
At a bank - Financial English Lesson

source: Twominute English      2012年11月13日
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0:01 Welcome to twominuteenglish.com. Teaching you English in two minutes or less.
0:07 In this lesson, we are going to learn what to say when you are at the bank.
0:14 How may I help you today?
0:17 I would like to deposit this check and $100 cash.
0:21 Please sign the back of the check, ma’am.
0:24 Do you want any money back?
0:27 No, thank you. What is my account balance?
0:31 $1200.50.
0:34 Will that be all?
0:36 Yes, thank you.
0:40 Hello, I would like to withdraw $100 from my account.
0:45 Okay, ma’am. How do you want your money?
0:49 I would like it in 20’s and 10 singles.
0:53 Here you go. Your new balance is $450.00.
1:02 Welcome to Bank of America!
1:04 Do you have an account with us?
1:06 No, I do not. I would like to open a savings account.
1:12 Great. There is a minimum balance of $100.
1:17 You can also open a checking with no minimum balance.
1:22 May I have information on the types of checking accounts?
1:27 I am a student and would like to avoid fees.
1:32 Here is a pamphlet with all the types.
1:35 I can answer any questions as well.
1:38 Thanks.
1:41 Is this the customer service desk?
1:44 Yes it is. How may I help you?
1:47 I would like to open an investment account.
1:50 How good is your interest?
1:53 The current interest rate is 1.5% to 4% depending on the specific account.
2:01 It is a business account with a different bank.
2:04 My manager will be able to explain everything in depth to you if you wait a moment.
2:09 Okay. That’s no problem.
2:14 How may I help you today?
2:19 What is my account balance?
2:24 I would like to deposit this check and $100 cash.
2:33 How do you want your money?
2:38 I would like to open a savings account.