
Interview: Do you know what time it is? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 5-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Talk about time; Invite someone to an event
* grammar: Prepositions of time; There is

# video script:
Interviewer: Do you know what time it is?
Lorayn: Five o'clock.
Interviewer: Could you tell me what time it is?
Vanessa: Sure. Um, it is 10:30.
Interviewer: Excuse me. Do you have the time?
Stephan: Oh, sure. It's 4:15.
Interviewer: Thank you.
Stephan: You're welcome.
Interviewer: Could you tell me what time it is?
Blanche: It is ...
Herb: I can't.
Blanche: It is ten minutes to twelve.
Interviewer: Great. Thanks so much.
Blanche: You're welcome.
Interviewer: What movie do you want to see?
Alexandra: I want to see National Treasure.
Interviewer: And what time is the movie?
Alexandra: It is at six o'clock.
Interviewer: By the way, what time is it now?
Alexandra: Um ... it is 5:30.
INterviewer: So you're right on time.
Alexandra: I am.
Interviewer: Could you tell me what time it is?
Angelique: I actually don't wear a watch, so I'm not really sure.
Interviewer: Do you know what the date is?
Angelique: I believe it's the 29th of September.