
CNN Student News March 17, 2016 with English subtitles

source: ANTONIO GALIMBERTI  2016年3月16日
CNN Student News with closed caption.(You can click it on by yourself.)
Vocabulary Quiz for EFL Students N° 00038
A political battle begins between the U.S. president and the Senate, El Niño showers down on parched California, and we're looking at the science of happiness.
SOURCE: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

source: Thanh Do   2016年3月17日
CNN Student News with subtitles.
Source: http://cnnstudentnews.com/
Transcripts: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPT...
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ShareAndLear...

10 Idiomatic Expressions with the modal verb 'Can’t'

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2015年8月10日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/10-idiomatic-ex...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai
In English grammar the modal verb “can” and its opposite “cannot or can’t” is explained as a verb that we use to describe ability.Can’t (or cannot) is also used with some verbs to create idiomatic
expressions and are widely used by native English speakers. In this English lesson Ceema teaches you 10 expressions with Can't.

Can't be bothered - If you can’t be bothered to do something, it means you have no time or interest to do it. It is not important enough for your attention.

Can't tell - The expression can’t tell means “can’t perceive/observe.” We often use it in the phrases:
Can’t tell the difference between (two similar things)
can’t tell if/whether (something is the case or not)

Can't carry a tune - Someone who can’t carry a tune has no musical ability; they can’t sing a simple melody correctly.

Can't wait - The expression can’t wait means you are very eager and excited for something to happen in the future.

Can't get enough - If you can’t get enough of something, it means you want more and more of it.

Can't stand - If you can’t stand something, it means it really annoys or irritates you; you strongly dislike it.

Can't bear - If you can’t bear something, it means it makes you extremely sad; it is difficult for you to endure.

Can't help - I can’t help it means that you are unable to stop or prevent yourself from doing something or feeling a certain way. You can also say I can’t help + verb in the -ING form: “I can’t help feeling guilty, even though it wasn’t my fault.”

Can't beat - The expression You can’t beat that! means the situation is the best; it can’t be any better.

Can't thank you enough - The phrase I can’t thank you enough expresses very deep, sincere
gratitude. It is usually used when you are thanking the person for something they did that was very significant or very meaningful to you.

# Click to view relevant grammar videos: modals

Words Ending in -FUL

source: Espresso English  2015年8月26日
English Vocabulary Builder Course - http://www.espressoenglish.net/vocabu...
Free English lessons by e-mail - http://www.espressoenglish.net

12 expressions with COLOURS in English

source: Benjamin's English Classes  2015年5月13日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this lesson, you will have a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to learn twelve expressions that use different colours in English. Some examples include "roll out the red carpet", "black sheep", and "the grass is greener on the other side". These are common idioms you can easily use in your everyday language. After watching, make sure to do the quiz to test your understanding. Hopefully, you will pass with FLYING COLOURS!

Basic English Vocabulary - GET

source: English Lessons with Adam    2013年7月8日
http://www.engvid.com Let's get started by looking at the word 'get' followed by participles and other words. 'Get' is one of the most frequently used words in English, but it can be confusing. "Get angry", "get going", and "get a burger" each use the word in a different way. This lesson will show you how you can use 'get' properly in different ways. You can also take a quiz here: http://www.engvid.com/basic-english-v...

English Conversation 30

source: Trung Mai     2015年12月4日