
CNN Student News September 30 2016 subtitle /cc Tensions between the U.S...

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100     2016年9月29日
A train crash in New Jersey, China's warning for Japan, a look at tensions between the U.S. and Russia, and a U.S. presidential town hall are featured today.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

The WORST English mistakes native speakers make

source: JamesESL English Lessons    2016年9月28日
Even native English speakers make mistakes! In this video, you'll learn five mistakes English speakers make that you should avoid. We'll look at spelling, pronunciation, confused meanings, bad grammar, slang, and words that don't exist! It's okay to make mistakes, and when you're learning a language, you're going to make some. My goal in this lesson is to get rid of some common mistakes, so that you can sound smarter and be more confident with your English. Once you know these five mistakes, watch this other video on five other common native speaker mistakes: https://youtu.be/75CP1xyoNFo

Fun filled expressions with 'Break' - Free English Lessons

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2016年9月28日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/english-express...
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

Break the news to someone – to tell someone some important news, usually bad news
Ex: The doctor had to break the news of Claire’s illness to her husband.
Break someone’s heart – cause severe emotional pain or grief
Ex: Joe’s heart broke when Jill refused to marry him.
Break a promise – to not do what one said one would definitely do
Ex: My brother broke his promise; he did not come to visit us this year.
Break a record – to destroy a previously set high record by setting a record higher than the previous one
Ex: The athlete broke a record in swimming which was held for ten years.
Break the rules – to not follow the rules
Ex: Clyde has always been a rebel; he loves to break the rules.
Break a habit – stop or end a habit
Ex: I found it very tough to quit smoking; it’s hard to break a habit that is so old.
Break the ice – to do or say something to get conversation going especially when strangers meet
Ex: If you feel uncomfortable at the party try to break the ice by cracking a good joke.
Break a leg – used to wish someone good luck – originates from using it in for artists
Ex: I heard that you are participating in a dance competition, break a leg.
Break free – to break away from someone or something
Ex: We need to break free from these old fashioned ways of thinking.

Waiting For Ages

source: Simple English Videos    2016年9月27日
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SimpleEnglis...
Twitter: @vickivideos
Visit our website to see our videos with transcripts and much more: http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
There you can get email updates on new videos and live classes and also download a free copy of 'Fix It', a checklist for correcting common English mistakes

CNN Student News - September 29, 2016 - English CC

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月28日
CNN Student News - September 29, 2016 (Thursday) - English Subtitle/ CC: Following a U.S. congressional vote to override a presidential veto, we're explaining what the controversial bill was all about. We bring you a new report in our series on global challenges ahead of the next U.S. president. And after a look at the latest typhoon to strike Taiwan, we're exploring how Iowans banded together to prevent a dangerous flood from causing widespread disaster. That’s CNN Student News - September 29, 2016.

BBC 6 Minute English | THE COST OF LIFE SAVING VACCINES | English CC | D...

source: Daily Listening     2016年9月12日
The price of vaccines has escalated and some poor countries are struggling prevent children from catching certain life-threatening diseases. The warning comes from the organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres. It criticises the drug companies which reply that they can’t make such complex medicine cheaper than they already do. Rob and Neil talk about the price of vaccines. Listen to their conversation and learn some new vocabulary.
Link: https://youtu.be/HflTQkZc5iM

0:07 Today we’re going to talk about the cost of keeping people healthy.
0:10 The price of life-saving vaccines has escalated – has gone up - and some of the world’s
0:15 poorer countries are struggling to immunise children – to immunise, in other words,
0:19 to prevent children from catching diseases.
0:22 Yes, the organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres is criticising the pharmaceutical companies
0:27 which produce the vaccines.
0:29 Medecins Sans Frontieres is a well-known charity– a charity is an organisation set up to help
0:35 and raise money for people in need.
0:37 We’re going to talk about the cost of vaccines and you’ll learn some words you can use
0:42 to discuss the topic yourself or to follow the news.
0:46 But first, a question, Neil.
0:47 Yes?
0:48 The first laboratory-developed vaccine was produced in 1879.
0:52 The vaccine was against an animal disease called chicken cholera.
0:56 Who was the scientist behind it?
0:58 Was it… a) Alexander Fleming
1:00 b) Albert Sabin c) Louis Pasteur
1:04 Well, I don’t know, but I’m going to guess.
1:07 Probably not (a) because Fleming discovered penicillin.
1:10 Probably not (c) because Pasteur did pasteurisation.
1:14 I’m gonna go for (b).
1:16 OK.
1:17 It sounds like you know your vaccines.
1:18 Well, we'll have the answer to that question at the end of the programme.
1:22 Now, let’s talk about the controversy behind these life-saving vaccines.
1:27 On one side we have a charity and on the other side, the drug companies.
1:31 Which vaccines are they talking about?
1:32 Well, they’re talking about vaccines which prevent diseases such as tuberculosis, measles,
1:39 diphtheria and polio.
1:41 According to Medecins Sans Frontieres, between 2001 and 2014 there was a 68-fold increase
1:48 in vaccine prices.
1:49 Well, that is a lot!
1:51 It certainly is.
1:52 And the group says that there are particular cases in which rich western countries are
1:57 actually getting vaccines at a cheaper rate than poorer countries.
2:01 That’s what Medecins Sans Frontieres says, and they’re asking for more transparency
2:06 around prices.
2:08 Transparency means clarity, something done in an open way, without secrets.
2:12 Yes, they want to know the cost of the vaccines.
2:15 Let’s hear what Rohit Malpani from Medecins Sans Frontieres has to say.
2:20 See if you can spot the expression Malpani uses to describe how high the price of the
2:25 vaccine is for some countries.
2:28 This is all a black box.
2:29 It’s a black box in terms of the price they are charging to most countries around the
2:33 world so they’re often charging prices that are wildly out of proportion with their ability
2:37 to pay.
2:38 You have Morocco and Tunisia that now are paying higher prices than France for the pneumococcal
2:42 vaccine.
2:43 We also simply do not know the cost of production and if GlaxoSmithKline says that it costs
2:48 more than we are saying it does, then they should simply submit to some sort of audit
2:52 to ensure that we can verify the cost of production.
2:56 The expression which describes the relationship between the price asked and the ability to
3:00 pay is ‘out of proportion’.
3:03 It means it’s unrealistic or exaggerated.
3:07 And Malpani from Medecins Sans Frontieres says that Morocco and Tunisia are paying more
3:12 than France – a much richer country – for a particular vaccine.
3:16 And his organisation wants transparency.
3:19 They want to be able to verify the cost of production.
3:22 To verify means to confirm that something is really true and they want the drug company
3:27 to confirm that the cost to produce the vaccines is really as high as they say it is.
3:32 Well, at this point, we have to hear what the companies say.
3:36 Yes, because they argue that they already sell these vaccines at a discount, in other
3:40 words, at a reduced price.
3:42 Yes, they do.
3:43 GlaxoSmithKline says that around 80% of all their vaccines, including the one mentioned
3:49 by Malpani, are provided to developing countries at a substantial discount.
3:55 And the company adds that the pneumococcal vaccine is one of the most complex they’ve
4:00 ever manufactured because it combines 10 vaccines in one.
4:04 Yes.
4:05 On one hand, vaccines take many years of research and these companies want to make a profit,
4:10 which means to sell the product for more than it costs to make it.
4:14 But on the other hand, the lack of vaccines can kill people and it’s really very sad
4:20 to see people dying of diseases which can be prevented.
4:24 Some vaccines may be very affordable for a person in a rich country…
4:27 … but they might cost a fortune to someone in a poor country.
4:31 This is a very complex problem and I’m sure we will talk about this again in the future.
4:36 But now, let’s go back to the quiz question, Neil.
4:39 You asked about the first vaccine developed in a laboratory…
4:42 Yes, I did.
4:43 The first laboratory-developed vaccine was produced in 1879.
4:48 It was a vaccine for the animal disease called chicken cholera.
4:52 I wanted to know the name of the scientist who developed it.
4:56 Was it Alexander Fleming, Albert Sabin or Louis Pasteur?
4:59 And I said (b) Albert Sabin.
5:02 And you were wrong!
5:04 The correct answer is (C) Louis Pasteur, who was a French microbiologist.
5:08 Now, Neil, the option you chose, the American scientist Albert Sabin, in fact developed
5:14 an oral vaccine against polio in the 1950s – still very useful.
5:19 And Alexander Fleming from Scotland did indeed discover penicillin, as you said.
5:25 Well, that is interesting and I’m a bit disappointed that I got it wrong actually.
5:28 Okay.
5:29 Well, that’s it for this programme.
5:31 Now let’s remember some of the words we used today, Neil.
5:34 to immunise, charity
5:39 transparency, out of proportion
5:43 to verify, discount
5:46 to make a profit. Thank you.

Meeting and Greeting

source: Simple English Videos    2014年8月20日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website at: http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com
Follow me on twitter @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and subscribe to thisYouTube channel. Oh and don't forget to visit our website - Simple English Videos dot com.http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com

Love & Relationships - expressions and vocabulary

source: Learn English with Valen    2010年1月20日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this lesson you will learn some very common English expressions about love and relationships. Keep the comments clean, please! Don't forget to take the free quiz on this lesson at http://www.engvid.com/7-common-englis...

English listening practice | UK news story

source: Crown Academy of English    2014年9月21日
This is a British English accent.
English listening practice: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

How To Talk About Kitchen And Cooking in English

source: Learn English with BeGlobal    2015年12月1日
Download Free Ebook Learn English Fast & Easy: http://ebook.beglobal.club/
Website Learn English: http://beglobal.club/
Fanpage: https://www.fb.com/LearnEnglishConver...
Subscribe To Update New Lesson: http://bit.ly/EnglishBeglobal

MUSE words - amusing, bemused, etc.

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2010年7月22日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this new series of English vocabulary "pyramids", I teach different vocabulary related to one base word. In this lesson, I use the base "muse".

Applying for a Passport - Tourism English

source: Twominute English    2013年11月22日
In this lesson, we'll talk about phrases you may use while talking about passport application.
Facebook page: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Website: http://twominenglish.com for lesson scripts and more learning.
App for Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:18 Hey! What’s up, Neal?
0:20 Nothing much! Just trying to find out how to get a passport.
0:25 You just need the correct documents to apply for one.
0:28 Yeah? But I don’t know which documents are needed.
0:32 You’re gonna need your birth certificate, your id, a photograph and fill out an application form. It’s easy.
0:41 I have all of that. Can I fill this form online?
0:46 I don’t think so man. If you’re applying for the first time, you’ll need to go there and submit the form.
0:53 Alright! Thanks for the help!
1:01 Hello there. I want to apply for a passport.
1:04 Sure. Are you applying for the first time?
1:07 Yep. Never needed to go abroad before.
1:11 Alright, you’ll need to fill form DS-11 and submit it.
1:15 I got it right here. I just wanna submit it.
1:18 Great! Just submit it to the counter over there.
1:22 Will I need to pay a fee?
1:24 Yes. You can pay through card.
1:26 Okay. Thanks for your help.
1:29 You’re welcome!
1:36 Hey Jim! I applied for my passport.
1:39 Great! Did you have any trouble?
1:42 Nope! It was easy. I had the docs ready, and I paid the fee through my credit card.
1:48 Fantastic! So all you need to do now is wait, and you’ll get your passport soon!
1:54 Is there any way I can check the status of my passport?
1:58 Yeah, I think so. You just need to go to a website and fill in your details.
2:03 Do you know the website address?
2:07 Google it man!
2:15 Pack your bags hon!
2:17 Why? What?
2:18 We are taking that trip to Europe as I promised you.
2:22 We are? That’s unbelievable!!
2:25 Yep! I just got my passport, and I booked the tickets for next week.
2:29 Finally! This is going to be a wonderful trip. Will I need a visa?
2:34 Nope. We’ll get visas on arrival.
2:39 Just trying to find out how to get a passport.
2:45 Can I fill this form online?
2:49 I want to apply for a passport.
2:54 But I don’t know which documents are needed.
3:00 Will I need to pay a fee?
3:03 I applied for my passport.
3:08 Is there any way I can check the status of my passport?
3:15 I just got my passport, and I booked the tickets for next week.

British English vs. American English Vocabulary Words

source: Espresso English    2013年1月26日
Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and English courses.
This is a story about the daily life of New York Nate, who lives in the United States; and London Laura, who lives in England. As you can see, they have very similar lives... but the vocabulary words they use are very different!

Business English - Talking about your Responsibilities

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2011年1月4日
http://www.engvid.com/ What are you responsible for? Who are you responsible to? Learn how to answer these basic Business English questions easily and correctly. Take a free quiz on this lesson athttp://www.engvid.com/business-englis...

First 2016 U.S. Presidential Debate: Clinton vs. Trump

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月27日
Americans will vote for a new president on November 8. Watch highlights of the first of three debates between Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

CNN Student News with subtitles - September 28, 2016 | The Potential Impact of U.S. Pre...

source: NEWS with Subtitles    2016年9月27日
The U.N.`s New Warning About Air Pollution; The Potential Impact of Debates on Polls; Character Study of a Charitable Dentist.
Science, politics, geography, and math all factor in to Today's edition of CNN Student News! If you've never heard of the latitudinal Roaring Forties, you can't fathom why fish would travel by truck, and you don't know what the record is for Girl Scout cookie sales, you won't want to miss this show.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNe...
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

Let's Learn English Lesson 29: A Long Time Ago

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月21日
Anna and Marsha have a lot of work to do. An advertisement makes them remember their childhood dreams. What do you think they wanted to be?
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 29 Speaking Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月21日
In this video, learn to say the new words for this lesson. You can also learn about how to use adjectives.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 29 Pronunciation Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月21日
Use this video to learn about the noises English speakers make to show they are listening.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

BBC 6 Minute English | BLOOD | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月11日

0:07 In this programme we're going to be talking about blood.
0:10 Yes.
0:11 Blood?
0:12 Did I ever tell you, Rob, that I really hate the sight of blood?
0:16 And I've even been known to faint – that's to lose consciousness - at the sight of a needle.
0:23 Come on, Finn.
0:24 I think you've got a lot to learn.
0:26 You wouldn't be here without it, you know!
0:27 It's a fascinating topic.
0:29 All sorts of discoveries are being made these days, which could change medical science for ever.
0:35 Yes.
0:36 Well, you are right, of course.
0:37 Blood was even thought to relate to human character.
0:40 People were hot-bloodied – quick to anger – or cold-bloodied – lacking in passion.
0:47 There were all the myths about vampires when young blood was thought to revitalise older people.
0:53 There's a dreadful story that a Hungarian countess had hundreds of young women killed
0:57 so she could bathe in their blood and stay youthful-looking.
1:01 Right.
1:02 OK.
1:03 And in Roman times, if a young gladiator died in battle, people used to drink his blood
1:10 because they thought it would keep them healthy.
1:12 For 3,000 years, people have been cut or given leeches to let out the blood because they
1:17 thought that would make people better.
1:20 Incredibly, it carried on until the 19th century.
1:23 But it actually made people worse, or even killed them.
1:26 So I won't be doing that today.
1:29 OK.
1:30 Instead, how about answering a question all about blood Finn?
1:32 Go on then.
1:33 If you laid out all the blood vessels in an adult body end to end how long would they be?
1:40 Would they be… a) 30,000 miles
1:42 b) 100,000 miles or c) 200,000 miles long?
1:47 Well, let's say 100,000 miles.
1:50 That's b).
1:51 OK.
1:52 Well, we'll see if you got the right answer at the end of the programme.
1:54 OK, well let's talk more about blood now.
1:58 We've heard about blood in history but Finn, did you know that today beauticians are running
2:02 businesses in which people pay to have their blood extracted, then injected into their face?
2:10 Yes I have heard about this.
2:12I t's thought to rejuvenate – that's to give new life to - their skin.
2:18 Michael Mosley has had just that done to his face as an experiment.
2:21 He's a doctor and presenter with the BBC.
2:25 Let's listen to him talking about it.
2:27 He uses an expression that means "go faster".
2:30 Can you tell me what it is?
2:33 Sometimes known as the Vampire Facelift, PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma therapy – claims
2:40 to accelerate healing and reverse the signs of ageing.
2:46 First my blood is treated to make a concentrated solution of platelets in plasma.
2:51 Next, this is injected directly into my face.
2:56 Ouch!
2:58 And the word he used was "accelerate".
3:00 Now that means to make faster.
3:03 And he said they "treated" his blood.
3:05 This means "changed or transformed" it.
3:08 Well, today, of course, controlled blood transfusion is a completely normal medical practice that
3:15 saves countless lives.
3:17 And blood donors – the people who give their blood – are an important part of healthcare.
3:21 Yes, Finn, but there's all sorts of other amazing things that blood can do.
3:26 If we are running at altitude – high up - the limbs get tired because there's not
3:31 enough oxygen.
3:32 The blood then starts creating new red cells and pours them into the system.
3:37 That's why athletes often train in the mountains.
3:40 Altitude training, isn't it?
3:42 And, apparently, the different types of food you eat have an immediate effect on your blood,
3:47 or rather the element of blood called plasma.
3:51 So, if you eat a cholesterol-high breakfast, for example, very soon after that you can
3:57 see the fat in the blood.
3:59 Nice.
4:01 Ideas about how blood moves around your body have changed a lot over the years too.
4:05 The Romans thought blood flowed one way and came out of our feet and hands and was then
4:10 burnt away.
4:12 But William Harvey in the 17th-century found that blood circulated viaveins and arteries
4:17 – these are the tubes in our body where blood is carried around.
4:21 And let's not forget clotting – that's when the blood hardens.
4:25 If our blood didn't clot when we cut ourselves we'd be dead within minutes.
4:30 It is really fascinating isn't it?
4:32 And we're just beginning to understand stem cells.
4:36 These are also in the blood and are used to repair various organs in the body
4:41 Modern science is really helping us to understand blood properly for the first time and showing
4:46 us the way forward.
4:47 Now Rob, before my blood boils, could you let me know the answer to the quiz question
4:53 Rob?
4:54 Yes.
4:55 So, I asked you if you laid out all the blood vessels in an adult body end to end how long
5:00 would they be: 30,000 miles, 100,000 miles or 200,000 miles?
5:05 Well, I said 100,000 miles.
5:08 Wow.
5:09 And you know your blood vessels, because you got that question right.
5:12 Well, I measured them earlier.
5:14 Good.
5:15 And how do you feel about blood now?
5:17 Well, I'm probably a bit scared of it still.
5:20 But now that I know all of these wonderful things that it does, I really get why it's
5:24 so important.
5:25 Great.
5:26 So, let's remind ourselves of some of the words we've said today, Finn.
5:31 Here we are: faint
5:33 rejuvenate, transfusion
5:37 cholesterol-high veins and arteries
5:43 clotting, accelerate
5:48 treated. Thank you.
5:50 Well, that's it for today.

High or Tall?

source: Simple English Videos    2014年9月30日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com/vo...
Follow me on twitter @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

More Common Workplace Expressions

source: Learn English with Valen    2009年9月12日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this English lesson you will learn 8 common expressions used in the workplace.

How not to swear!

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2015年1月27日
Sometimes when you want to swear, you shouldn't... like in a job interview or in front of your grandmother! That's why we have words that are not considered offensive that you can substitute into your vocabulary. This isn't B.S., I promise. Watch this freakin' lesson and learn how NOT to swear!
Take the quiz here: http://www.engvid.com/how-not-to-swear/

English Vocabulary - VERT words - pervert, convert, invert, and more!

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2010年8月21日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this English vocabulary lesson, I use my "pyramid method" to teach you words that are built from the root "vert" -- convert, covert, invert, subvert, PERVERT, and more! Take the quiz on this lesson to test your understand, at http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabul...

10 commonly used slang words used in English - Advance English Lesson

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2013年11月20日
Link to the quiz : http://www.learnex.in/10-commonly-use...
Slangs are nothing but Informal words or expressions that are used in the spoken rather than in the written English. As they are strictly informal, you might want to use them mostly with friends, colleagues or people close to you. You'll want to refrain from using slangs with your boss, teachers or elders. It is important to also know that slangs are not unique words. They are, however, derived from other common English words or maybe other slangs too.

Let's take a look at some interesting slangs you can use on an everyday basis:
1) To blow out of here-To leave
Example : I decided to blow out of the theater because the movie was so boring.

2) Pain in the neck-very annoying
Example :My little brother can be a real pain in the neck with his constant questioning.

3) Zapped out-completely tired or exhausted
Example : I was zapped out after a long day at work.

4 )Catch some Z's-get some sleep
Example :I need to catch some Z's before my next flight which is due in 7 hours time.

5) To screw around-to waste time
Example :You'll be fired if you screw around all the time.

6) Far out-Really great
Example :The music played at the concert tonight was far out.

7) Goof up-make a serious mistake
Example :I goofed up by painting my hair purple.

8) Make waves-cause trouble
Example :The politician's controversial speech made waves around town.

9) Bummed-Depressed
Example :I was bummed on hearing the news about the recently hit recession in the country.

10 )Airhead-stupid person
Example :My sister's boyfriend is an airhead.

Making a New Friend - English Phrases for Making Friends

source: Twominute English    2013年11月14日
A conversation is a way of expressing our ideas, opinions, goals, and feelings to those we come into contact with. It is also the primary means of beginning and establishing friendships and relationships.So, why not try making new friends by talking to them about something or asking questions to get to know them? Practice at the end to build your fluency on the subject matter.

0:06 In this lesson, we will learn how to make a new friend by starting a random conversation.
0:17 Hi there. I’m Harry. What’s your name?
0:19 Hi, my name is Richard.
0:22 Nice to meet you Richard. Do you come here often?
0:26 Nice to meet you too. No, it’s my first visit.
0:36 Hi! Are you the new tenant?
0:38 Yes, I just moved in.
0:40 Oh, great! My name’s Amanda. I live just next door.
0:45 I’m Ramona. I guess we’ll see each other often then.
0:49 Yeah! See you around neighbor. I’m going to the office now.
0:54 Bye! See you.
1:02 Hi, Miranda.
1:04 Hi, Kayla. How are you?
1:06 I’m good. And you?
1:08 Doing okay.
1:09 So, Miranda... I’ve never asked you before. But, what do you do?
1:15 I’m a nurse at the St. Louise Medical Center. What about you?
1:19 I’m a sales clerk at the local department store.
1:28 Hey there, Anna! What’s up, girl?
1:31 What’s up?
1:32 We’re going to the plaza tomorrow. Do you wanna hang out with us?
1:36 Sure! Thanks for inviting me.
1:38 Gimme a ring later, will ya? We’ll fix it up.
1:41 Deal!
1:48 Hey, are you from the States?
1:51 No, no. I’m from the Philippines.
1:54 I see. Are you new here?
1:56 Actually, I’ve been living here for many years now.
1:59 Oh, I’ve never visited the Philippines. How are things there?
2:04 It’s very beautiful. The tropical weather, its flora and fauna, it’s all nice.
2:09 Sounds like a beautiful place. I’m Paul by the way. Nice to meet you.
2:14 I’m Betty. Nice to meet you too, Paul.
2:19 Hi there. I’m Harry. What’s your name?
2:25 Hi, my name is Richard.
2:29 Hi! Are you the new tenant?
2:34 My name’s Amanda. I live just next door.
2:40 Hi, Kayla. How are you?
2:44 I’ve never asked you before. But, what do you do?
2:51 Hey there, Anna! What’s up, girl?
2:56 Do you wanna hang out with us?
3:00 Are you new here?

Speak English More Like a Native: Pronunciation Practice with Reductions

source: Espresso English   2013年1月29日
Practice your pronunciation with examples of the "reductions" found in natural spoken English. Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for more English tips!

English Grammar - SHOULD & MUST

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年12月3日
http://www.engvid.com/ If you want to understand the difference in meaning between "should" and "must," you should check out this lesson! And then you should take the free quiz on the lesson at http://www.engvid.com/english-grammar...

# relevant grammar videos: modals

News Words: Error

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月22日
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

U.S. Political Party Animals

source: VOA Learning English     2016年9月26日
In U.S. politics, the elephant represents the Republican Party and the donkey represents the Democratic Party. Watch the history on how that came to be.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

U.S. Political Parties - Talking Politics in American English - Language...

source: JenniferESL    2016年9月22日
Need captions? Click on CC.
Lesson on U.S. Presidential Election to come!
0:01 Introduction
0:21 Talking politics
0:30 Political views
0:40 Political parties
1:08 What are the two major political parties in the U.S.?
1:48 What names and symbols are associated with the two parties?
2:27 What are some key differences between the two parties?
3:33 Do voters in the U.S. have to register as Republicans or Democrats?
4:13 Lesson ending

My current teaching schedule: http://www.englishwithjennifer.com/te...
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Teachers: Visit my ELT blog https://englishwithjennifer.wordpress...

CNN Student News - September 27, 2016 - English CC

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月27日
CNN Student News - September 27, 2016 (Tuesday) - English Subtitle/ CC: Tuesday's show brings you some highlights of the first of three U.S. presidential debates between the Republican and Democratic nominees. Hear the candidates discuss their visions in the areas of achieving prosperity, the direction of the country, and keeping America safe. That’s CNN Student News - September 27, 2016.

BBC 6 Minute English | OLD TECHNOLOGY | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月9日
Did you ever own a Walkman or a record player? Is there still a market for DVD rental stores? Alice and Neil discuss old tech and why the US Pentagon still uses floppy disks.

0:00 Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.
0:02 I'm Alice…
0:03 And I'm Neil.
0:04 We’re talking about old technology today, Neil.
0:06 Did you use to have any old tech, you know, a Walkman, back in the 1990s?
0:11 Before music went digital?
0:12 No.
0:13 I didn't have a Walkman…
0:14 But I do have a record player.
0:16 I know you like flared trousers, but I didn't realize you were that retro.
0:21 A record player, for those of you who don’t know, is a box with a turntable – or turning
0:26 plate that you put your vinyl records on to play them.
0:30 And retro means going back to styles and fashions from the past.
0:33 Well, I love my record player.
0:36 I have a large collection of vinyl records, as well as cassette tapes that I inherited
0:40 from my parents…
0:42 Vinyl is the plastic that records are made from.
0:45 And cassette tapes came after records – which are these small plastic cases with audiotape
0:51 on reels inside them.
0:53 Well, I don't understand your fondness for out-dated stuff, Neil.
0:57 Don't be so quick to dismiss old tech, Alice.
0:59 There's been a resurgence – or new rise in – record sales recently – here in the
1:04 UK, and in the US.
1:05 Some DJs have gone back to using them, and new record stores have opened to meet the
1:10 demand for vinyl.
1:12 Really?
1:13 Yes, really.
1:14 In fact, I have a question for you, Alice: How many records were sold in the UK in 2014?
1:20 Was it… a) 10,000?
1:22 b) 100,000?
1:24 Or c) 1 million?
1:27 Well, I think it’s b) 100,000.
1:32 We'll find out if you're right or wrong later in the show.
1:34 For myself, I just think vinyl sounds nicer than digital – has a warmer quality.
1:40 That sounds a bit technical, Neil!
1:42 Don't you think this retro trend has more to do with nostalgia for the past?
1:46 Nostalgia means thinking about the past with a mixture of warm feelings and sadness.
1:51 Well, yes, I think people who grew up with the old technology probably are nostalgic
1:56 about it.
1:57 Let's listen to music journalist Jacqueline Springer talking about cassette tapes and
2:02 what they mean to her.
2:04 They were audio love letters.
2:07 They were ways in which you started to carve out your own identity so you know when Dan
2:12 or I have interviewed people we talk about… we talk to musicians about their impressions
2:18 and, you know, and their influences, and invariably it was siblings or parents.
2:21 And you would raid those vinyl albums and you would self-select.
2:27 Jacqueline Springer there.
2:28 So she calls cassette tapes 'audio love letters' – because people often compiled – or put
2:33 together – their own collection of songs on tapes and gave them to the boy or girl
2:38 they liked.
2:39 Jacqueline says they recorded songs from their parents' record collections onto tape.
2:44 And it seems that this process helped create their musical and social identity.
2:48 Yes.
2:49 I identified with The Rolling Stones, The Clash, and The Sex Pistols when I was a teen.
2:54 How about your musical identity, Alice?
2:56 Well, I was in love with all the boy bands from the 1990s – NSync, Westlife, Backstreet
3:02 Boys, Take That.
3:04 Unbelievable.
3:05 I can see I need to make you some decent tapes of music from the 90s, Alice.
3:09 I didn’t say I still like boy bands, Neil.
3:12 I'm not nostalgic for my lost teenage years – unlike you.
3:16 Old tech is everywhere.
3:17 Did you know that the US nuclear weapons force still uses a computer system dating back to
3:22 the 1970s with 8-inch floppy disks?
3:26 Floppy disks?
3:27 You mean those flexible plastic computer disks used for storing data magnetically.
3:31 Well, I can't believe the guys in The Pentagon are nostalgic about floppy disks.
3:37 Well, a Pentagon spokesperson said it would be extremely expensive to update the system
3:41 and it still works.
3:43 They plan to do it by 2020 and save a lot of space for sure.
3:47 You would need more than 130,000 8-inch floppy disks to store 32GB of information.
3:54 Wow!
3:55 This is the equivalent of an average memory stick!
3:57 Yes.
3:58 But there are more people out there keen on old tech.
4:01 How do you think a DVD rental stores survives in this era of online movie streaming?
4:06 Let’s listen to Tara Judah, co-director of UK rental store 20th Century Flicks and
4:12 find out.
4:15 We've survived because of the experience of coming into this store.
4:19 Um…
4:20 It's a very human experience.
4:22 It's human interaction.
4:23 People come here because they want to talk to somebody who's really knowledgeable about
4:27 film.
4:28 They want to have a recommendation or a conversation about the films they just watch.
4:32 You know, they really want to discuss those things.
4:37 So it's back to the idea of human contact – we like compiling lists of music and sharing
4:41 them with our friends and loved ones.
4:44 Sharing a playlist through iTunes or Spotify isn't quite the same, though.
4:48 We like talking people about the films we watch.
4:51 You can always talk to me, Neil.
4:53 Now how about giving me the answer to today's quiz question?
4:57 I asked: How many records were sold in the UK in 2014?
5:01 Was it… a) 10,000 b) 100,000?
5:04 Or c) 1 million?
5:06 I said b) 100,000.
5:09 And, Alice, you were in fact totally wrong!
5:15 The answer is c).
5:17 Vinyl is booming – in 2014, sales passed 1million albums in the UK for the first time
5:23 since 1996.
5:25 The format has been steadily increasing, thanks in part to the popularity of guitar bands,
5:30 traditionally associated with records.
5:34 Now let's hear words we learned today.
5:36 They are: record player
5:39 turntable retro
5:42 vinyl cassette tapes
5:46 resurgence nostalgia
5:49 compiled floppy disk
5:53 Well, that's the end of today's 6 Minute English.
5:56 Don't forget to join us again soon!

Carter's Breakfast

source: Simple English Videos 2014年10月7日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
To see how Carter orders a meal in a restaurant, click here: http://youtu.be/ToDL0unxfGI
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.
To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

Business English - 7 Common Workplace Abbreviations

source: Learn English with Valen     2009年12月11日
http://www.engvid.com/ An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. In written English, we use abbreviations to shorten common sentences to save time. This lesson will explain some common written abbreviations that are used in a business setting.

How to learn grammar – any grammar!!!

source: Learn English with Ronnie! 2015年1月7日
English Grammar is frustrating to remember because there are so many rules -- and so many exceptions to the rules! When you learn a new grammar point, it is very important to remember two things: the how we use it and why we use it. I will teach you what you need to remember and give you lots of examples so that you can use your time effectively and learn ANY grammar point!
Take the quiz here: http://www.engvid.com/how-to-learn-an...


source: Crown Academy of English     2015年2月24日
This is an English listening exercise based on a story in England about car trouble.
English listening practice: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Conversation Skills: What's your communication style?

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)     2014年12月9日
Do you want to communicate better? Understand how people think? Find the best ways for you to learn English? In today's lesson, you will learn about the different ways in which people think. By understanding how people think, you will learn how to communicate with them effectively. There are three basic communication styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. I will teach you how to figure out what style of speaker a person is, and teach you how to speak with each type. Make sure you understood the lesson by taking the quiz. This lesson will not only help you with your English, but with all your communication!http://www.engvid.com/conversation-sk...

Use of Must and Should - Common Grammar Errors in English

source: Twominute English    2013年11月13日
The difference between these two words is the urgency or the imperativeness of the task. Is it something that really has to be done, and can't be avoided? Then use 'must'. If it's something that can be done, and it's recommended that it's done, then use 'should'.
Please visit our website: http://twominenglish.com

0:00 Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
0:07 In this lesson, we will learn about how to use ‘must’ and ‘should’.
0:17 Hey Jack! Tell me, do you know the difference between ‘must’ and ‘should’?
0:22 I think I do. You use these words when you suggest that somebody has to do something.
0:28 That’s right. You must learn the difference between these two words.
0:33 You used must instead of should, you could also have said ‘You should learn the difference between these two words’. Right?
0:42 That’s right! But learning the difference is very important, that’s why you must know it.
0:48 So when something is very important you use must?
0:53 Correct! When you can’t avoid doing something, or doing it is very important, then you use ‘must’.
1:00 And you use ‘should’ when you want to recommend that something should be done, or when a person ought to do something, but it’s not a strict requirement.
1:10 That’s correct! You know the difference now. You should give yourself a treat!
1:16 I should, so it’s not a requirement and I may or may not do it.
1:22 It’s your choice. But we must hear some sample conversations.
1:27 We must, so we have to. Okay, let’s go!
1:39 What documents must I bring to sign the lease for the apartment?
1:43 You must bring some identity proof for the records, and you should also bring the cash advance.
1:49 Can I pay the advance through a check?
1:52 Yes, you can. You can bring a check instead of cash if you want.
1:56 What time should I come?
1:58 I leave at 6 every day. So you must come before 6 PM.
2:03 Thank you. See you soon!
2:12 Where’s the bus?
2:13 I think it’s running late.
2:16 It should have been here 30 minutes ago.
2:18 It should be coming soon.
2:20 It must, because I’m already late for work.
2:30 We must stop polluting Earth!
2:33 I agree. We are ruining this planet. We should do something about it.
2:38 I think we should use cycles instead of cars to get to places.
2:43 You’re right, and we should not build any nuclear reactors.
2:49 You’re right. Remember the Fukushima disaster in Japan? We must use renewable power like Germany.
2:59 I think we should write a letter to our senator demanding renewable energy!
3:07 What documents must I bring to sign the lease for the apartment?
3:16 You must bring some identity proof for the records, and you should also bring the cash advance.
3:28 What time should I come?
3:32 I leave at 6 every day. So you must come before 6 PM.
3:42 It should have been here 30 minutes ago.
3:47 It should be coming soon.
3:52 We must stop polluting Earth!
3:57 We should do something about it.
4:01 I think we should write a letter to our senator demanding renewable energy!

# relevant grammar videos: modals for expressing obligation and necessity

How to Pronounce the -ED Ending Correctly in English

source: Espresso English    2013年1月29日
Learn 3 ways to pronounce -ED in English verbs, and speak English more naturally. Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for more English lessons!

How to change Basic English into Business English

source: Learn English with Rebecca       2013年6月13日
http://www.engvid.com/ Want to get that job? Improve your image? Sound more professional? Learn how to transform simple English words to business English vocabulary and watch your career take off! I'll show you how to change "get" to "receive", " make sure" to "ensure", "give more information" to "elaborate", and more. These small vocabulary changes will make a huge difference in your English level. Test yourself on this lesson at http://www.engvid.com/how-to-change-b...

Learn English Phrases with START

source: Espresso English    2016年9月25日
Everyday English Speaking Course - http://www.espressoenglish.net/englis...
More English speaking lessons - https://www.espressoenglish.net/categ...

CNN Student News September 26, 2016 subtitle /cc - U.S. Presidential Debate

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100     2016年9月25日
On the day of the first U.S. presidential debate between the Democratic and Republican nominees, we're taking a look at everything from a hypothetical electoral map to the role of the debate moderator. Afterward, we're taking you to a country that could bring a number of challenges for the next U.S. president, and we're examining an alarming epidemic of drug overdoses in America.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

Let's Learn English Lesson 28: I Passed It!

source: VOA Learning English     2016年9月21日
Anna takes a driving test and has some problems. Where does she want to drive?
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 28 Speaking Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月21日
In this video, learn the new words and learn about the imperative verb form.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 28 Pronunciation Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月21日
In this video, learn how to use "well" to answer a question with bad news.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

BBC 6 Minute English | SLANG | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月8日
Is slang a bad thing? Do you use it a lot? Neil and Alice discuss a very English kind of of language - Cockney Rhyming Slang - and teach you about jargon.
BBC 6 Minute English | SLANG | English Subtitle: https://youtu.be/lAUjFivYD1g

0:04 Could you lend me some dosh, Neil?
0:06 Sure.
0:07 How much do you need?
0:08 A couple of smackers.
0:10 You're sounding strange today, Alice.
0:12 Yes, I know, Neil.
0:14 Slang – or informal language used by a particular group – is the subject of today's show,
0:20 and I was just demonstrating a couple of slang words that mean 'money'. Dosh is a general
0:26 term for money and a smacker is a British pound or US dollar.
0:30 OK, so Cockney Rhyming Slang is a type of slang.
0:34 It's a coded language invented in the 19th Century by Cockneys so they could speak in
0:39 front of the police without being understood.
0:43 And still on the subject of money, I have a question for you, Alice.
0:47 OK.
0:48 What's Cockney Rhyming Slang for 'money'?
0:51 Is it… a) bread?
0:53 b) honey?
0:54 Or c) dough?
0:55 I think it's a) bread.
0:57 I bet you didn't know, Neil, that I'm a Cockney.
0:59 I don't Adam and Eve it, Alice!
1:02 That's a pork pie!
1:04 'Adam and Eve' means 'believe' and 'pork pie' means… 'lie'!
1:09 Actually, you're right.
1:11 I'm not a Cockney.
1:12 To be considered a Cockney, you need to be born within hearing distance of the bells
1:17 of St Mary-le-Bow church in what is now the City of London.
1:21 Indeed.
1:22 Now, slang, as we've said, is colloquial – or informal – language.
1:27 And it's characteristic of specific social groups.
1:30 We usually use it in informal conversation rather than in writing or more formal situations,
1:35 like a job interview.
1:37 We change the way we speak so that what we say is appropriate for a particular situation.
1:43 So you surprised me, earlier, Alice, by talking about 'dosh' and 'smackers' because it didn't
1:48 seem appropriate for presenting the show.
1:50 Slang use is often frowned upon – or disapproved of.
1:55 Let's listen to Jonathan Green, a lexicographer of slang, talking about who uses slang and
2:00 how this has changed.
2:01 Here he is on the Radio 4 programme Word of Mouth.
2:06 Slang does have a bad reputation and I would say this comes from its earliest collection,
2:12 which was of criminal slang in the 1500s in the 16th century, and it was associated with
2:17 bad people, and inevitably that has lingered.
2:21 But now in the last 40 or 50 years it's changed.
2:25 The definitions tend to stress 'different' and 'jocular', 'funny', 'humorous', 'inventive',
2:31 that kind of thing.
2:33 So we have records of 16th Century slang in collections – or dictionaries.
2:38 Words used by criminals as a code so they could talk without being understood.
2:43 And this bad reputation has lingered – or been slow to disappear.
2:46 But for the last 50 years we've been using slang to be funny and creative as well as
2:52 to show belonging to a particular group.
2:55 And apparently we're very creative when talking about drinking and being drunk.
3:01 The slang word booze – meaning 'alcohol' – comes from the 13th Century Dutch word, 'būsen'.
3:08 And there are hundreds of slang expressions to talk about drink and being drunk: 'on the
3:13 sauce', 'in your cups', 'half cut', 'hammered', 'squiffy', 'tipsy', 'wasted', 'legless', and
3:18 many many more that are far too rude to mention in this programme.
3:22 Yes.
3:23 So, while these terms might not be strictly acceptable – or appropriate in formal contexts
3:30 they aren't offensive, they are often amusing and help people bond in social groups.
3:35 By contrast, swear words or profanity – means 'rude language that offends or upsets people'.
3:41 And I'm not going to give any examples because that would be inappropriate and impolite, Alice.
3:47 OK, let's listen now to Jonathan Green and presenter Michael Rosen talking about jargon
3:53 – another type of in-group language.
3:56 JG: Jargon is what I would call is small 'o' occupational, small 'p' professional.
4:02 It's closed off environments.
4:05 You get legal jargon, you get naval jargon, I've been reading Patrick O'Brien recently
4:10 and that's awash with futtock plates and fiddying the decks.
4:14 MR: This is radio 4 Jonathan, be careful!
4:17 Jonathan Green in another segment of the BBC Radio 4 programme Word of Mouth.
4:21 So he says jargon is occupational and professional, meaning people speak it at work, for example,
4:27 lawyers and sailors.
4:29 A futtock plate is, I believe, an iron plate attached to the top of a ship's mast.
4:35 But I don't know much about this subject.
4:38 That's the idea, though – jargon is the technical language belonging to a specific group.
4:44 And to outsiders this jargon is often hard to understand.
4:48 Yes and here in the studio I can use all the radio jargon that I like.
4:52 Look at my faders here, Alice.
4:55 Going down and up and up and I'm just testing our levels…
4:59 Come on, live the fader alone.
5:02 It controls the level of sound on a studio deck.
5:05 Now it's time for the answer to today's quiz question, Neil.
5:08 I asked you: What's Cockney Rhyming Slang for money?
5:12 Is it… a) bread, b) honey or c) dough?
5:16 And I said a) bread.
5:17 And you were right, Alice!
5:19 Cockney Rhyming Slang uses just the first word of a phrase that rhymes with a word we're
5:24 trying to disguise.
5:26 So 'money' becomes 'bread and honey' but we just say 'bread'.
5:31 OK, so let's recap on the words we've learned today.
5:35 They are: slang
5:38 dosh smacker
5:41 Cockney Rhyming Slang colloquial
5:44 frowned upon lingered
5:47 booze swear
5:50 profanity jargon

In case

source: Simple English Videos    2014年10月9日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

English Vocabulary - WISH & HOPE

source: Learn English with Valen     2009年11月4日
http://www.engvid.com/ This English lesson covers WISH and HOPE, and how and when to use these words. Don't forget to test your knowledge with the free quiz at my website.

# relevant grammar videos: using "wish" and "hope" to express wishes or regrets

How to send a letter in English

source: EnglishLessons4U    2014年12月18日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this useful lesson, you will learn how to send a letter or package to the USA or Canada. Do you know where to write all of the information on the envelope, like the address or the zip code? What *is* a zip code? What is the difference between the titles "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Miss", and "Ms."? Watch this video, and become an excellent pen pal with Ronnie!
Take the quiz on this lesson here: http://www.engvid.com/send-a-letter/

Learn English: Words with many meanings

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2014年12月29日
English can be really confusing! Many words sound the same, but have different meanings. Some words are even spelled exactly the same way and sound the same way too, and they still have different meanings! Today, I'm going to teach you all about these kinds of words in English, and I'll give you many examples. You'll learn about homonyms, homographs, and homophones. You'll learn a little bit of grammar and some new vocabulary. Learning this stuff will definitely help you to become a better reader and writer of English. Think you know it all? Take the quiz at www.engvid.com, where you can also find many more free English lessons.

Two, Too and To - Confusing English Words

source: Twominute English    2013年11月24日
Do you often feel confused while using to, too, and two? These words might sound similar, but each one of them has different functions in the conversation. It's not too difficult to use them, once you've taken the time to learn what they mean exactly, you'll be able to use them correctly. Listen to the conversations carefully and understand how the vocabulary is used. Practice at the end to build your fluency and comprehension.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Website: http://twominenglish.com
App for Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

English Pronunciation - I & EE

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年11月19日
http://www.engvid.com/ The 'i' and 'ee' sounds are often mistaken by new English speakers. If you're not sure how to make these sounds, watch this pronunciation class to learn about tongue position and practice making the sounds in front of your computer screen. It's easy!

When and how to use a dictionary – and when NOT to use a dictionary!

source: English Lessons with Adam    2016年9月23日
http://www.engvid.com You shouldn't always use a dictionary! In this video, I'll explain when you should use a paper dictionary, an online dictionary, or no dictionary at all! I'll show how to use your dictionary, and answer the question "which dictionary should I use?". A dictionary is an incredible tool when you are learning a language, but knowing how to use it is very important. If you use the dictionary correctly, you can learn a word's definition, spelling, pronunciation, origin, common usage, as well as what part of speech it is. This is a very important lesson for English learners of all levels, and native speakers too. To see if you understood the lesson, take the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/when-and-how-to...

CNN Student News with subtitles - September 25, 2016 | Zuckerberg`s Planning to Provide...

source: NEWS with Subtitles     2016年9月24日
Antarctic Whaling Banned in Japan; Zuckerberg`s Planning to Provide Internet in Rural And Hard-to-Access Areas To Boost Quality of Life; Renewable Energy Possibly Preventing Hurricanes; Scientific Project for Government to Save Money on Printer Ink.
Could tens of thousands of wind turbines weaken hurricanes? The theory behind the question is explored in this month of CNN Student News. Also in today's show: North Korea and South Korea exchange fire in the waters off the Korean Peninsula, a Japanese whaling program is banned, and we kick off Financial Literacy Month.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: http://goo.gl/0vY7J0
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

CNN Student News with subtitles - September 24,2016 |U.S Investigation into GM`s Failure...

source: NEWS with Subtitles     2016年9月23日
Government Investigation into GM`s Failure to Recall Dangerous Products; Unmapped Bottom of Indian Ocean Making Recovery of Flight 370 Extremely Difficult; One day of Air Traffic Controller at Busiest Airport.
In what ways do scientists know more about Mars than the Earth's oceans? You'll find out today on CNN Student News! We'll also tell you about a General Motors recall, a U.S. government requirement for backup cameras on all new cars, and the challenges facing air traffic controllers at the world's busiest airport.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: http://goo.gl/0vY7J0
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

CNN Student News September 23, 2016 subtitle /cc - A retrospective on U.S...

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100     2016年9月22日
A retrospective on U.S. presidential debates is featured today on CNN Student News! Walk back through decades of televised face-offs and find out what influenced voters. We're also reporting on a state of emergency in North Carolina, a study that detected a heavy metal in much of America's drinking water, and a look at what could be one of the biggest cybersecurity hacks ever.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

SMOKERS TO FACE ONE MORE BAN | Daily Listening | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening     2016年9月6日
Smoking in cars with children is likely to be banned in England this year, under new laws put forward by the government. Rob and Neil talk about the move and consider the reaction among smokers.
Listen to the conversation and learn some new vocabulary.
Link of SMOKERS TO FACE ONE MORE BAN | Daily Listening | English Subtitle:https://youtu.be/57Gq8gQIkks

0:03 With me in the studio today is Rob.
0:05 Hello, Neil.
0:06 Traditionally, January is the month in which people try to make their New Year's resolutions
0:12 work.
0:13 Some want to get fit, others swear they will drink less alcohol and there are those who
0:17 want to stop smoking.
0:19 Many people might wish to stop smoking here in England because, according to a plan, smoking
0:24 in cars with children will be banned under new laws put forward by the government.
0:28 And a similar move is being discussed in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
0:33 Today we're talking about this new proposal restricting where people are allowed to smoke.
0:38 And you'll learn some related vocabulary so you can have your own discussion on the subject.
0:43 We usually talk about smoking as a habit – that's what we do every day without even thinking
0:49 and it's difficult to give up.
0:50 Well, this ban is going to cause controversy, in other words, disagreement expressed in
0:55 an angry, public way.
0:57 Yes, smokers are trying hard to carry on enjoying their cigarettes.
1:00 But there are a couple of places where they've already lost the battle, Rob.
1:04 And where's that?
1:05 I'm giving you a chance to tell me.
1:08 Bans on smoking in cars where children are present already exist in some regions of particular
1:13 countries.
1:14 Is it: a) in the French capital, Paris
1:17 b) in some US states c) in Greece
1:22 I don't know but I'm gonna go for b) in some US states.
1:25 OK.
1:26 Well, we'll have the answer to that question at the end of the programme.
1:29 Now let's hear the argument in favour of a ban.
1:33 Here's Dr Hilary Wareing.
1:35 She is the director of the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre, which works with the
1:39 World Health Organisation.
1:41 The World Health Organisation is campaigning to discourage people from smoking.
1:46 Campaigning means working in an organised and active way to achieve an objective.
1:51 Listen out for what Dr Wareing calls the smoke from other people's cigarettes.
1:55 Those children who are exposed to second-hand smoke in cars are more likely to end up going
1:59 to their doctors with respiratory infections, more likely to end up going to hospital with
2:04 a respiratory infection and much more likely to get a wheeze or actually have asthma through
2:10 their childhood.
2:12 So Dr Wareing calls smoke from other people's cigarette second-hand smoke.
2:18 Second-hand is something which has had a previous owner.
2:21 And she also mentions asthma.
2:23 This is an illness you hear a lot about when people discuss the effects of tobacco smoke
2:27 and pollution on people's lungs.
2:30 People with asthma sometimes find it difficult to breathe.
2:33 You faced this problem as a child, didn't you, Rob?
2:36 Asthma?
2:37 No, but when I was a kid my brother, who was much older than me, used to smoke in the car.
2:42 Now, the smell was terrible, the smoke bothered me a lot and even if I don't have asthma now,
2:48 I just don't like breathing in smoke.
2:49 If people want to smoke, it's their personal choice, but not near me.
2:53 The proposal under discussion here in England includes a fine of up to £50 – that's about
2:58 $80 – imposed on the driver of the car if there's somebody smoking when there's a child
3:04 passenger.
3:05 A fine is the money you pay as a punishment for having broken the law.
3:09 And the driver is responsible, even if he is not the person smoking in the car.
3:13 This will really cause some conflict.
3:15 It probably will.
3:16 But it's difficult to find anyone who doesn't defend a child's right to be healthy.
3:21 Children are vulnerable – vulnerable means they are exposed to harm and can't defend
3:25 themselves.
3:26 We have to protect them.
3:27 But many smokers see this proposal with suspicion.
3:30 Yes, in the last few years, smokers have seen restrictions in their ability to smoke.
3:35 In many countries they aren't allowed to smoke in closed public places like bars anymore.
3:40 And cigarette packages show disturbing pictures of diseased lungs.
3:43 Smoking doesn't look so cool anymore.
3:46 One of the smokers suspicious of the new ban is Hayley.
3:50 This British driver said she doesn't smoke when her children are on board.
3:53 But that's as far as she goes in agreeing with the ban.
3:57 What objection – I mean what reason for disagreeing – is she raising?
4:01 Listen out for the two words Hayley uses when talking about the physical area surrounding
4:05 her which she feels is very personal.
4:07 If they are going to stop it with people in the cars with their children I completely
4:12 agree with that.
4:13 I completely understand where they are coming from, but to take it to the next level of
4:16 stopping it even if you haven't got children in the car then I think that's a little bit
4:20 beyond people's personal space, really.
4:24 Hayley talks about her personal space – it means the area around her body which she feels
4:31 is hers and if invaded makes her feel uncomfortable.
4:36 In this case, Hayley feels that her car is her personal space and she should be able
4:41 to choose if she wants to smoke in it.
4:44 Well, it seems that enforcing this ban will be a bit of a challenge for the authorities.
4:49 There's a ban on smoking inside buses but I tell you, sometimes I can smell smoke from
4:53 somewhere.
4:54 They breach the law at their own peril.
4:57 But other places have managed to implement the ban on smoking in cars with child passengers.
5:02 So what's the answer to the question you put earlier in the programme, Neil?
5:05 Where are people not allowed by law to smoke in private cars with children on board: is
5:10 it Paris, some US states or Greece?
5:13 Well, I said some US states.
5:15 And you were correct!
5:16 Oh good.
5:17 Well, the proposal here in England has yet to be voted for in Parliament and it might
5:22 be implemented only by October.
5:24 So plenty of time there for a good debate.
5:27 Yes but two people who can't continue the discussion, at least for the moment, are both
5:31 of us.
5:32 That's because we've run out of time, Rob.
5:34 Let's just remember some of the words used today.
5:37 habit, controversy
5:41 campaigning, second-hand smoke
5:44 asthma, fine
5:47 vulnerable, personal space

Alone - Lonely

source: Simple English Videos    2014年10月13日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
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Many people use the word can when they are asking for permission. They say,
"Can I go to the bathroom?" or "Can I have a box of popcorn?"
There is a better way to ask for permission. Use the word may instead.
"May I go to the bathroom?" or "May I have a box of popcorn?"

Try to use the word may when you are asking for permission.
Try to use the word can only when you are talking about being able to do something.
Can Natasha program her laptop to make funny noises?
Yes, she can do many amazing things.

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A crook: is a criminal or a dishonest person.
A villain: is a criminal or an unpleasant person. We often have people playing a negative character in a film. We called them a villain. A female villain is called a vileness
A scumbag: is a person who is morally wrong but is of a low status.
An evil witch: is used for women, an evil woman.
A psycho/psychopath: is a person who engages into anti social or evil behaviour without thinking about the victims
A nasty piece of work: is someone who is cruel and mean. They do mean things.
A creep: is an odd personality. They behave in an odd way. Maybe someone hides behind a tree and keeps staring at you. It scares you because you do not know his intentions.
A two faced cow: is someone who talks sweetly on your face and talks bad about you behind your back. Mainly used to describe a woman’s behavior.
A ruthless person: is shrewd and who makes decisions without thinking about anybody.