
Expressing Negative Emotions

source: Twominute English     2013年8月1日
We all go through a lot of emotions in our daily lives, some are negative and some are positive. If you find it difficult to express your negative emotions to your friends and relatives, then this lesson will help you out. In this lesson, you will learn some phrases that can be used to express negative emotions with conviction.
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0:06 In this lesson we will learn the phrases that you can use to express your negative emotions to your friends and loved ones.
0:20 Gosh! My tooth has been killing me.
0:23 You might have a cavity. You should go to the dentist as soon as possible.
0:27 No way. I'm afraid of seeing the dentist. I always get a bad feeling. I try to avoid it like the plague.
0:34 Come on. Don't be a chicken! It won't be that bad!
0:39 I'm not a chicken! But I'll do anything to stay away from a dental clinic.
0:43 Even let the cavity eat your whole tooth?
0:47 Dentists scare me more than the cavity.
0:50 You can't be serious!
0:59 Hey, you look very upset. What's going on?
1:02 I'm anxious about the final exams. I don't know if I can pass them.
1:07 Aren't you studying?
1:09 I am! But I don't take exams well. I always panic.
1:13 Well, don't worry too much. You still have three days ahead.
1:17 Yeah, but three days aren't enough to cover the entire syllabus. These days will be gone in the blink of an eye.
1:24 I think the best thing to do now is try to remain calm.
1:34 What's happening between your girlfriend and you? You guys fight all the time these days.
1:39 What are you saying?
1:41 Well, the whole office is talking about it. Why do you fight in public places?
1:47 I can't stand her anymore. She's a crazy woman. Even a bit of friendly advice sets her off.
1:53 So, what did you tell her?
1:56 I told her she had to stay away from the new assistant manager. He's not a nice guy to hang around with.
2:02 She thought I was being jealous of her friendship with him. Can you believe that?!
2:06 Well, I can. You do sound a bit jealous.
2:11 And you sound like her!
2:18 Why were you oddly looking at him while he was talking?
2:23 Well, I'm sure he lied to me about last night. I was trying to read his face.
2:28 Why do you say that?
2:30 He wasn't looking at me while talking. I'm sure he was hiding something.
2:35 Well, you shouldn't be so suspicious of people. Just relax and stop thinking that there's always something wrong!
2:44 Perhaps you're right. Maybe I think too much about things.
2:51 No way. I'm afraid of seeing the dentist.
2:58 I always get a bad feeling. I try to avoid it like the plague.
3:08 Dentists scare me more than the cavity.
3:16 I'm anxious about the final exams.
3:25 But I don't take exams well. I always panic.
3:35 I can't stand her anymore.
3:40 Even a bit of friendly advice sets her off. Can you believe that?!
3:53 He wasn't looking at me while talking. I'm sure he was hiding something.