
Talking About College in English

source: Twominute English     2013年11月30日
Many of us are good planners and know exactly what we want, but if you are like the most of us, you're confused and often undecided. Specially when it comes to making career choices, it takes a lot of work to finally decide what you want.
In this lesson we will discuss the complex decision of selecting a college course in English. Listen to this lesson for career and education related words and phrases. Make a note of new English words and practice those English phrases.

0:19 What do you plan to do after school?
0:21 Gonna do an architecture course. What about you?
0:24 The hell if I knew. I am so confused.
0:27 You’d better make up your mind soon and apply if you want a good college.
0:32 I know. Hey, why don’t you suggest something?
0:35 Go for something you like. What about an arts course? You always wanted to be a singer.
0:41 Maybe you’re right. I’ll think about it.
0:49 Miss Taylor, could I have a moment of your time?
0:51 Sure Alfred. Tell me.
0:54 I’m thinking of going for a science degree. Do you think that’s a good idea?
0:57 Let me see. You’ve always had good grades in science, Alf. What do you want to do?
1:03 Actually I want to teach in a college.
1:05 Wow! That will require a lot of hard work, but I think you can crack it. You’re smart.
1:12 Okay, thank you, Miss Taylor.
1:20 Hey Alf. You know what? I got accepted in Austin.
1:23 Really? Congrats man!
1:25 There’s a problem though. The course they’re giving me is not what I wanted.
1:29 So what’re you gonna do?
1:30 I think I’ll get that course in Atlantic. Gotta wait for some days.
1:34 I hear Austin is more popular, isn’t it?
1:36 Yeah, but it’ll be my second choice if I get into Atlantic.
1:39 Okay, Well good luck man! I gotta go now.
1:42 See ya man!
1:49 So Alfred. School’s almost over. Have you decided what you wanna do in college?
1:54 Dad, I’m thinking about going for a degree in sales.
1:58 Sales, eh? There’s never been a salesman in our family.
2:01 I don’t think I’ll be a salesman. I am going to do an MBA and then get into a big company.
2:08 Why not take up something nice, like engineering?
2:11 I don’t think I’m cut out to be an engineer, dad.
2:14 Alright, son. It’s important to do something that you like.
2:21 What do you plan to do after school?
2:26 You’d better make up your mind soon and apply if you want a good college.
2:34 What about an arts course?
2:38 I’m thinking of going for a science degree. What do you think?
2:43 I got accepted in Austin.
2:48 I think I’ll get that course in Atlantic.
2:53 I’m thinking about going for a degree in sales.
2:59 I am going to do an MBA and then get into a big company.