

source: 美国之音中文网     2013年5月1日
1. Better off 情况更好
2. Personal effects 随身物品,私人物品  
3. In the wrong line of business 入错了行
4. My lips are sealed. 我保密
5. On the line 处于危险边缘
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Learn English with the Pac-Man Method!

source: English Lessons with Alex     2016年1月2日
What do Pac-Man and learning English have in common? More than you think. In fact, there is a learning philosophy behind the game that can be applied to anything you want, including learning a new language. In this exciting lesson, you will learn about the importance of being flexible and confident as you learn English. You will also find out about the learning blocks you need to avoid or overcome if you want to be successful and get to the last level of the game. Ready? YOU CAN DO THIS! Wakka wakka wakka.

Go Trick Or Treating!--OMG!美语

source: 美国之音中文网    2015年11月16日
话题:Halloween 万圣节
1. Go Trick or Treating 去要糖
2. Go door to door 一家一家敲门
3. pillowcase full of candy 一枕头套糖
美国之音中文网视频 - http://www.voachinese.com/media/video...