
What do you do? - Asking about Jobs in English

source: JenniferESL    2016年8月25日
Need captions? Click on CC.
More lessons on email to come!
0:01 Do you work or study?
0:21 Lesson title
0:30 Common question to ask about someone's job
1:11 Model with Fluency MC (Jason Levine)
1:23 Other questions you can ask
2:17 Models with other speakers
3:43 Cultural note - asking about work in the U.S. Asking for more details.
5:04 Saying you love your job
5:32 Lesson ending

Why aren't you married? How to talk about being single!

source: EnglishLessons4U    2016年8月29日
OMG! Are you over 30 and not married? What's wrong with you? Nothing! In this cultural video, you'll learn how to describe being unmarried. This lesson is full of vocabulary to describe different types of relationships, such as "divorced", "cougar", "common-law", and many more. I'll explain the particular meaning of words and explain a little bit about the history and origin of them. Single? Married? Divorced? It doesn't matter what other people think, as long as you're happy!
QUIZ: http://www.engvid.com/why-arent-you-m...

CNN Student News - August 30, 2016 (Tuesday) English Subtitle/ CC

source: Listening Regularly    2016年8月29日
CNN Student News - August 30, 2016 (Tuesday) - English Subtitle/ CC: Nature takes center stage on today's edition of our show. We're reporting on the Atlantic hurricane "drought," as experts warn that it can't last forever and that the height of hurricane season is near. We're taking you to a sulfur mine in Indonesia, where workers take daily risks next to a volcanic crater. And we're bringing you our series finale on America's national parks. That’s CNN Student News - August 30, 2016.
► Subscribe to our LISTENING REGULARLY for more: https://goo.gl/lioRdT

English in a Minute: Turn the Tables

source: VOA Learning English     2016年8月27日
When should you "turn the tables?" Find out how to use this expression in this week's English in a Minute!
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Baseball Idioms Part Three: Learn English with Simple English Videos

source: Simple English Videos    2015年6月30日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com/ba...
Rachel's English: https://www.youtube.com/user/rachelse...
Kathy Fagan's blog: http://www.freerangekef.blogspot.com
Also many thanks to Jase, aka FluencyMC for allowing us to use his song. To see his 'Say Hey!" video, follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xVPk...
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.

10 FOOD IDIOMS - Learn Interesting Idioms - Vocabulary Lesson

source: Learn English Lab    2016年7月12日
In this lesson, you will learn 10 interesting IDIOMS inspired by one of life's greatest pleasures - FOOD! For more FREE English lessons, visit http://www.LearnEnglishLab.com

Common Mistakes: "Could of" or "Could have"? Could've / Would've / Shoul...

source: English Teacher Jon   2011年10月18日
Do you say "I should of listened to my mother?" or "I should have listened to my mother?" Even native English speakers make this very common mistake, but it's really easy to learn which is correct, and why it's correct, so watch this lesson and find out! Test your understanding with a free quiz at http://www.engvid.com/could-of-or-cou...

# relevant grammar videos: modals

SAT Vocabulary List #13

source: Catlin Tucker    2013年4月16日
Please take Cornell notes and write down any root words and examples that will help you remember these words.

Basic English Grammar: Pronouns - SHE, HER, HE, HIS

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2013年11月29日
http://www.engvid.com/ It is wrong to say "Her is cute". You must say "SHE is cute". Her, she, he and him are confusing in English. Ronnie's going to help you understand. Watch HER video and learn the differences. Never make mistakes with these pronouns again after you watch his grammar lesson! Take the quiz here: http://www.engvid.com/personal-pronouns/

# Relevant grammar videos: possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns

Listening in English - Hospital scandal

source: Crown Academy of English    2014年12月22日
This is an exercise in listening in English based on a British news story about a hospital.
The lesson starts with some new English words for you to learn and then I give you the questions that I would like you to answer during the test.
Then you will listen to the English article and answer the questions. If you need more time, you are free to listen to the article several times.
Once you have finished, I give you the correct answers to the comprehension exercise and some more new English words.
Finally, I display the transcript on the screen for you and you can listen to it one last time.
The accent during the whole video is a British English accent.
English listening practice: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

How to Use Auxiliary Verbs in Conversations

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2012年1月13日
http://www.engvid.com This lesson will teach you some easy ways to use auxiliary verbs like a native speaker. Improve your conversation skills by learning how to express polite interest and answer questions quickly! Then take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/auxiliary-verbs...

# relevant grammar videos: helping/auxiliary verbs

Learn How to Give Directions in English

source: Twominute English    2013年9月23日
We often get confused when we visit a new place. Trying to locate a place for the first time seems difficult even if you have GPS on your mobile. Without people to help and tell you the directions, getting anywhere would be so much more difficult.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Website for more English learning resources: http://twominenglish.com

0:01 Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
0:07 In this lesson you will learn how to give directions.
0:17 Excuse me please, do you know how to reach St. Peter’s Church?
0:22 Oh sure! It’s actually a bit far from here. You’ll have to get a taxi and go to Ken Street.
0:28 So, it is on Ken Street, right?
0:30 Yes. Go down to the King’s corner, and there you’ll see the signboard to the cathedral.
0:37 Yeah, got it. Thank you.
0:40 Just tell the taxi that you need to get down to the King’s corner, Okay?
0:44 Okay. Thank you very much.
0:47 Don’t mention it!
0:55 Hello, I need to photocopy some forms, can you tell me where I can do that?
1:00 Hmm… Yes, there’s a photocopy shop at Sam’s Plaza. Just walk left from the intersection. It is only three minutes away.
1:08 Thank you so much.
1:10 You’re welcome. Have a good day!
1:13 Same to you...Oh, can I find a good restaurant up there?
1:18 No. For a restaurant you will have to walk straight. You will see the Foodmart on the other side of the street.
1:24 Thanks again!
1:26 My pleasure!
1:34 Hello there! Do you know where’s Joe’s place?
1:39 There are many Joes around here. What’s his last name?
1:43 It’s Simpsons.
1:45 Joe Simpsons...Are you talking about Army Joe?
1:50 Yeah, he is an Army vet.
1:53 Okay, just turn right from that crossroad. Before you reach the other crossroad,
1:59 look for the house with the red roof and some Eucalyptus trees. That’s Army Joe’s place.
2:06 That’s alright.
2:15 Emily, how can I get to the town fair?
2:19 Take the next right turn from here. After walking for about 5 minutes, take the subway, go towards Rodney Street, from there you.
2:28 Hold on. Just tell me which way to go from here again, please.
2:33 You have to walk right from this intersection.
2:36 Okay, thanks. I’ll just ask some more people when I get to the subway.
2:40 Sure. Hope you have a great time at the fair.
2:43 Yes, I’m meeting my family there.
2:49 It’s actually a bit far from here.You’ll have to get a taxi and go to Ken Street.
3:01 Go down to the King’s corner, and there you’ll see the signboard to the cathedral.
3:12 Just walk left from the intersection. It is only three minutes away.
3:20 For a restaurant you will have to walk straight.
3:27 Take the next right turn from here.

The easy way to ask questions

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2013年3月5日
http://www.engvid.com/ Hate asking questions in English? Don't stress out! This lesson teaches you the easiest way to ask any question in any English tense. Native speakers use this trick all the time; now you can too. Watch the lesson, then test your understanding with the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/the-easy-way-to...

8 phrasal verbs and expressions with "BACK"

source: Crown Academy of English 2016年8月29日
In this English lesson, you will learn 8 phrasal verbs and expressions with the word "back":

go back / come back somewhere
back out of something
back down
back someone up
behind someone's back
pay back
back to square one
get back to someone
laid-back (adjective)

For each one, I explain the meaning and definition, show you the form and give you several examples.
The accent in this video is British English.
Here is another similar class explaining how to use the verb "get": http://youtu.be/SgTkunIpxHo

More Vocabulary Lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Listening exercises: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Let's Learn English Lesson 25: Watch Out!

source: VOA Learning English    2016年8月24日
Anna learns about a new game, "Catch Americana." She walks around the memorials to U.S. Presidents and learns fun facts by playing the game.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 25 Speaking Practice

source: VOA Learning English   2016年8月17日
In this video, you can learn how to pronounce the new words and use the word "should" to give advice.

Let's Learn English Lesson 25 Pronunciation Practice

source: VOA Learning English     2016年8月17日
In this video, you can learn how to use the past tense negative verb form, "didn't."
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

CNN Student News - August 29, 2016 (Monday) English Subtitle/ CC

source: Listening Regularly    2016年8月28日
CNN Student News: an update on a natural disaster in Italy and an examination of its quick assembly of first responders. That report is followed by a look back at Hurricane Katrina's landfall on the U.S. Gulf Coast. And we're discussing the resumption of U.S. commercial flights to Cuba and what potential visitors to the island can expect. That’s CNN Student News - August 29, 2016.
► Subscribe to our LISTENING REGULARLY for more: https://goo.gl/lioRdT

Baseball Idioms Part Two: Learn English with Simple English Videos

source: Simple English Videos   2015年5月26日
To see our first video on Baseball idioms, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbuPT...
To see our third one go here: https://youtu.be/hDa2cnL9xsk
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com

HOUSE vs HOME - What's the difference?

source: Learn English Lab   2016年7月23日
Watch this video and learn the difference between the words HOUSE and HOME.http://www.LearnEnglishLab.com

Learn English with Cooking: Making Blueberry Pancakes!

source: English Teacher Jon    2011年9月30日
http://www.engvid.com Words and expressions about cooking can open up a world before you. Learning about the measurements, tools, and methods of cooking will expand your English vocabulary. And you'll learn how to make yummy blueberry pancakes, too!
Take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/cooking-blueber...

SAT Vocabulary List #14

source: Catlin Tucker    2013年5月7日
Please take Cornell notes and write down any root words and examples that will help you remember these words.

Conversation Skills - Giving your opinion

source: EnglishLessons4U      2013年10月20日
http://www.engvid.com/ If someone asks you your opinion, don't say "so-so", or maybe. Tell the person how you feel. In this lesson, learn how to give your opinion! Don't be shy! http://www.engvid.com/conversation-sk...

Master Modals with the Seam Method, Part 3

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2012年1月31日
http://www.engvid.com Learn how to master the meaning and usage of modals. This grammar lesson will teach you how to state your preferences as well as give your opinion, using "would", "would rather", "would like to", and more. Then take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/master-modals-s...

# relevant grammar videos: modals

What Did You Do in the Holidays?

source: Twominute English    2013年9月24日
Did you enjoy your holiday? Probably your friends did too. You must be excited to ask them about their holiday experience. How would you do that? Let's learn some phrases that you can use to ask your friends about how they spent their holidays.
The sentences with the key phrases are highlighted at the end of the video. Practice all the phrases at the end to build your fluency on the subject matter.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Website: http://twominenglish.com
App for lessons on the move: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:01 Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
0:07 In this lesson you will learn phrases that you can use to ask your friends about their holidays.
0:21 So, how was your vacation?
0:24 Oh! This was the best vacation I’ve ever had in my life!
0:27 Wow! Where did you go?
0:30 We went to the Bahamas. It’s such an amazing place.
0:33 Really? Did you go with your parents?
0:37 Of course not! I went with my cousins. We had a blast!
0:40 I can imagine that. Did you take any pictures?
0:45 Yes. I’ll be uploading them to Facebook today. You can check them out.
0:49 That’d be great!
0:57 Why is all this work still pending?
1:01 What do you mean?
1:02 You promised to complete all the assignments during the holidays! What did you do in the holidays then, if not this?
1:09 Well, I didn’t have enough time to work on the assignments. My brother had an accident and I had to be with him at the hospital.
1:17 Alright, but, you’d better complete them by the weekend. If you miss the deadline you won’t get good grades.
1:29 How were your holidays?
1:31 Totally amazing! I needed that break.
1:34 Where did you go?
1:36 We took a boat trip to Koh Samui.
1:39 Koh Samui is a really peaceful place. It must’ve been quite relaxing.
1:44 Oh, yeah! After all the hectic schedules and tough life, it’s good to have a peaceful vacation. All I got was blue sea and clear sky!
1:53 I need a break myself. Going to apply for a 7-day leave today. Let’s see if the boss approves it.
2:01 I hope he does. You’ve worked very hard on your last project.
2:11 Hey Jerry! Glad to see you’re back. How were the hols?
2:15 Don’t ask, Brandy! I’ve had better holidays.
2:18 Why? What happened?
2:20 It was a series of disasters. Seriously.
2:24 Really, Jerry?
2:26 Yep. My flight got delayed 7 hours. Then the taxi to the hotel broke down.
2:32 Goodness!
2:34 The hotel was terrible. The food was awful.
2:38 I’m sorry to hear that, Jerry. It all sounds so bad!
2:42 But that’s not all, Brandy. I got sick from the bad food and couldn’t go out of the hotel room for 3 days.
2:49 Gosh, Jerry! You’ve had the most awful vacation ever!
2:53 I know, Brandy. It was hell.
2:58 So, how was your vacation?
3:03 Where did you go?
3:07 How were your holidays?
3:10 Did you go with your parents?
3:15 Did you take any pictures?
3:19 How were the hols?

Secrets of 'S in English

source: Espresso English 2013年4月18日
Did you know that 's is one of the most common "words" in the English language? 's may seem simple, but there are a few secrets to using and pronouncing it perfectly.
American English Pronunciation Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/americ...

# relevant grammar videos: possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns

Expectations - How to use "supposed to"

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年2月9日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this English lesson, I explain how to talk about different kinds of expectations using "be supposed to." If you would like to know how to talk about rules, predictions, hearsay, and plans or arrangements, this is a great place to start. Take the free quiz on this lesson athttp://www.engvid.com/speaking-englis...

CNN Student News - Aug 28, 2016 - English Sub

source: CNN Student News     2016年8月27日
A great deal of technology goes into today's show. It's included in reports on high-speed Internet access, a massive social media company, and a proposal for cars to "talk" to one another. CNN Student News also discuss yet another winter wallop for parts of the U.S., and we examine the details of an airplane that'll probably never fly.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: http://goo.gl/0vY7J0
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

CNN Student News - Aug 27, 2016 - English Sub

source: CNN Student News    2016年8月27日
Subjects covered on CNN Student News today include the U.S. stock market, the Federal Reserve, and immigration reform. We also jump back into history with a bit of Olympic trivia, and we show you what the future holds for some female ski jumpers.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: http://goo.gl/0vY7J0
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

CNN Student News - August 26, 2016 (Friday) English Subtitle/ CC

source: Listening Regularly    2016年8月25日
► Subscribe to LISTENING REGULARLY: https://goo.gl/lioRdT

Baseball Idioms Part One: Learn English with Simple English Videos

source: Simple English Videos    2015年5月12日
To see part two click here: https://youtu.be/6vZnxcDaf_4
To see part three click here: https://youtu.be/hDa2cnL9xsk
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com/ba...

LEND, BORROW, OWE - What's the Difference?

source: Learn English Lab    2016年7月25日
Do you know the difference between LEND, BORROW, and OWE? Watch this video and find out if you can use these vocabulary words correctly. http://www.LearnEnglishLab.com

5 Food Idioms in English

source: English Teacher Jon    2011年9月14日
http://www.engvid.com There are a lot of idioms and expressions in English that involve food. But most of their meanings don't actually have anything to do with food! In this lesson, I'll teach you five food expressions.
After the lesson, take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/food-idioms/ .

SAT Vocabulary List #15

source: Catlin Tucker  2013年8月29日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

OLD SCHOOL Vocabulary...too formal!

source: EnglishLessons4U 2013年9月21日
http://www.engvid.com/ I exited the building = very strange English! I shall teach you = very old-fashioned English! I joined the BBQ = WHAT??? Exit, shall, and join are all old words, and are considered too formal nowadays! Learn how to use more natural words and expressions! Don't forget to take the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/old-school-voca...

English listening exercises | Exam reforms

source: Crown Academy of English    2013年9月3日
English listening exercise - Improve your English listening skills with this listening comprehension lesson based on an English news report about changes to GCSE maths and English exams in England.
Listening test:
0:31 Listening comprehension - lesson plan
1:53 English Vocabulary for the lesson (Teenagers, grade, GCSE, pupils)
7:40 Listening test questions
9:25 Listen to the news article (first time)
12:01 Listen to the news article (second time)
14:30 Answers to the English listening test
19:03 Listen to the news article with subtitles
21:10 Listening exercise discussion

Grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Countable and uncountable nouns: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Listening exercises: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Master Modals with the SEAM method part 2 - Questions

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2011年11月18日
http://www.engvid.com Learn how to master the meaning and usage of modals. This grammar lesson will teach you how to ask for help and get permission, using the modals "may", "could", "can", and "would". Test your knowledge with the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/master-modals-s...

# relevant grammar videos: modals

Similar Sounding & confusing Words Pairs - Part 02

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2013年7月18日

Excited Vs Exited
A lot of people get so excited when they're typing that they mistakenly write they are "exited," and their spelling checkers don't tell them they've made an error because "exited" is actually a word, meaning "went out of an exit." Excitement makes you excited.

Install Vs Instill
People conjure up visions of themselves as upgradable robots when they write things like "My Aunt Tillie tried to install the spirit of giving in my heart." The word they are searching for is "instill." You install equipment, you instill feelings or attitudes.

Lesson Vs Lessen
Although not many people try to teach someone a "lessen,"
many people try to "lesson" their risks by taking precautions.
"Lessen" is something you do—a verb—and means to make smaller. "Lesson" is a noun, something you learn or teach. Remember this lesson and it will lessen your chances of making a mistake.

Minor Vs Miner
Children are minors, but unless they are violating child-labor laws, those who work in mines are miners.

Comma Vs Coma
Some people write of patients languishing in a comma, and others refer to inserting a coma into a sentence. A long-term unconscious state is a coma; the punctuation mark is a comma.

Piece Vs Peace
It's hard to believe many people really confuse the meaning of these words, but the spellings are frequently swapped, probably out of sheer carelessness. "Piece" has the word "pie" buried in it, which should remind you of the familiar phrase, "a piece of pie." You can meditate to find peace of mind, or you can get angry and give someone a piece of your mind. Classical scholars will note that pax is the Latin word for peace, suggesting the need for an "A" in the latter word.

Pray Vs Prey
If you want a miracle, pray to God. If you're a criminal you prey on your victims. Incidentally, it's "praying mantis," not "preying mantis." The insect holds its forefeet in a position suggesting prayer.

Undue Vs Undo
The verb "undo" is the opposite of "do." You undo your typing errors on a computer or undo your shoelaces to go wading.

The adjective "undue" is the opposite of "due" and means "unwarranted" or "improper." It is used in phrases like "undue influence," "undue burdens," and "undue expense."

Time To Relax - English Speaking Tutorials for Beginners

source: Twominute English    2013年9月26日
You've worked hard all week and finally the weekend is near. It's time to relax and have fun. You can meet friends, go out, or just relax at home. What do you say to your friends when you make plans to relax and have fun? In this lesson you'll learn the words and phrases that you can use when it's time to relax.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Website: http://twominenglish.com

0:01 Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
0:07 In this lesson, we’ll see what to say and do, when it’s time to relax and have fun.
0:20 Done with work for the night, Matt?
0:23 Yes! It has been a long day.
0:26 Do you have any plans after work?
0:30 I was thinking about just going home and relaxing. How about you?
0:34 I am going out with a few friends to the Pub.
0:38 That actually sounds fun. I will join you guys if that is alright.
0:43 That's perfectly fine. Let's go!
0:52 Hi, honey. How was work today?
0:55 Work was stressful today.
0:58 I'm sorry to hear that. Why was it so stressful?
1:02 I had two business meetings and had to make a presentation to my boss.
1:08 Did it go well?
1:09 I think so. I'm just tired. Let's watch some TV and relax.
1:20 Hey, Matt! Let’s go out for dinner tonight.
1:23 Sounds great. Where do you want to go?
1:27 I am thinking about Chinese food. What do you say?
1:31 Chinese food is fine with me. Do you want to go to Ming’s?
1:35 Yeah, let’s go to Ming’s. It’s a great restaurant!
1:40 Okay. It’s decided. We’re eating at Ming’s tonight.
1:50 Kayla, do you want to hang out at the mall this Sat?
1:56 I don’t know, it’s been a busy week. I was planning to relax at home.
2:01 Oh come on! It will be fun.
2:04 What do you want to do there?
2:07 Hang out, do some window shopping, some bowling and maybe eat out.
2:14 Hmm... Sounds tempting. Okay, let’s do it.
2:19 Excellent!
2:22 I was thinking about just going home and relaxing. How about you?
2:30 I am going out with a few friends to the Pub.
2:37 I'm just tired. Let's watch some TV and relax.
2:44 Let’s go out for dinner tonight.
2:49 I am thinking about Chinese food. What do you say?
2:56 Kayla, do you want to hang out at the mall this Sat?
3:04 Hang out, do some window shopping, some bowling and maybe eat out.

English Vocabulary with Pictures - Problems and Defects

source: Espresso English   2013年4月28日
Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and courses
torn / ripped

Business English - How to minimize problems

source: Learn English with Rebecca     2010年2月24日
http://www.engVid.com/ By following a few simple techniques, you can make any problem sound less serious. Learn how to resolve your difficulties more easily, in business and in life. This English lesson will show you how. You can take a quiz on this lesson at http://www.engvid.com/business-englis...

Learn to express Emotions through Interjections

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2016年8月25日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/interjections-t...
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

1. WOW
This interjection is used to express multiple reactions.
It can be used to express:
Surprise- Wow! You won the match.
Sadness: - Wow! I’m really sorry to hear that your husband lost his job.
2. OUCH / OW
Either of these can be used for showing pain in the moment when you hurt yourself:
“Ow!I banged my knee on the corner of the table.”
The function of these interjections is to express disgust or hate.
“Ew! Your wardrobe stinks. Do you even wash your clothes?”.
4. AHA!
Best used when you suddenly understand/ discover something, as a thinking word, to express contempt.
In a Math test: “Aha! I got the answer. ” (finding)

Contempt: Ah! Look what you’ve done! You’ve ruined it!
Understanding: Ah. I see what you mean.
Thinking: Ah…that’s not exactly what I meant.
When you make a mistake or react to a mistake you can use these interjections:
To make a mistake:
“Oops – I just spilled my soda all over the table.”
“I’ll get some paper towels to clean it up.

Reaction to a mistake:
“I borrowed a book from my teacher and then left it on the bus.”
“Whoops! Was she mad?”
Use these interjections to express sarcasm. They should only be used with very close friends, because they would be offensive and inappropriate in a business context or a social context.
Duh is used in reaction to an extremely obvious statement:
1. “Hey, did you know you can share pictures on Facebook?”
2. Whoop-dee-doo is used when you want to say something is not as great as it seems. It’s like “Who cares?”
“I won $20 in the lottery!”
3. La-dee-dah is also used to express “I don’t really care,” in reaction to somebody else trying to sound impressive or show off:
“My boyfriend bought me a Ferrari.”
“Well, la-dee-dah.“
7. UM / UH
Use these interjections to pause while you think of what to say next.
Example: “How many students are there at your university?”
“Um, I’m not sure. I think around 1,000 – but I’ll have to find out from the website.”
8. GAH:
This word is used to express despair or hopelessness.
Example: Gah! I give up!
9. Bah:This is a dismissive interjection.
Example: Bah! You never liked him anyways.
10. Doh!
Meaning: That way stupid!
Example: I just deleted all my files. Doh!

Miss or Lose? Learn English Vocabulary with Simple English Videos

source: Simple English Videos    2015年5月5日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com

7 Stylish Ways to Ask HOW ARE YOU

source: Learn English Lab     2016年7月28日
In this lesson, you will learn 7 stylish ways to ask 'how are you?' http://www.LearnEnglishLab.com

Talking about being sick - English health vocabulary

source: English Teacher Jon     2011年9月2日
When you're sick, it's important to know how to describe how you feel. This vocabulary lesson will help you to talk about sickness and bodily pain!

SAT Vocabulary List #16

source: Catlin Tucker    2013年9月11日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

English listening lesson - Plane crash!

source: Crown Academy of English    2014年6月21日
This is an English listening lesson based on a UK news story about a recent plane crash.
The lesson starts with some new English vocabulary which will be useful for the exercise. I then give you the questions before playing the article. You are free to listen to the article as many times as you want.
I then give you the answers to the exercise before playing the article one last time with the transcript / subtitles on the screen. This will help improve your English listening.
The accent is British English.
More English listening exercises: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

What you need to know if you're going to court

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2016年1月14日
Have you ever broken the law? Today, I'm going to teach you courtroom vocabulary. It's important to know the law so that you know your rights and know how to stay out of trouble. If you do end up in court, you need to know what to expect and how to communicate politely and intelligently so that you get the best outcome. The vocabulary and expressions you'll learn will help you understand what is happening in courtrooms on television shows and movies, as well as if you have to appear in court yourself. Court isn't just for hardened criminals -- sometimes we have to go to court for "misdemeanours"-- small crimes like parking violations and littering, or you may have to go to court because of a lawsuit or as part of your job. In this video, I'll discuss different strategies that will help you speak with the people you'll meet in court -- lawyers, judges, and police officers. My best advice is to stay out of trouble, know how to talk to the police, and be informed if you have to go to court.

Wishing Someone Happy Birthday in English

source: Twominute English    2013年9月29日
In this lesson you will learn to use the English phrases connected to wishing Happy Birthday to different kind of people whether they are very special to you, random people or the people you meet for the first time.

0:01 Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
0:06 In this lesson you’ll learn the phrases or words you can use to wish someone “Happy Birthday”.
0:16 Hey Rachel!
0:18 Hello birthday girl!
0:20 Oh, hey there birthday girl’s best friend.
0:24 Ha ha! Happy birthday to you!
0:27 Thank you so much.
0:30 It’s difficult to put in words how much you mean to me. I wish you all the best.
0:35 Thanks a ton, Rachel. Hearing this from you means a lot.
0:39 You’re always welcome.
0:46 Hey Josh! Happy birthday, man!
0:49 Thanks Drake. I didn’t know you knew it was my birthday today.
0:54 Oh yeah, I got to know from Chris.
0:56 Okay, cool. I’m having a party tonight. You’re invited.
1:00 Thanks for inviting me. I’ll try to be there.
1:03 Okay, see you there.
1:05 See you, take care.
1:13 Hey Nancy, have you met my friend Jerry? It’s his birthday today.
1:19 Oh, hi Jerry, nice to meet you and happy birthday to you!
1:23 Thanks a lot, Nancy. Nice to meet you too.
1:26 May God bless you! Take care, bye.
1:30 You too. Bye!
1:37 Hello Mr. Fredrick. Happy birthday to you!
1:41 Oh, thank you Sam!
1:43 I speak on behalf of the whole team when I say you you deserve all the best. Have a great birthday, Mr. Fredrick!
1:52 You guys are the best. Thank you so much for the kind words.
1:56 You are always welcome.
2:04 Happy birthday, dad!
2:07 Oh dear, thank you so much!
2:10 You’ve made my life a unique and pleasant experience and helped me with every obstacle that came my way.
2:17 Thank you for being in my life, dad. Happy birthday!
2:20 Thank you so much and I’ll always be there for you. Love you my dear daughter.
2:26 Love you too, dad.
2:30 It’s difficult to put in words how much you mean to me. I wish you all the best.
2:40 Happy birthday to you!
2:44 Happy birthday, man!
2:47 Oh, hi Jerry, nice to meet you and happy birthday to you!
2:56 Hello Mr. Fredrick. Happy birthday to you!
3:01 I speak on behalf of the whole team when I say you you deserve all the best.
3:11 Happy birthday, dad!
3:16 Thank you for being in my life, dad. Happy birthday!

English Idioms for Personality & Character

source: Espresso English    2013年5月1日
Download a free sample of the English Idioms E-Book:

Polite English - Saying Yes and No

source: Learn English with Rebecca      2010年2月2日
http://www.engVid.com/ Did you know that the words "yes" and "no", when used alone, can make you sound rude and angry? In this lesson, you'll learn the secret of how to communicate these basic messages simply and politely. You can take a quiz on this English lesson athttp://www.engvid.com/polite-english-...

Avoid and Prevent: Learn English with Simple English Videos

source: Simple English Videos     2016年8月23日
Avoid and prevent - these two useful English verbs are explained and illustrated with lots of examples in this #ESL video. We also look at the grammar and see how they both are followed by gerunds (nouns made from verbs)
We plan to start free live classes this autumn/fall - very exciting! Click this link and subscribe to our newsletter so you get emails with the schedule.

English Phrases to accept apologies and forgive someone

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2016年7月19日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/english-lesson-...
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

# Expressions and phrases to accept an apology or forgive someone.
It doesn’t matter
No problem
Please don’t mention it
No worries

Please don’t let it happen again
You should be, but I forgive you
Apologies Accepted
You couldn’t help it

# Some Golden rules to apologise
Express Remorse
Admit Responsibility
To make changes & Promise to never repeat

CNN Student News - August 24, 2016 (Wednesday) English Subtitle/ CC

source: Listening Regularly    2016年8月24日
CNN Student News - August 24, 2016 (Wednesday) - English Subtitle/ CC: The potential battle for the Iraqi city of Mosul, the process of naming tropical storms, and the status of a large wildfire all headline today's show. We're also featuring a Character Study, centered on the work of a woman who has taken action to help older dogs stay out of shelters. That’s CNN Student News - August 23, 2016.
Subscribe to our LISTENING REGULARLY for more: https://goo.gl/lioRdT


source: Learn English Lab     2016年8月3日
Watch this lesson and learn 10 INTERESTING IDIOMS based on CLOTHES.http://www.LearnEnglishLab.com

Learn Pronunciation with Poetry

source: English Teacher Jon     2011年8月19日
http://www.engvid.com English pronunciation can be tough, but immersing yourself in language and having fun with it can make a big difference. By learning to read poetry with tone and rhythm, you can make your spoken English come alive!
Test your understanding with the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/pronunciation-p...

SAT Vocabulary List #17

source: Catlin Tucker     2013年10月1日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

Pronunciation - V & W

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2013年9月6日
http://www.engvid.com/ "Do you know how to say the 'w' sound in English correctly? A lot of students mix up the 'v' and 'w' sounds in English. It's a problem, because it will sound like you are saying completely different words, and people won't understand you! For instance, 'west' is a direction, but a 'vest' is something you wear. Learn how to say V and W correctly in this pronunciation lesson.http://www.engvid.com/pronunciation-v-w/

Confusing English: LIE or LAY? RAISE, RISE, or ARISE?

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2016年2月22日
Today, you'll learn two sets of confusing vocabulary! Do you RAISE your hand, or RISE it? Do you LAY down, or LIE down? "Who is LAYING in my bed?" Or is that "Who is LYING in my bed?" This lesson will teach you the meaning of each of these words, and how each of them is used differently. Many native English speakers make mistakes with 'lay' and 'lie', but by the end of this lesson you will understand the grammatical reason why we use each of them in different situations. This is a part of the language that can be challenging for English learners because it has irregular verbs. But don't be scared! Mr. E and I will explain it and make it clear. So have a seat and let's learn some English! Afterwards, test your vocabulary knowledge with the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/confusing-engli...

Similar Sounding Words Part 01

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2013年4月19日
View all lessons in this series at http://www.learnex.in
English Lesson : Similar Sounding Words Part 01

Apart Vs A part
Apart (adv) separated by distance or time.
For example: I always feel so lonely when we're apart.

A part (noun) a piece of something that forms the whole of something.
For example: They made me feel like I was a part of the family.

Here Vs Hear
Hear: refers to something that is perceived by the ear. Such as:
Did you hear that noise?
Do you need a hearing aid?
If I hear you say that one more time I'm going to...

Here: refers to a place or at some point or to present something. Such as:
Here you go.
I told you the cookies are right over here.
My friend here is single. Here once stood the Twin Towers.

Bazaar Vs Bizarre
A shop or group of shops where a variety of goods are sold
The church bazaar or the open air bazaar

Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
Restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit

Assure vs Insure
Assure: to promise or say with confidence
Example: Let me assure you that I will be at the meeting at noon.

Insure: to issue an insurance policy
Example: I will insure my home with additional fire and flood policies.

Enquiry Vs Inquiry
The nouns 'enquiry' and 'inquiry' can mean 'question', 'inquest' or 'investigation'. They can be used interchangeably, but in the US, 'inquiry' is the more widely accepted. The words 'enquiry' and 'inquiry' derive from the verbs 'to enquire' and 'to inquire'. (The guidance on this page relates to the verbs as well as the nouns.)

In the UK, a distinction between 'enquiry' and 'inquiry' is developing. The word 'inquiry' is being used in relation to a formal inquest (i.e., an investigation); whereas, 'enquiry' is being used to denote 'the act of questioning'. However, there is still notable leniency on this distinction. Of note, many in the US will consider 'enquiry' a spelling mistake of 'inquiry'.

Personnel Vs Personal
Personnel: Employees are personnel,
Personal: Private individuals considered separately from their jobs have personal lives.

Retch Vs Wretch
Retch: If you vomit, you retch;
Wretch: ( ill mannered) if you behave in a wretched manner or fall into wretched circumstances, you are a wretch.

Shone Vs Shown
Shone: "Shone" is the past tense of "shine": "long after sunset, the moon still shone brightly in the sky."
Shown: "Shown" is a past tense form of "show": "foreign films are rarely shown at our local theater."

Wander Vs Wonder
Wander : If you idly travel around, you wander. ( Physical activity)
Wonder : If you realize you're lost, you wonder where you are. ( Mind activity, you are wandering in your mind or thoughts)

Rapt Vs Wrapped
When you get deeply involved in a project, you may say you're wrapped up in it; but if you are entranced or enraptured by something you are "rapt," not "wrapped."

The word means "carried away" and is used in expressions like "listening with rapt attention," "rapt expression," and "rapt in conversation."

Throw Away - Phrasal Verbs

source: Twominute English     2013年10月2日
The expression 'throw away' means to discard or dispose of something. We throw trash away. It can also mean that someone missed an opportunity or a chance to do something. Another meaning is to waste time or money on something, and the result is not positive. The sentences with the expression are highlighted at the end of the video. Practice them to build your fluency on the subject matter.
Please like our page on Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Please do visit our website to get more learning resources : http://twominenglish.com

0:01 Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
0:06 In this lesson, we will learn how to use ‘throw away’.
0:15 Hello, everybody. Today we’re going to talk about the expression ‘throw away’.
0:20 Hi, Andy. Hello, everyone. ‘Throw away’ is a common expression that means to discard something you don’t want, or need, anymore.
0:27 That’s right. Imagine you have an old T-shirt that has a hole in it.
0:33You will never wear this shirt again, so you throw it away. In other words, you put it in a trash can.
0:40 Andy, do we only throw objects away?
0:43 No. Sometimes we use this expression in a figurative way or so.
0:47 For example, when you spend a lot of time or money doing something and the result is not what you want at all,
0:55 you say you throw away your time or money.
1:00 I see…I spent a lot of money on a car that looked new, but never worked. So I can say that I threw my money away.
1:08 Yes, that’s exactly right.
1:10 Ok. I think I get it.
1:12 Let’s take a look at some dialogues with different examples.
1:21 Well, honey, we need to talk about our son.
1:24 I know. He spent all that time and money to become a doctor and now wants to leave everything and become a singer.
1:32 How can he throw away a college education like that?
1:35 I know! We have to talk to him. We need to help him see that this is crazy!
1:41 I talked to him for a long time yesterday, but he just wouldn’t listen to me.
1:45 He said he’s made his decision. I feel like I threw away two hours of my life talking to him.
1:51 No, honey. You did what you had to do. He has to understand that he is throwing away many future opportunities.
2:01You’re right. Let’s talk to him one more time, together.
2:04 Yes. We must at least try.
2:14 Excuse me, sir. I think you dropped this.
2:17 What? Oh, no. I threw it away.
2:21 On the floor? There is a trash can right over there.
2:25 Well, you’re right. I’m in a hurry. I didn’t see the trash can. Thank you.
2:30 No problem.
2:37 Hey, Debby. Did you go to the game yesterday?
2:41 Yes, and I’m sorry I did. I threw my money away! What a horrible game!!
2:46 I agree. I threw away an opportunity to go out with Eric because of that stupid game.
2:53 Why didn’t you invite him to go with you?
2:56 He doesn’t like football. But I’m glad he didn’t go. Why throw his money away, too?
3:02 You’re right, of course.
3:06 How can he throw away a college education like that?
3:11 I feel like I threw away two hours of my life talking to him.
3:18 He has to understand that he is throwing away many future opportunities.
3:30 Why throw his money away, too?
3:34 I threw away an opportunity to go out with Eric because of that stupid game.
3:44 I threw my money away!
3:48 I threw it away.

# Click for more relevant grammar videos: phrasal verbs

10 Common Binomial Expressions in English

source: Espresso English    2013年5月26日
Binomials are expressions with two words joined by a conjunction: rock and roll more or less step by step

Idioms in English - Body Parts

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年1月12日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this lesson, I look at some of the most common idioms related to the human body. What does it mean if someone tells you to keep your nose out of his or her business? Expand your idiomatic knowledge with this useful English lesson.

English @ the Movies: 'Somebody Got The Better Of Us'

source: VOA Learning English    2016年8月13日
Our English @ the Movies expression is from the movie "Now You See Me 2." This is about people who do magic shows. But a tricky businessman makes them steal something important. The expression is "somebody got the better of us." Is that good, or bad? Listen and find out.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

"DOWN" Phrasal Verbs in English: close down, bring down, break down...

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2016年8月22日
You've never learned phrasal verbs like this before! In this video, you'll learn the ideas behind phrasal verbs with the word "down" in them. You'll learn "close down", "bring down", "shout down", and many more. Most importantly, I always want you to learn the hidden meanings of words so that you can understand them when you hear them out of context, in a way you haven't seen them before. I'll go over examples for how these phrasal verbs are used in conversation and we'll practice using them together on the whiteboard. Then test your understanding with the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/down-phrasal-ve...

# Click for more relevant grammar videos: phrasal verbs

How to Talk About Your Job - Basic English Conversation Skills

source: Learn English Lab     2016年8月15日
In this lesson, you will learn how to have a conversation about your job, and how to ask people about their jobs. http://www.LearnEnglishLab.com

English Vocabulary - Talking about Shopping

source: English Teacher Jon    2011年8月5日
http://www.engvid.com You need to know some simple vocabulary and phrases in order to shop in an English-speaking country. In this lesson, I teach you some of this important vocabulary.
Make sure you're ready to go shoe shopping: http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabul...

SAT Vocabulary List #18

source: Catlin Tucker    2013年10月12日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

Bedroom Vocabulary.

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2013年8月20日
http://www.engvid.com/ Let's go into the bedroom... and learn some new words there! I'm going to teach you lots of bedroom vocabulary: simple words like 'pillow' and strange words like 'duvet'. Don't hit the snooze button! Wake up and learn these words now. http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabul...

3 Quick and Easy Tips to Improve your English

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2016年4月1日
Do you want to make studying English easy and fun? Are you looking for a way to use English in your real life? Watch this video to discover three tips guaranteed to have you learning fast and mastering your English while being productive in your life at the same time. These tips have been tried and tested by many language students, and I'm sharing them with you now! This is the closest it gets to complete English immersion, but best of all, you can do it from home, and it's totally free! So what are you waiting for?

Call on - Phrasal Verbs (English for Beginners)

source: Twominute English    2014年4月23日
The phrase "call on" can have different meanings. It can mean to ask for help, to visit someone, or to ask someone to do something. This phrase can often be confused with other phrases, but we are going to help you to use this phrase in an appropriate way.
Some additional vocabulary is highlighted at the end of the video. Practice those words to build your fluency.
Like us on Facebook and stay updated: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Have you already checked out our website? http://twominenglish.com

0:14 Hello, great to see you here.
0:16 From time to time, we call on someone for help, go visit our friends, or ask someone to do something for us.
0:23 In all these contexts, we can use “call on.”
0:26 In this lesson we’ll see some conversations that show us the use of “call on.”
0:31 Practice the lesson by repeating the dialog out loud after hearing it once.
0:35 To increase your vocabulary a bit, remember to check out and practice the vocabulary section at the end.
0:42 Let’s get started now!
0:50 Hey, did you see that the President called on the wealthy countries
0:53 for financial aid after the floods destroyed much of the country's agriculture?
0:58 Called on? What does that mean?
1:01 Oh, called on means a lot of things.
1:03 But in my sentence it means that the president asked for help.
1:07 Okay. I never knew that. So what other things does the phrase “call on” mean?
1:14 It can also mean that you are visiting someone.
1:17 Like in “Since we were in the area, I paid a call on my sister in law”.
1:22 It means you visited your sister in law?
1:25 Yes, that’s right.
1:27 Can “call on” also mean to ask someone to do something, especially to speak in public?
1:34 Like in “I now call on the other party to give their account of what happened”.
1:39 Yes, that’s right. You’ve got it.
1:49 So what did you do on your weekend?
1:51 Nothing much. I was in Beverly Hills, so I called on my best friend Cindy and we hung out.
1:56 That’s great. My friend called on me on Saturday, too.
2:00 What did you guys do?
2:01 We went to the amusement park.
2:03 It must’ve been fun.
2:05 Yeah, it was.
2:13 Hey, I heard you moved to another house!
2:16 Yeah. I did.
2:18 Did you do it by yourself?
2:20 No, no. I called on my friends to help me pack my stuff and to move it all to the new place.
2:27 Oh, that’s good. You could’ve called on me, though.
2:31 Yeah. I was gonna call on you but then I thought you’d be busy.
2:36 No, I wasn’t. It’s okay; next time you can definitely call on me anytime you need help.
2:44 Thanks. I hope I won’t be moving again soon!
2:54 Is your work done?
2:56 I thought it was, but they’re calling on me to do even more.
2:59 Haven’t you done enough work for them?
3:02 I’ve done some, but they’re calling on everyone to do more work, not just me.
3:06 Oh, that’s too bad. But you’ll still manage to complete it.
3:12 Yes, I will.
3:13 That’s fantastic.
3:15 But next time maybe you could call on Robin or someone else, so that you can work together.
3:23 Okay, that would be a good idea.
3:35 Helping by giving money is financial aid.
3:37 Some students get financial aid from their college to help them pay for school.
3:41 Lending your friend money is a kind of informal financial aid.
3:50 Agriculture is the growing of crops for food and other products.
3:53 Without agriculture none of us would eat.
4:00 An amusement park is a place people go to be entertained with rides, food, and games.
4:06 Disneyland is a very large amusement park, but you might have a smaller one in your own town.
4:12 I believe you learned a lot watching this lesson
4:15 We’ll be back with a new one tomorrow. Remember to come back for it!
4:19 Please don’t forget to hit the like button and let us know your thoughts!
4:23 Also subscribe to our channel and get regular updates about our lessons.
4:28 Have a good day. See you later!

# Click for more relevant grammar videos: phrasal verbs

Difference between Job, Work, and Career

source: Espresso English    2013年8月25日
Take the quiz at the bottom of the lesson: http://www.espressoenglish.net/differ...
Business English Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/busine...

Conversational English - How to Generalize

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2013年1月25日
http://www.engvid.com/ "Overall", "basically", "on the whole"... Watch and learn a wide variety of expressions to discuss issues in general. Watch this lesson to improve your English in professional and academic situations. Then take the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/conversational-...

CNN Student News with subtitles - August 22 2016 - Turmoil in Turkey - Historic flooding in Louisiana - ...

source: CNN Student News    2016年8月22日
Today's international events coverage includes recent turmoil in Turkey, historic flooding in Louisiana, and the spread of the Zika virus in the continental U.S. We're also explaining what happens to Olympic venues after the events wrap up, and we're examining how pets can impact your well-being.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNew
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

Expressions to express ‘Being Lucky’

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2016年8月19日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/english-phrases...
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com

* We use phrases 1 and 2 when something has prevented a disaster. We follow the phrases with a clause that describes the fortunate action or circumstance. They are both fairly informal.
1. It's a good thing (that)…
Example: You visit your friends who met with an accident but by God’s grace didn’t get hurt. You’d say “It’s a good thing that they were not hurt. We must thank God for it.”
2. It's just as well...
Example: It's beginning to rain - it's just as well that we brought our umbrellas.

* We use phrases 3 and 4 when we are retelling a story and they are followed by some aspect of the situation that prevented a disaster from happening.
3. Fortunately/ Luckily,
4. As luck would have it...
Example: We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a garage.

* Phrase 5 is often used to react to a lucky story that somebody has told you. You can also use it to comment on your own good fortune at the time it occurs.
* We use phrases 5, 6 and 7 in a similar way to phrases 1, 2 and 3. For example 'It's lucky you weren't wearing your best clothes when you fell over'
5. That was a stroke of luck.
Example : Unless I have a stroke of luck, I'm not going to finish this report by tomorrow.
6. It's lucky...
Example: I wasn’t wearing my best clothes when I fell over.
7. It's very/most fortunate (that)...
Example: It’s most fortunate that Phil was driving up to Manchester that evening and gave me a lift.

* We use phrase 8 when we have experienced a near disaster that was only just avoided.
8. That was a close thing / near miss.
Example : A situation in which an accident or unpleasant situation almost happened and was only just avoided I managed to brake just in time but it was a near miss.

* Phrases 9 and 10 are used to say that you think another person has been lucky. 'You jammy bastard' is very informal and only used with people who you know very well.
9. It must be your lucky day! (formal)
A particular day or moment in one's life when one experiences extremely good luck, fortune, or favour.
Example : Sir, today is your lucky day: you've been selected for an all-expenses-paid trip to the Bahamas!
10.You lucky thing! / You jammy bastard (very informal)
Example: "The jammy bastard!"

News Words: LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)

source: VOA Learning English     2016年8月18日
This news word is not a word. Learn what it means in this week's News Words.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

English in a Minute: Miss the Boat

source: VOA Learning English    2016年8月13日
As an idiom, the phrase "miss the boat" is NOT about sea travel. Find out what it means if you "miss the boat" in this episode of EIM!
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Vocabulary - 7 adjectives for describing people in English

source: English Teacher Jon     2011年7月25日
http://www.engvid.com/ When you use adjectives, your communication becomes more interesting and sophisticated. There are many ways to describe people, and compound personality adjectives can add color to your language. Here are a few words to help you describe yourself and people that you know. After you've watched the lesson, take the free quiz at http://www.engvid.com/compound-adject... to test your understanding!

SAT Vocabulary List #19

source: Catlin Tucker     2013年10月29日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

When NOT to use 'to' in English - Grammar

source: EnglishLessons4U 2013年7月19日
http://www.engvid.com/ "I'm going to home" or I'm going to home"? "I'm going to school" or "I'm going to school?" Why do we use 'to' with some words and not with others? In this English grammar class, I'll teach you many words that don't go with 'to'. This is a mistake that sounds bad to native speakers, so try to learn these words and stop making this mistake! Go here to take a quiz on this lesson:http://www.engvid.com/when-not-to-use...

How to MASTER your vocabulary

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)   2012年4月14日
http://www.engvid.com I am going to show you how to master your vocabulary using four simple steps. This is an important class for anyone learning a language. Learn how to never forget words again. And remember to take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/how-to-master-y... !

English Phrasal Verbs - Get Away With

source: Twominute English     2014年4月15日
The phrase "get away with" can mean a number of things. It may mean to not get caught, criticized or punished for doing something wrong, or it can mean to achieve something, despite not doing it correctly or properly. It can also mean to do something that didn't have a bad result, although it could have. But don't worry, knowing its meanings and seeing how to use it in appropriate situations, you'll do well. You'll be able to "get away with" using the phrase even if you've never used it before!
Some additional words used in the conversations are highlighted at the end of the video. Practice them at the end to build your fluency.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Website? http://twominenglish.com

0:12 Hello viewer!
0:13 “Get away with” is a verb that may have multiple meanings.
0:17 Most commonly we use it when we escape without being punished or caught while doing some mischief.
0:23 Didn’t we all do something in our childhood that we got away with?
0:28 There are many other contexts too.
0:30 This lesson will show you how to use “get away with.”
0:34 Practice the dialog by pausing the video anywhere you want and repeating the lines.
0:40 Also have a look at the vocabulary section at the end.
0:45 Let’s get started then.
0:53 So, you good at using verbs like to “get away with?”
0:56 I think so. Using that type of verb is easy. You just need to know how and when to use it.
1:03 Okay, for example?
1:04 The phrase “get away with” means to not get caught or punished for doing something wrong.
1:10 For example - the student said that she had studied for the test but she didn't.
1:16 She got a good grade anyway, so she got away with it.
1:21 So in this sentence it means that she should have studied but it turned out all right anyway?
1:26 Yes, that’s right
1:28 Okay. So, if I say “the students would love to get away with skipping school.”
1:35 It means to skip school and not get caught, right?
1:38 You've used it correctly, but don’t ever encourage children to skip school!
1:43 I would never! Okay, now I will give you another example.
1:48 Do you think he could get away with using cheap gas in his car?
1:52 That’s a good example. My guess is that he couldn’t!
1:57 Yeah! Okay, now let’s watch some conversations with more examples.
2:08 Hey, did you hear about Jack?
2:10 What is it?
2:12 He stole thousands of dollars from our company and then he just left town.
2:17 Whoa! Really? And they didn’t catch him?
2:21 No, he got away with it completely so far. I think he's even left the country.
2:26 Oh man. Not many people have gotten away with stealing that much money.
2:31 The police will find him.
2:34 Well... at least for now he's got away with it...
2:37 but it's been almost a month and no one has found him yet.
2:40 That’s really sad for the owner. He lost a lot of money.
2:46 Yes, that’s true.
2:54 Hey. Did you find Sean yesterday?
2:56 Yeah. He was rushing towards his house and I found him then.
3:00 You found him?
3:01 Yes. He thought he could get away with not doing any work.
3:05 He has done that before, you know.
3:07 What?
3:08 You know, like getting away with not completing his work.
3:11 This is the first time he was caught and now there’ll be consequences.
3:15 I don’t let anyone get away with not getting their work done.
3:18 You’re the boss, you know it!
3:20 I do know it!
3:30 Cheap has two meanings in English.
3:33 One meaning is something that costs less money than something else. Hamburgers are cheaper than steak.
3:40 The other meaning is low quality.
3:43 You may not want a cheap coat because it’ll fall apart before the winter is over.
3:53 Consequences means results, good or bad.
3:56 There are consequences to everything you do.
3:59 You should always think of the consequences before doing or saying anything.
4:06 I hope you had a great time watching this lesson.
4:08 We’ll be back with a new one tomorrow. Do come back for it!
4:12 Hit that like button below to give your feedback.
4:15 You want to express more feedback?
4:17 Please leave your comments below. We would be glad to hear from you.
4:21 Later!

# Click for more relevant grammar videos: phrasal verbs

7 English Expressions with the Word WORLD

source: Espresso English    2013年9月6日
Learn 7 English phrases with the word "WORLD." Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and English courses!

Idioms in English - Music

source: English Lessons with Alex   2009年9月8日
http://www.engvid.com/ Want to know what it means when someone says you're "fit as a fiddle"? This lesson will be music to your ears, as it features six common music related idioms. Enhance your conversation skills with this lesson!

50 words that begin with the letter i

source: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline   2016年8月18日
This video features 50 words in English that begin with the letter i.

Similar sounding words that often confuse you

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2016年8月15日
Blog : http://www.learnex.in/english-pronunc...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

Any way: means in any manner possible, do it any how, make something happen any how. Example: Make it on time any way.
Anyway: means in any case.
Example: Anyway, I don’t plan to share my personal opinion with you.

Born: to come in this world/to be born
Example: A baby girl was born to my sister.
Borne: to bear a child
Example: My sister has borne a baby girl.

Censor: to delete or monitor
Example: I have decided to censor the document.
Censure: to criticize or make an unfavourable opinion
Example: I am tired of the censure I’m facing because of the media.

Confident: someone who has confidence or is self assured
Example: Maria is a confident young woman.
Confidant: somebody who you confide in, you trust the person and share everything with them
Example: Jack is my confidant and i share everything with him.

Biannual: occurring twice a year
Example: The company releases a biannual progress report.
Biennial: once in two years
Example: The football cup is a biennial event.

Allusion: to make a reference to something
Example: Jack made an allusion to Sally’s baby weight
Illusion: to see something or imagine that which is not real
Example: The magician created an illusion that surprised me.

Bath: to wash your body
Example: Please get the door bell, I’m going for a bath now.
Bathe: to apply water to a particular body part
Example: My toes are hurting. I’m going to bathe them with hot water.

Canvas: type of cloth
Example: I have decided to wear Canvas shoes and carry a canvas bag.
Canvass: to solicit or ask for
Example: The next time you come here canvassing for support, make sure you are polite to me.