
Sitcom: I need to get a package to Australia a.s.a.p.! (Top Notch 3, Unit 3-1)

source: Dương Thu Thuỷ / Pearson Education, INC  2015年3月3日
* social language: request express service; recommend a service provider; plan a social event
* grammar: causatives

# video script
(Mr. Evans misplaced some travel documents, and the staff scrambles to reproduce the documents and have them sent to the right client.)
Mr. Evans: Now, about the travel documents for the Australian group. We’ve had everything mailed to them, right?
Cheryl: Mr. Evans, we gave you the package of travel documents to give to Mr. Wells the other night at dinner, before he flew home to Sydney.
Mr. Evans: A white envelope about this big?
Cheryl: Yes.
Mr. Evans: I gave it to Mr. Rashid before he left for Lebanon.
Cheryl: Oh, Mr. Wells needs those documents the day after tomorrow! His group is flying in on Thursday.
Marie: I’ll call the courier. If they can pick up a package by 5:00 P.M., we should e OK.
Paul: That gives us an hour. I’ll reprint the tour information, but what about the travel guides? I can’t print twenty-five copies that fast.
Cheryl: I’ll call Copies To Go and have them reprint the travel guides.
Marie: They can’t do a rush job. Call Harper’s instead. They’re faster and much more reliable. (on the phone) Hello, National Express? I need to get a package to Australia a.s.a.p.!
Paul: If Harper’s can’t make the color copies that fast, we’ll take black and white.
Cheryl: Bob, are you reprinting the tickets?
Bob: Yep.
Cheryl: (on the phone) Hello. I need to get twenty-five color documents printed right away.
Mr. Evans: (on the phone) Yes, it’s very much a hurry.
Cheryl: Who are you calling, Mr. Evans?
Mr. Evans: What’s that? Oh, un ... my tailor.
Cheryl: Your tailor?
Mr. Evans: These sleeves are too long, and they’re driving me crazy.