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I Adore Her! OMG!美语
source: 2015年11月18日
《OMG!美语》YouTube播放列表 http://bit.ly/omg-youtube
今天我们一起来看看@我是冰卿啊 提的话题:怎么表达对一个人的崇拜
I saw Taylor Swift in concert last night!
我昨晚在演唱会看到Taylor Swift了!
OMG! I adore her. She is such an amazing songwriter.
I worship the ground she walks on. 我超级崇拜她
Swiftie 霉粉
I agree! I totally worship the ground she walks on. I'm definitely a Swiftie.
Yaaas miss! 加油!
There's a new saying: "Yaaaas miss!" which is an encouraging phrase when you see someone doing something great. Every time I see a new picture of Taylor Swift online in an adorable outfit I say "Yaaas miss!"
有一种新的说法:Yaaas miss! 如果你看到有人做很赞的事就可以这么说。每次我看到网上Taylor Swift穿很好看的衣服,我就会说“Yaaas miss!”
好!……Who do you adore?
美国之音中文网视频 - http://www.voachinese.com/media/video...