
Talk, Speak and Tell - Confusing Words in English

source: Twominute English   2013年8月26日
Many new English speakers often get confused when trying to use the verbs 'Talk', 'Speak' and 'Tell'. 'Talk' is used to denote conversations and it is used when you are speaking casually or informally. 'Speak', when used to refer to conversations, is used to refer to more formal situations. You can 'speak to' or 'speak with' someone. 'Tell' is used to instruct or inform and it is always followed by the person to whom the information or instruction is given.
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0:06 This lesson will help you learn the correct usage of ‘Talk’, ‘Speak’ and ‘Tell’.
0:18 Hello Carol! In today’s lesson, we are going to discuss how to use ‘Talk’, ‘Speak’ and ‘Tell’.
0:25 Good idea, Betsy! People often get confused with these.
0:30 Let me tell you: they do! ‘Tell’ is used when one is giving information or instructions to someone.
0:37 It is followed by the person to whom the information or instruction is given to.
0:42 So when you said “tell you”, I would be the person you gave the information to. Now, tell me about ‘Talk’ and ‘Speak’.
0:50 Sure Carol! ‘Talk’ is used to denote general communication between two people. When you say you are going to talk to someone,
0:59 it means you are going to have a conversation with this person.
1:03 You can’t say ‘Tell to someone’. That’s wrong. But you can say ‘Speak to someone’.
1:08 It means the same thing as ‘Talk to’ but it’s considered a bit more formal.
1:13 That’s right. ‘Tell’ suggests passing on some information, it does not suggest a conversation.
1:21 ‘Speak’ is also used to mean delivering a speech, isn’t it?
1:25 That’s right. When someone ‘speaks to’ a gathering, it means he gives a speech. ‘Give a talk’ also means giving a speech, but ‘talking to’ does not.
1:36 ‘Speak’ is also used to say that you know a language: I speak English and Spanish.
1:43 Perfect! It means the same thing as ‘I know English and Spanish’.
1:48 I will feel a lot more confident when I use ‘Talk’, ‘Tell’ and ‘Speak’ now. What about listening to some conversations for contextualized examples?
1:57 Good idea, Carol.
2:06 Jake, how many times should I tell you to wash hands before eating?
2:10 But my hands are clean!
2:13 That doesn’t mean there are no germs. Remember, you can’t see germs.
2:17 You’re right. I should have taken care. I will wash my hands.
2:27 Did you tell John I wanted to see him?
2:30 Yes, but he is mad at you for not coming to his birthday party.
2:34 Oh God, I have apologised to him twice. Will you talk to him, please?
2:40 Okay, I will try.
2:48 Hey Jake! May I talk to you for a moment?
2:51 Sure. You look upset... Tell me what's wrong.
2:55 Marcy is barely speaking to me. It's annoying!
2:59 You should insist on talking to her. Don't let her give you the silent treatment.
3:04 Perhaps you could tell her that. Maybe she'll listen.
3:08 I'll talk to her!
3:14 I speak English and Spanish.
3:22 Did you tell John that I wanted to see him?
3:31 Will you talk to him, please?
3:36 May I talk to you for a moment?
3:43 Tell me what's wrong.
3:49 Marcy is barely speaking to me.
3:57 You should insist on talking to her.
4:05 I'll talk to her!