
Business abbreviations: CEO, Inc., Ltd., HR...

source: Learn English with Rebecca     2015年12月22日
CEO /PR / HR / ISO / ROI / MBA / VAT / USP / Ltd. / Inc.

Difference between TALK TO and TALK WITH

source: Espresso English   2015年12月13日
Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/...

Being optimistic 美语怎么说(46)

source: 美国之音中文网    2013年9月24日
1. Take it up a notch 更上一层楼
2. See the glass half empty 悲观 ;
3. Mind-blowing 震撼人心的;
4. Silver Lining 不幸或失望中的一线希望;
5. Head and shoulders above 远远超出
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New Single Dropped! OMG!美语I

source: 美国之音中文网 2015年11月18日
《OMG!美语》YouTube播放列表 http://bit.ly/omg-youtube
今天我们来看看@夏恒xia 提的话题:唱歌。

1. new single dropped 出新歌
Adele's new single dropped and it is amazing! Have you heard it!?
2. I died 好听死了
Yes! I totally died. She is my favorite singer on the planet. Other than Taylor Swift!!
听了!好听死了!她是我全世界最喜欢的歌手,除了Taylor Swift以外!
3. play on loop 单曲循环
4. relate to something 很有感触
I played her new single on loop all day yesterday. It's such a beautiful song. I can relate to it a lot.
好!…… Which song did you play on loop?
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