
DEAL expressions - "big deal", "deal with it"...

source: JamesESL English Lessons     2013年5月31日
http://www.engvid.com/ What's the "BIG DEAL" about this lesson? Well, if you want to be a "big deal", watch this English lesson and find out when 'deal' is used to talk about importance or a problem. I'll teach you eight different ways to use "DEAL"! Press play right now and say "DEAL ME IN, JAMES!" And don't forget to take the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/speaking-englis...

Polite English: How to ask people to repeat themselves

source: Learn English with Gill (engVid)     2015年8月19日
http://www.engvid.com/ Do you often not understand people or fail to hear what they are saying? Native English speakers often speak unclearly or too fast, making it difficult to understand their words. In this lesson, I will teach you some polite ways of asking people to repeat what they said. You will learn expressions such as,"pardon", "I didn't quite hear you", "Could you speak more slowly, please?" and more. Never miss a word again and become an even better English speaker with this useful lesson. And if you need me to repeat anything, just replay the video! http://www.engvid.com/polite-english-...

Advanced Vocabulary Course: lesson 1

source: MrSkypelessons    2015年9月17日
This advanced vocabulary course is designed to work in tandem with episodes on the US version of Sherlock called 'Elementary', and exercises on my website. You can find more grammar and vocabulary questions here: https://www.skype-lessons.com/advance...

I advise students to do the following: read the exercises, check any unknown vocabulary, watch the show, answer the questions, and then retell it using the target vocabulary and grammar. The retelling is necessary to activate new phrases in an easy to remember context. Please repeat the vocabulary using this video and the questions which accompany the video. Please subscribe for the whole course. Lessons will be released on a weekly basis.

1) Should prison rehabilitate or punish offenders?
2) What's the best way of dealing with addictions?
3) Do you know anyone who has been in a rehab clinic?
4) What's the best way to sober up?
5) Can you think of any famous kidnappings or stranglers?
6) Can you name the culprits/perpetrators?
7) How much was the ransom demand?
8) Would you have a water tight alibi if you were accused of committing a crime last night?
9) Do you have any siblings?
10) Do your siblings/children throw temper tantrums?
11) What sort of things are a sore subject for you?
12) Do you tend to let people in on your secrets?
13) Do you have any allergies? What are you allergic to?

to rehabilitate
rehab clinic
sober (to sober up)
perpetrator / culprit
a water tight alibi
to be kidnapped
a ransom demand
to strangle
to throw a temper tantrum
signs of struggle
to dry out
a sore subject
a slope of 5 degrees
to let s.o in on
to be allergic to

1) He can't have strangled his wife.
2) Dr Mantlo can't have been the culprit.
3) Mrs Mantlo can't have been kidnapped.
4) Mrs Mantlo must have known her killer.
5) Peter must have wanted to dry out his phone.

1) He shouldn't have thrown a temper tantrum.
2) He shouldn't have spoken about this sore subject.
3) He shouldn't have got addicted to heroin.

Compound words in English

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2015年5月22日
In English, we sometimes use compound words in order to be descriptive and thorough going in our explanations. For ESL students, compounds can be quite difficult. In this video, Ceema teaches you all about compounds so that you can use them correctly to speak fluent English.
Baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie: three words near and dear to many American hearts. Actually, the words have more in common than Americana; they are members of a category of words called compound words.
What are Compound Words?
Compound words are formed when two or more words are put together to form a new word with a new meaning. They can function as different parts of speech, which can dictate what form the compound takes on.
Compound words are so prevalent in the English language we don’t think much about them – until it’s time to write them. Then we often have to stop and think about how they’re put together.
Some examples of compound words are mentioned below:

Brain Storm - a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems.

Scapegoat - A person or group that is made to bear blame for others.

Aftermath - A consequence, especially of a disaster or misfortune.
Backfire - To come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect.

Daredevil - A reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things.

Frostbite - An injury to body tissues caused by exposure to extreme cold, typically affecting the nose, fingers, or toes and often resulting in gangrene.

Ironclad – Something or Someone Sheathed with iron plates for protection.

Carefree – Someone who is not being burdened by trouble, or worry.

Milestone - An important event, as in a child's development, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point.

Outlaw – A person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive.

Panhandle - To approach strangers and beg for money or food.

Wholesale - The business of selling of goods in large quantities and at low prices, typically to be sold on by retailers at a profit

Eyeball – To stare at another with intent to threaten or insult

10 English Words with Slang Meanings

source: Espresso English   2016年2月14日
Slang and Informal English E-Book: http://www.espressoenglish.net/learn-...
Free English Tips by E-mail: http://www.espressoenglish.net

Vocabulary: Talking about CLOTHES in English

source: Benjamin's English Classes  2015年3月4日
Clothes are part of our everyday life. In this easy vocabulary lesson, you will learn how to talk about clothing, how to pay compliments about someone’s outfit, and what dress codes such as "smart casual", "black tie", and "Sunday best" mean. Boring vocabulary is so last season, so put your glad rags on, and watch this lesson to learn some exciting new words. You will be looking smart in no time.

12 IELTS Speaking Tips

source: Learn English with Rebecca  2014年12月7日
Learn 12 important ways to get a higher score on the IELTS Speaking section. Find out what to do and what NOT to do from an experienced IELTS trainer and understand how to increase your IELTS Speaking score, easily and immediately. You're guaranteed to learn something new here -- and that can make all the difference!