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Phrasal verbs for Dating & Relationship
source: Learn English with Let's Talk 2015年5月18日
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Dating can be tricky, particularly when you're dating (in a relationship with) an English speaker and there are so many phrasal verbs! In this lesson you will learn some of the most common phrasal verbs related to dating.
--Hitting on (someone)-is to say/do things that demonstrate romantic/sexual interest in a particular person
--Flirt with –is another phrasal verb you could use which has pretty much the same meaning as the above
--Ask someone out-Invite someone to go on a date-a romantic encounter
--Lead (him) on-To provide false hope/expectation to the other person
--Hit (it) off-having a special connection/chemistry right from the beginning
--Fall for-Fall in love with
--Split up/ break up-separate-end the romantic relationship
--Drifted apart-slowly started to go in different directions over time for various reasons
--Hooked up-slang for “having sex” for just the one time with someone who isn’t your partner. You could however; also “hook up” with your partner i.e have sex with her/him
--Make up-reconciling and restoring peace in a relationship after a fight
---Put up with-tolerate a difficult/annoying person
--Cheated on-kissing or having sex with someone other than your partner
--Jerk (her) around-manipulate her. /use someone to their advantage
--Go out-go on a date/be in a relationship for an extended period of time
---Settle down-be in a long term stable relationship
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