
Learn 6 Body Idioms in English: get cold feet, play by ear...

source: English Lessons with Adam      2016年8月1日
I'm going to stick my neck out and say that you probably don't know of what some of these idioms mean. But don't worry, let your hair down and we'll have some fun with these everyday English idioms that involve body parts, including "get cold feet", "get something off your chest", "play it by ear", and more. I'll give you real-life examples of how these expressions are used in daily conversations, so you'll never feel like you're in over your head!
Take the QUIZ: http://www.engvid.com/6-body-idioms-i...

1. To get cold feet,
2. To get something off one's chest.
3. To be in over one's head
4. To let one's hair down
5. To stick one's neck out
6. To play by ear

Parts of Speech

source: Learn English with BeGlobal    2015年10月28日
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# relevant grammar videos: parts of speech (overview)

SAT Vocabulary List #33

source: Catlin Tucker    2015年5月18日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

6 Confusing Words: fun & funny, famous & popular, surprise & shock

source: EnglishLessons4U    2013年3月1日
http://www.engvid.com/ If I go to an amusement park, it is fun or funny? Is George W. Bush famous or popular? Was the dead animal I saw a surprise or a shock? New English speakers often confuse these 3 pairs of words. Learn how they are different! http://www.engvid.com/6-confusing-words/

The verb GET | Phrasal verbs with GET | English lesson

source: Crown Academy of English    2014年11月17日
- in several phrasal verbs. - (Phrasal verbs are verbs made up of a verb and usually a preposition or adverb particle to form a phrase or expression that has different meaning from the original verb.)
- in several idioms (expressions) that are difficult to translate literally.
The form of the verb "get" is regular for the present simple. The ing form is "getting". The past form is "got" and the past participle is also "got" in British English and "gotten" in American English.

At the end of this English lesson, there is an exercise to test your understanding of the verb "get" as a main verb and as a phrasal verb. Please write your answers to the exercise in the comments below the video.
The accent in this video lesson is a British English accent.
More Vocabulary Lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Listening exercises: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

# relevant grammar verbs: phrasal verbs

Alright or All right?

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2013年4月3日
http://www.engvid.com/ Is it "all right" to use "alright" when you are writing? If the answer is yes, when is it "alright"? Watch this lesson and you will always know the right answer!!! Afterwards, if you're all right with it, take the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/alright-all-right/

Speaking English At the School

source: Twominute English     2014年2月19日
Going to school is one of the most memorable experiences of one's life. But it can be a difficult experience when your English isn't as fluent as everyone else's, and students may go through a lot of hardship because of that. Let's take a look at some sample conversations that you can use to communicate with your teachers and schoolmates.
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0:12 Hi there! How are you?
0:14 In school, we talk about a lot of things with our classmates.
0:18 We share our things, tell stories and have a lot of fun.
0:22 If we want to make a lot of friends at school, we need to communicate with them.
0:26 and if we want to learn as much as possible we need to communicate with out teachers.
0:30 Today’s lesson will show you a variety of conversations about school life.
0:36 Practice the dialog by pausing the lesson and repeating the lines anywhere you want!
0:41 It will help to build up your English fluency.
0:44 Also, remember to check out the vocabulary section at the end.
0:48 Shall we get started?
0:56 Hey, do you have an extra pen I could borrow?
0:58 I can lend you one for this class but I’ll need it back when class is over.
1:02 That’d be good. I forgot to bring my pencil box today.
1:06 Not a problem. Here it is!
1:08 Thanks. I’ll return it as soon as the class is over.
1:17 Where’s your homework assignment, Nate?
1:20 I couldn't complete my assignment.
1:22 And why was that?
1:24 We had some guests over last night. So, I couldn't work at all!
1:28 Alright. You’ve got three hours after school.
1:32 Complete and return last night’s homework assignment before the day ends and you’ll get your grade.
1:38 Thank you so much!
1:46 How good are you in math?
1:47 Well, I know 2 plus 2 is not 5.
1:51 Alright. I get it! You and I are in the same boat.
1:54 Yup. But, why did you ask?
1:58 I was looking for someone to help me study. The syllabus seems pretty long.
2:03 Yes it is! We could ask our teacher to give us some extra lessons after school.
2:07 Will she be okay with that?
2:09 Don’t know. But teachers always say that we can ask for help anytime. We can test her!
2:15 Dude. Help means one or two days, not every day for the entire syllabus.
2:20 Well, okay. Let’s see how much help she’ll give us for the midterms.
2:31 What have you packed for tomorrow’s field trip?
2:34 Well, I’ve followed the checklist given by the instructor.
2:38 I didn’t get any checklist. Can I borrow yours?
2:42 You would have gotten it, if you were mentally present when they gave it.
2:45 Well, you can have my list now. I’m already done with my packing.
2:49 Alright. Thanks a lot! I’m really looking forward to this field trip!
3:02 When you borrow something, you use something that belongs to someone else and then return it.
3:08 The person who receives something from someone else is borrowing it.
3:16 When you lend something to someone, you give it to them to use, expecting them to return it.
3:21 The person who gives something to someone else and expects to get it back is lending it.
3:31 Homework is the extra work we receive from school that we must do at home and return to class.
3:41 In the same boat is an idiom. It means that someone else is in the same situation as you.
3:47 If you are in the same situation as me, then we are in the same boat.
3:56 A test given in the middle of the course to test what’s been learned so far.
4:04 The syllabus is an outline and summary of topics to be covered in a course.
4:13 An educational class trip to somewhere away from the school.
4:16 It could be to anywhere, like the zoo, a factory, or maybe the theater. It could be for a few hours, or a few days.
4:29 A checklist is a list of things to remember or to do.
4:36 Listening or paying attention to something is called being mentally present.
4:43 Thank you for watching this lesson.
4:45 We’ll be back with a new one tomorrow.
4:46 Do come back and check it out!
4:48 Like this lesson by clicking that ‘like’ button below
4:52 Also remember to subscribe to our channel with the button on the right to stay updated about all of our new lessons.
4:59 Bye Bye!

The secret to successful socializing (Conversation Skills)

source: Learn English with Rebecca   2012年12月13日
http://www.engvid.com/ Want the secret to turning strangers into friends? In this conversation lesson, I teach you an easy 3-step method to socialize with anybody without confusion, fear, or stress. This simple strategy can transform your personal and professional life and give you confidence like never before. Are you ready to socialize? Test yourself with our quiz: http://www.engvid.com/conversation-sk...