
CNN Student News - February 19, 2016 with English subtitles

source: Thanh Do     2016年2月19日
Source: http://cnnstudentnews.com/
Transcripts: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPT...
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ShareAndLear...

source: ANTONIO GALIMBERTI   2016年2月19日
CNN Student News with closed caption.
Vocabulary Quiz for EFL Students N° 00035
SOURCE: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

Cleaning Up Leaves (English Listening Level 1 - Lesson 12)

source: Daily English Conversation    2016年1月30日
The leaves are changing colours.
I see red maple leaves.
I see orange maple leaves.
I see yellow maple leaves.
The leaves are beautiful.
It is starting to get cold.
The wind is strong.
Winter is coming.
The leaves fall off the trees.
On Saturday we will clean them up.
The whole family helps.
My Dad gets the rake.
My Mom gets the garbage bags.
My brother and I help too.
We gather leaves with our hands.
We make a big pile.
My brother and I jump in the leaves.
We make a big mess.
Our parents don't mind.
Our parents fill our coats with leaves.
We look really big.
Everyone laughs.
Play time is over.
Back to work.
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English Conversation 12

source: Trung Mai    2015年8月1日
Please watch more English Conversation videos at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2gFk...

English Way DVD 15 with English subtitles

sources: Learning English Online / English Subtitles   2014年10月22日
In the professional area, learn to deal with complaints and conduct a meeting. In health, understand the information in package inserts of drugs. In the leisure area, learn how to talk about the weather, and how to make a reservation at a hotel.
Lesson 9 - Warm and happy
Lesson 10 - I'd like to welcome you all
Lesson 9 - You're a fi rst class athlete!
Lesson 10 - I'm running a temperature
Lesson 9 - Unpredictable weather
Lesson 10 - How much do you charge per night?

The Lady--美语怎么说(12)

source: 美国之音中文网    2012年9月21日
1. all ears 洗耳恭听 
2. Nobel Laureate 诺贝尔奖得主 
3. a household name 家喻户晓的人物 
4. cacth-22 进退维谷的局面 
5. fill one's shoes 接替某人的职务 
6. see eye to eye 意见一致