
How to talk about Work-time/ Work hours in English

source: Learn English with Let's Talk        2015年10月6日
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Starting Time/ Leaving Time
Generally when someone asks you about your working hours, one should mention the start time and then mention the time you head back home.
Example - I start work at 11 am and the I am done by 8 pm.

It is a phrase to describe a standard day job time. A typical job that includes waking up,leaving for work,coming home at night. More neutrally it a job with stable hours and low career risk.

Full Time
It is a term used to describe the whole time of someone's available working time. Standard working week for a full timer is 5 days a week with eight working hours in a day

Part Time
It is a term used to describe employment with fewer hours per week as compared to a full timer.

Over time
Time worked in addition to one's normal working hours is called overtime.

Time off in lieu
The period of time that an employee who has worked extra may take off from work. All called as compensatory time.

It is a rest from work or break to travel or study or even to research, often lasting from 2 months to 2 years depending on the company's sabbatical policy.

Time sheet
A record of the number of hours worked by an employee.