
CNN Student News February 9, 2016 with English subtitles

source: ANTONIO GALIMBERTI     2016年2月8日
CNN Student News with closed caption. (You can click it on by yourself.)
Vocabulary Quiz for EFL Students N° 00034
Strong reactions follow a North Korean satellite launch, a note of caution rings out ahead of the Rio Olympics, and we preview the New Hampshire primaries.
SOURCE: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

CNN Student News February 8, 2016 with English subtitles

source: ANTONIO GALIMBERTI    2016年2月7日
CNN Student News with closed caption. (You can click it on by yourself.)
Vocabulary Quiz for EFL Students N° 00034
Cereal is front and center on today's special edition of CNN Student News. Find out how the industry has changed and what influence consumers have on it.
SOURCE: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

My First Pet (English Listening Level 1 - Lesson 6)

source: Daily English Conversation    2016年1月29日

My name is Sarah.
I am 14 years old.
I have a pet cat.
My cat's name is Milo.
My cat is black and white.
Milo's paws are white.
Milo's body is black.
She is very cute.
Milo's fur is very soft.
Milo was a very small kitten.
Milo is a very big cat.
Milo cannot have kittens.
She is fixed.
Milo likes to eat.
Milo likes to play outside
Milo likes to hunt for birds.
Milo likes to hunt for mice.
She likes her ears scratched.
Milo likes to sit in my lap.
Milo likes to sleep on my bed.
Milo is a good pet.
Subscribe To Update New Lesson: https://www.youtube.com/channel/...

English Conversation 06

source: Trung Mai     2015年10月23日

English Way DVD 09 with English subtitles

sources: Katherine Canuck / English Subtitles    2016年1月29日
Learn to agree enthusiastically to advise and offer suggestions and show surprise, besides the names of household chores, useful expressions for the gym and on diet and nutrition.
Lesson 1 - Alone at home // future with "going to" functions • "will" • Expressions with "have"
Lesson 2 - You should try it! // verbs with two objects • "should"
Lesson 3 - I'm starving! // modals that express ability, permission, obligation and responsibility

Lost 迷路--美语怎么说(8)

source: 美国之音中文网   2012年8月17日
take a detour 绕个弯儿
in the middle of nowhere 前不着村,后不着店 
know something like the back of my hand 了如指掌
go with the flow 顺其自然