
CNN Student News - April 14, 2016 - English Sub

source: Thanh Do  2016年4月14日
Learning English with CNN Student News
CNN Student News with subtitles.
Source: http://cnnstudentnews.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ShareAndLear...

Does grammar matter? - Andreea S. Calude

source: TED-Ed   2016年4月12日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/does-gramma...
It can be hard sometimes, when speaking, to remember all of the grammatical rules that guide us when we’re writing. When is it right to say “the dog and me” and when should it be “the dog and I”? Does it even matter? Andreea S. Calude dives into the age-old argument between linguistic prescriptivists and descriptivists — who have two very different opinions on the matter.
Lesson by Andreea S. Calude, animation by Mike Schell.

CNN Student News April 13, 2016 with English subtitles

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100  2016年4月12日
April 13, 2016 CNN Student News with subtitles, closed caption (You can click it on by yourself).

source: CNN    2016年4月12日
Two ISIS defectors discuss challenges of fighting the group, we look at how rules are set for the RNC, and a Character Study focuses on ecological inspiration.

How to use the word THINK in English

source: Learn English with Gill (engVid)    2016年3月23日
The word "think" and all its forms are used very often in English. In this lesson, I will explain some of its main uses, including how to use "think" with different verb tenses. I will also teach you several "think" expressions, such as "let me have a think" and "think something up". Watch this video! I think you will find that it helps you to expand your vocabulary.

What are Extreme Adjectives?

source: Learn English with Let's Talk   2015年3月28日
Link to quiz : http://www.learnex.in/what-are-extrem...
Adjectives are words that describe the qualities of something. Some adjectives in English are gradable - that means you can have different degrees or levels of that quality. For example, the weather can be a little cold, rather cold, very cold, or extremely cold.
Extreme adjectives or non-gradable adjectives are words that mean “extremely + adjective” – for example, “freezing” means “extremely cold.” The weather can’t be “a little bit freezing” or “very freezing” – because the word “freezing” itself automatically means “extremely cold.”

# Regular Adjective Extreme Adjective:
angry furious
bad awful, terrible, horrible
big huge, gigantic, giant
clean spotless
cold freezing
crowded packed
dirty filthy
funny hilarious
good wonderful, fantastic, excellent
hot boiling
hungry starving
interesting fascinating
old ancient
pretty gorgeous
scary terrifying
small tiny
surprising astounding
tired exhausted
ugly hideous

# Special Rules for Extreme Adjectives
1) No comparatives/superlatives.
With regular adjectives, we can use comparatives and superlatives to compare two or more things:
 My house is big.
 My neighbor’s house is bigger than mine.
 My parents’ house is the biggest house on the street.
With extreme adjectives, we don’t use comparatives and superlatives:
 My parents’ house is enormous.
 My parents’ house is more enormous / the most enormous.

2) Use different adverbs with extreme adjectives.
With regular adjectives, we can use these adverbs:
 a little, a bit, slightly, fairly, rather
 very, extremely, immensely, intensely, hugely
 I’m rather hungry. / I’m very hungry.
 This room is a bit dirty. / This room is extremely dirty.
 We’re a little tired. / We’re immensely tired.
With extreme adjectives, we CANNOT use these adverbs:
 I’m rather starving. / I’m extremely starving.

However, there are other adverbs we can use to give additional emphasis to the extreme adjective:
 absolutely
 completely
 utterly
 I’m absolutely furious.
 We’re completely exhausted.
 The movie was utterly terrifying.
The words pretty and really can be used with both regular and extreme adjectives:
 This room is pretty dirty. (regular)
 This room is pretty filthy. (extreme)
 The party is really crowded. (regular)
 The party is really packed. (extreme)

# Absolute Adjectives
Another type of extreme adjective is called an “absolute” adjective.
These are words that are either “yes or no.” For example, dead – you can’t be “a little bit dead” or “very dead” – either YES, you are dead, or NO, you’re not dead.

# relevant grammar videos: adjectives and adverbs

Compound words in English: Around the House

source: Espresso English    2016年2月11日
Vocabulary Builder Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/vocabu...
Free English tips by e-mail: http://www.espressoenglish.net

Learn English: How to talk like the boss

source: Benjamin's English Classes  2014年5月1日
Are you a manager? Do you want to be a manager? This English lesson will teach you how to sound like one! When you're the boss, you need to communicate effectively with your colleagues, clients, and other office workers. In this lesson, I teach you several expressions to use in a professional English-speaking environment, so that you can sound like the boss. Can I 'COUNT ON YOU' to learn this? I know you can 'FIT IT INTO' your schedule. If you can 'PULL IT OFF', you should 'FOLLOW UP' by taking the quiz athttp://www.engvid.com/how-to-talk-lik...

Basic English Vocabulary - SEEM

source: English Lessons with Adam    2013年5月11日
http://www.engvid.com English seems difficult sometimes. But if you get the right explanations, it's not that hard after all! In this lesson, we'll look at the verb 'seem'. I'll teach you what it means, and how to use it properly. After the lesson, take the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/basic-english-v...