
CNN Student News - September 11, 2016 | Controversial Commercialization ...

source: NEWS with Subtitles    2016年9月10日
Military Taking Over Thailand over Civil Unrest; Controversial Commercialization of 9-11 Memorial Museum in New York; Army and Hollywood Symbiosis.
Martial law is declared in Thailand, an Oklahoma town remembers a devastating storm, and a museum gift shop causes controversy in New York: We have it all covered today on CNN Student News. We'll also look into the symbiotic relationship between Hollywood and the military, and we'll show you the throw-and-catch play that made a high school athlete famous.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: http://goo.gl/0vY7J0
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
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