
Interview: Hi. How are you today? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 1-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC  2010年7月25日
* social language: Greetings and introduction
* grammar: Verb be: singular and negative statements

# video script
Interviewer: Hi. How are you today?
Dan: Good. How are you?
Interviewer: I'm well. Ny name's Doug. What's yours?
Dan: Dan.
Interviewer: Hi, Dan. Nice to meet you.
Dan: Nice to meet you.
Interviewer: Hello.
Christiane: Hello.
Interviewer: My name's Doug. What's your name?
Christiane: Ny name's Christiane.
Interviewer: Hi, Christiane. It's nice to meet you.
Christiane: Nice to meet you too, Doug.
Interviewer: So tell me, what do you do?
Christiane: I work in a hotel.
Interviewer: Good morning.
Vanessa: Good morning.
Interviewer: My name's Doug.
Vanessa: My name's Vanessa.
Interviewer: Hi, Vanessa.
Vanessa: How are you?
Interviewer: I'm well. Thank you. Tell me, what do you do?
Vanessa: I'm a teacher.
Interviewer: Good afternoon.
Emma: Good afternoon.
Interviewer: My name's Doug.
Emma: My name is Emma.
Interviewer: Hi, Emma.
Emma: Hi. Nice to meet you. 
Interviewer: Nice to meet you. What do you do?
Emma: I'm a receptionist.
Interviewer: Oh, that's interesting. Well, take care.
Emma: Bye-bye.
Interviewer: Hi. My name's Doug.
Alvino: Hi, Doug.
Interviewer: So, Alvino, what do you do?
Alvino: Retail.
Interviewer: You're a businessman?
Alvino: Yes, I am.
Interviewer: Well, it's nice to meet you.
Alvino: Nice to meet you as well.
Interviewer: Take care. Have a nice day.
Alvino: You as well. Bye-bye.
Interviewer: Bye-bye.