grammar (video teaching).


# check out videos on the site English Academic Writing (video teaching).

videos that might be relevant

# Check out the section "O. Business & Social Skills"

related or relevant videos (for Locations & Directions)

# Check out the sections of "J. Travel & Tourism" & "K. Transportation & Traffic."

nutrition & health

Check out videos at
I. Conversation-H. Health & Medication-diet & health,  
III. Idiom / Phrase / Vocabulary-N-nutrition related, and
III. Idiom / Phrase / Vocabulary-H-health related.


# For more related videos, check out the section "F. Entertainments & Arts"

How to overcome shyness with strangers?

source: Learn English with Let's Talk      2013年7月15日
# There are 3 main facets or components to shyness:
1) Self-Obsession: It is also called the "me-syndrome" where you are overly aware of yourself in social situations. You obsess about everything you are or you're not.

2) Poor self image: Backed by bad or traumatic childhood experiences at home or school, shy people always suffer from a weak self image. They always tend to see themselves in a negative light. This exacerbates the problem of shyness.

3) Magnifying one's negatives: Everyone's got a good mix of positive and negative characteristics. But those who are shy pay too much attention to their negative traits or the things they do wrong. They refuse to look at or conveniently overlook the good qualities they may possess.

# Attacking or overcoming shyness:
1) State the problem: A well defined problem is a half solved one. Discern or find out which of these facets of shyness you battle with. You may be struggling with one or all three. Once you've identified the root cause of your shyness, you can now make an action plan in the right direction.

2) Find your strengths: Every individual has a certain amount of strengths in spite of some weaknesses. Find out what your strengths are-it could be a talent you possess, a behavioral characteristic or may be a physical attribute. An identifiable strength will boost your confidence and help you identify with yourself. This will help reduce shyness. Moreover, try to use your unique strength to your advantage. For example, if you're a good listener, you will soon find that you can consult or help people in a social setting with the simple act of listening.

3) Focus Outward: You need to break free from the "Me-syndrome" by putting the limelight off yourself and on the people or the surrounding around you. Become interested in learning about others and find out what they like. Weave your conversations around places, people and things that interest you. Your social interaction can highly improve when you do this. Moreover, you won't berate yourself because the focus is not on you anymore.

4) Affirmation: Words carry an incredible energy. Whatever we tell ourselves repeatedly, gets heard by our subconscious mind and we act accordingly. Now if you have been feeding your mind with negative thoughts, your actions will portray your thoughts through a negative self-image or a timid personality. Say things to yourself like you're good, kind and intelligent. Don't underestimate the power of words.

5) Don't leave an uncomfortable situation: This is probably the most aggressive ways of dealing with shyness. Placing yourself in an uncomfortable situation will remove your fear or anxiety which accompanies shyness. However implementing this step becomes a lot easier if we have taken care of the above 4 points. If you're shy of reading in front of a class., once you actually do just that, your fear and shyness will slowly evaporate into thing air. You will realize that if you try, nothing is so bad after all. Shyness is all a state of the mind.

6) Record your success: Keep a journal of how you faced a situation that was potentially awkward or uncomfortable and how you did the right thing to attack your "shyness". Your journal will soon run out of pages if you stick to your plan. Moreover, it will boost your confidence even more and make you a whole and balanced individual you were meant to be.

interview skills

source: zontulfilmsltd  2013-09-06

How to speak effectively over the phone? - English lesson - Telephone sk...

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2014年01月12日
1. Answer the phone specifying who you are.
It can be disorienting for a caller when they don't know with whom they're speaking. Try to have a bright, happy voice when answering too, as this gets the conversation off to a good start.

2. Speak clearly.
Pronounce your words well and try to avoid mumbling, gushing, or speaking too quickly. If the person on the other end is hard of hearing or speaks a different language from your own, speak slowly and either raise your voice or speak more clearly than usual.

3. Use words that make sense to the person you're speaking with.
It doesn't make a lot of sense to speak teenspeak with an elderly grandmother. She isn't necessarily going to "get it". Adjust your language to fit the listener.

4. Use good & descriptive language when you are trying to evoke images in the listener's mind. If you need to describe something well, try to choose words that identify its shape, color, size, etc.

5. Write down important points before making a call. If you're worried that you'll forget something when you call someone, or that you'll get tongue-tied and not say what you meant to, write a prompt sheet before the call and keep it in front of you. Refer to it if you get flustered during the call.

6. Repeat important points during a call.

MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO - Talking about Necessity

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年5月17日
http://www.engvid.com/ Not sure what the difference is between "have to," "have got to," and "must"? In this lesson, you will learn how to use each of these very common English phrases effectively and fluently. Take a free quiz on this lesson at http://www.engvid.com/must-have-to-ha...
# click for grammars on modals: expressing obligation and necessity

How to talk about what you want - Expressing Preference

source: AlexESLvid      2010年5月1日
http://www.engvid.com/ Learn the difference between "I prefer," "I would prefer," and "I would rather." In this English lesson on preference, you will learn how to tell people what you would like when faced with more than one option. Test your understanding by taking the quiz on this lesson at http://www.engvid.com/preference-how-...

# click this line for grammar videos on modals: expressing preference


source: JenniferESL

# click this line for grammar videos on modals: expressing preference

Expressing preference

source: British Council | LearnEnglish

# click this line for grammar videos on modals: expressing preference

'Still better', 'Better still' & 'Better yet'

source: Learn English with Let's Talk 2013年12月16日
Test : http://www.learnex.in/difference-betw...
# still better: used when something was better before and continues to be better.
--John is not as good as he used to be in playing chess, but still better than William.
--The pasta is dry, but it's still better than the one we had at the party last night.
# better still: used when someone makes a good suggestion, but you have an even better one
--You can send them your resume or better still, try contacting the manager directly.
# better yet:  used to offer a better suggestion to replace a bad idea
--If I am late I will call you and inform, better yet why don't you take responsibility and leave earlier next time.

9 TURN Phrasal Verbs: turn on, turn off, turn over, turn around, turn ou...

source: English Lessons with Adam 2014年01月17日
quiz: http://www.engvid.com/turn-phrasal-ve...
--turn on / turn-on
--turn off /turnoff (no hyphen)
--turn up
--turn down
--turn over
--turn around
--turn in
# Click this line for more grammar videos on phrasal verbs

Lose, Loose, Lost & Loss

source: Learn English with Let's Talk
--(v.) lose, lost, lost
--loss (n.)
--loose (adj.)
1. After a month's diet, his jeans became too loose for him .
2. His pet dog is on a loose. (break free)

Talking about Fitness

source: Learn English with Let's Talk  2014年01月07日
--get fit / get in shape:
e.g., I have gained too much of weight and I want to get fit (or I want to get in shape).
--workout: an exercise routine
--warm up & cool down: A warm up is a period of light exercise to get the body ready for a good workout whereas the the cool down period involves reducing the intensity of your exercise by gradually slowing down.
--gym: Gym is slang for the word gymnasium and gymnastic services. It includes weight training to develop and strengthen the muscles and cardiovascular training which is also called cardio. It is vigorous exercise to strengthen the heart and burn calories.
--Gym Equipments:
Treadmill which is used for running on the spot,
Stationary Bike which is basically a cycling machine, dumb bells etc.
--gym trainer / fitness trainer
--dieting: It is eating less or more healthy food. To be calorie conscious to become fit and slim.
--brisk walking: To walk a little fast to increase the heart rate
--jogging: It is an activity of running at a steady and gentle pace
--kick boxing: A form of martial art which combines boxing with kicking with bare feet. It has elements of karate.
--aerobics: It's a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic stretching and strengthening training and is performed to music.
--pilates : A system of exercise that promotes strengthening and toning of the body using a specialized equipment.

How to use the verb 'Suggest' correctly?

source: Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons
# suggest an idea, not the person that you're making your suggestion to
--(X) I suggest you to apply for a job there.
--(O) I suggest applying for a job there.
--(O) I suggest (that) you apply for a job there.
# don't use "to" after suggest
--(X) I suggest to apply for a job there.
# the word "recommend" works exactly the same way!

# relevant grammar videos: modals: making suggestions and giving advice

Expressing Opinion (Advanced English Conversation)

source: onlineenglishclasses
# 1 common phrases to use when expressing an opinion or idea 
I think ...
In my opinion, ...
I'd like to ...
I'd prefer ...
The way I see it ...
As far as I'm concerned, ...
If it were up to me, ...
I suppose ...
I suspect that ...
It is fairly certain that ...
I'm convinced that ...
I honestly feel that ...
I strongly believe that ...
Without a doubt, ...
# 2 common phrases to use when disagreeing
I don't think that ...
Don't you think it would be better ...
I don't agree, but I'd prefer ...
Shouldn't we consider ...
But what about ...
I'm afraid I don't agree ...
Frankly, I doubt if ...
Let's face it. The truth of the matter is ...
The problem with your point of view is that ...
# 3 common phrases for giving reasons and offering explanations
To start with ...
The reason why ...
That's why ...
For this reason ...
That's the reason why ...
Many people think ...
Considering ...
Allowing for the fact that ...
When you consider that ...

How to talk about prices

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie 2014年01月13日
--getting a bargain or a deal 
--"It is ten seventy-five." (You do not need to go through "ten dollars and seventy-five cents." )
--"That's eighty-seven thirty-five plus tax." 

Cooking Vocabulary - chop, grill, saute, boil, slice...

source: English Lessons with Adam 2014年01月02日
quiz: http://www.engvid.com/cooking-vocabul...
--What's cooking?
   1. What are you making, what dish are you making?
   2. What's happening? How are things? How are you?
--a "recipe" for a nice dish
--culinary (about cooking, about food)
--a chef and a cook (A chef is a person who studied cooking, went to school and studied, has worked in many restaurants, and has practiced for a long time in his art, his cooking skills. This person probably has a diploma and is usually the boss of a kitchen in a restaurant somewhere. "A cook" is a person who is just starting to cook or somebody who just makes food at home. Anybody can be a cook. )
--to saute: too cook lightly in a skillet or in a pan
--to boil: For example, you put something in a pot full of water. You put the heat very, very high.
--to simmer: meaning lower heat, small bubbles moving slowly. For example, when you're making a nice soup or a stew, first you get everything boiling, and then you reduce the heat and let it simmer for like an hour; get all the flavours to blend together really nicely.
--to broil (with an oven): If you want to cook something very quickly and get the top very crispy, you broil. "Broil" means heat from the top, so the heat is going like this on to the food.
--to roast (with an oven): meaning that the heat is coming from the bottom and the sides, so it cooks the inside and takes a little bit longer.
--to grill: For example, when you're barbequing, you are grilling. You have the lines of the grill, you put your steak on it, then you flip it, etcetera. That's grilling, usually with fire, coals, lines.

Talking about appearances

source: Learn English with Let's Talk 2014年01月16日
# Hair
Curly: Having irregular curves or waves in the grain.
Straight: Having absolute vertical hair.
Blonde: Hair with golden color or of any light shade of pale yellowish brown.
Wavy: Hair having curls, curves or undulations.
# Skin
Healthy: Someone is possessing goodskin.
Pale: Skin with Whitish in complexion or of a low intensity of color; light.
Tanned: To make skin brown by exposure to sun.
Spotty: Skin having spots.
Olive: A yellowish green of low to medium lightness and low to moderate saturation color of skin.
Dark: Skin tending towards black in comparison with other shades.
Fair: Skin with light complexion.
# Body
Skinny: Someone who is very thin.
Overweight: Weighing more than normal, necessary, or allowed, especially having more body weight than is considered normal or healthy for one's age or build.
Stocky: Body that is solidly built; sturdy.
Broad: Someone who is wide in extent from side to side.
Lean: Someone who is thin but muscular.
Muscular: Having well-developed muscles.
# Face
Pretty: Face that is pleasing or attractive in a graceful or delicate way.
Ugly: Face that is displeasing to the eye; unsightly.
Plain: Face that is average or ordinary
Pale: Losing the charm on the face (due to illness)
Narrow: A face that is small or of limited width.
Oval: An egg-shaped or elliptical face.

Confusing verb pairs- 'Borrow' and 'Lend'

source: Learn English with Let's Talk 2013年12月13日
--Mary lent $1500 to John . Mary lent John $1500.
--Bill borrowed $150 from Anne.
--Michelle often lends his car to Victor.
--Michelle often lends Victor her car.
--Victor often borrows Michelle's car.
--May I borrow your book?
--Of course. I'll be happy to lend it to you.
--Of course. I'll be happy to lend you my book.

Difference between ' Small ' & ' Little '

source: Learn English with Let's Talk  2013年09月12日
# 'Small' is used
1. to talk about 'height' or 'size'
--John is small for his age. (He isn't tall enough for his age.)
--The box is small. (it is describing its size).
2. with nouns :
--I have a small amount of wine.
(always use 'amount' for 'uncountable nouns')
--A small number of people came to work.
(always use 'number' with 'countable nouns')
3. in Comparative and Superlative forms :
--Mary is smaller than John. ('smaller' is the comparative form)
--Mary is the smallest girl in the class. ('smallest' is the superlative form)
# 'Little' is
1. similar to young:
--Maria is a little girl. (It describes her of being 'young.')
2. used with 'uncountable nouns':
--I have a little wine every night.
--I had a little trouble with my car.
In the above two example, 'wine' and 'trouble' are uncountable nouns. 'Little' is used only with 'uncountable nouns' when you want to say 'not enough'.
3. used to talk about the Degree of Adjective: There are no 'comparative' and 'superlative' forms of 'little'.
--She is a little fat.
--John is a little tired.
In the above two examples, 'fat' and 'tired' are adjectives (describing words), 'little' is used to modify the adjectives so as to imply 'not too much'.

Reminding People

source: Twominute English  2013年11月11日
#1 What About the Books?
John: Hey honey, aren’t you forgetting something? Didn’t I ask you to return these books to the library?
Carrie: Oops! I am really sorry, dear. I forgot to take them with me.
John: Do me a favor, don’t forget them tomorrow. They are already overdue.
Carrie: Don’t worry. I’ll return them tomorrow.
#2 The Card Needs to Be Sent.
Carrie: John! You haven’t sent that greeting card yet!
John: Oh, my! I totally forgot to send it.
Carrie: John, it’ll be awful if this card reaches them after the anniversary!
John: Oh, come on, Carrie! You forget things too. I’ll mail it tomorrow.
Carrie: You’d better not forget it again!
#3 How Could You Forget It?
Carrie: Honey. I don’t think our relationship is working.
John: What? What are you saying? We’ve been married for 6 years!
Carrie: I know, and you forgot our anniversary. It’s today.
John: Today’s our anniversary? Oh my God! I can’t believe I forgot it. Will you forgive me please?
Carrie: I can’t believe you forgot our marriage anniversary.
John : I can’t believe it either. Please, forgive me sweetheart.
#4  I Hope You Haven’t Forgotten...
Stacy: Did you do it?
Mark: Do what?
Stacy: I hope you haven’t forgotten to call the plumber!
Mark: No, no. I’m calling him right now.
Stacy: That means you forgot it, right?
Mark: Yeah, kind of. But thanks for reminding me!
Stacy: I knew you would forget, that’s why I called.
#5 Reminding a Lot of People.
Mike: May I remind you guys that someone has to take the trashcan out?
Paul: Err..You’d already said that! Thanks for reminding us again!
Mike: One more reminder. Whoever uses the plates, please wash them after you eat.
Sean: We’ll make sure of that! Thanks again!
Mike: No problem.
#6 Reminding Someone About a Party.
Peter: Hey, Jack. What’s up?
Jack: I was just watching a movie.
Peter: Okay, cool! I’d like to remind you about the party tomorrow, at my place at 7!
Jack: Oh, yeah! I remember.
Peter: And Jack, don’t forget, you’re the guy who’s got to bring the beer.
Jack: Alright. I know that if I forget the beer, everybody’s going to wish me dead.

Motivating an Employee - Business/Office English

source: Twominute English  2013年11月07日http://facebook.com/twominenglish
# 1 Discussing Past Performance.
Keith: Hello, Ms. Taylor. Good afternoon.
Liana: Good afternoon, Keith. Please be seated.
Keith: You wanted to talk about the project?
Liana: Yes! Your work on the project was pretty good. I think you performed very well!
Keith: Thank you!
Liana : I do have a few suggestions for you.
Keith : Did I make any mistakes?
Liana : No, there are no mistakes, but some of the presentations need to be more detailed.
Keith : Oh. I’ll take care of that.
Liana: Keep up the good work, Keith.
Keith: I’ll keep doing my best!
# 2 Praising an Employee.
Peter: Good morning, Ms. Taylor.
Liana: Good morning, Peter. Great work on that report!
Peter: Oh, really? Thank you!
Liana: Yes, the clients were very impressed.
Peter: I’m glad to hear it.
Liana: I hope you can do the same with the new assignment too.
Peter: Of course. You can count I will!
# 3 Encouraging to Perform Better.
Gerald: Hello, Ron. Come and have a seat.
Ron: Thank you, Mr. Smith. You wanted to see me?
Gerald: I wanted to talk about your performance this week.
Ron: Yes, I know there were a lot of mistakes.
Gerald: Well, you’re right, but you’ve done such good work in the past. I think you were a bit off this week. Do take care for the next one, will you?
Ron: Sure, Mr. Smith. I can do better.
Gerald: I am sure you can do better!
Ron: Thank you!
# 4 Finding Flaws or Mistakes.
Terry: Mark, the pictures you sent me for the river project. They weren’t so well shot.
Mark: You think so? What needs to be different?
Terry: Mark! You’re the professional. Why are the angles so common and uninspiring? Do you remember the field shoot you did last month? It was so much better!
Mark: I get it. Actually the riverside was too crowded for a good shoot.
Terry: I don’t know about that, Mark. You could’ve selected a different time for the shoot. You gotta redo it.
Mark: Right! I get the point. I will bring in some fresh pictures by Monday.
# 5 Reporting Performance.
Gerald: Hello, Caroline. Please have a seat. You wanted to see me, right?
Caroline: Yes, Mr. Smith. I’ve made the pitch to the client, and now we’re waiting for the order.
Gerald: Waiting? I thought you’d bring the order along with you, Caroline.
Caroline: Well, not this time. These guys are not easy to negotiate with.
Gerald: I am surprised! You’ve always closed deals early. This one’s the odd one out.
Caroline: I know, Sir. Everyone has a bad day.
Gerald: I’m not worried. I am sure you will clinch it.