
8 verbs to talk about movement

source: Learn English with Rebecca     2016年8月3日
You probably know the words "walk" and "run", but do you know "shuffle", "stroll", or "tiptoe"? In this lesson, you'll learn eight words native English speakers use to talk about moving. Having a broad vocabulary will help you understand more English, and will make your speech more fluent. In this video, you'll hear explanations and common examples of when we use these words. Whether your goal is to get a higher score on IELTS or TOEFL, to improve your high school or university writing, or you just want to be a more descriptive speaker -- watch this lesson, then take the quiz at: http://www.engvid.com/8-verbs-to-talk...

English in a Minute: Suck the Air out of the Room

source: VOA Learning English    2016年8月2日
You might have dealt with a person or situation that "sucked the air out of the room?" Find out how to use this expression in this week's EIM!
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

How to start a conversation in English

source: Espresso English    2016年8月4日
Everyday English Speaking Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/everyd...
Top 10 tips for fluent English: http://www.espressoenglish.net/how-to...
Free English tips by e-mail: http://www.espressoenglish.net

SAT Vocabulary List #31

source: Catlin Tucker    2015年2月18日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

The difference between bring and take

source: Crown Academy of English     2014年4月28日
We use "bring" and "take" to describe carrying and/or transporting an object or person from one place (the source) to another place (the destination)
If the speaker is at the destination, and the movement of the object is towards him, then we use "bring". For example "Please bring me the bill."
We can also use "bring" if the listener and speaker will both be at the destination in the future. This is because the speaker is focusing on the listener and the destination. Example "I will bring the photographs to the restaurant tomorrow."
We use "take" if the destination is in a different place to the speaker and the listener will not be present at the destination. Example: "I will take these boxes to the lorry."
Other examples are also discussed in the video and there are some exercises at the end of this English grammar lesson to test your understanding.
The accent is a British English accent.
More grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Listening exercises: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Ways to say Hello and Goodbye in ...

source: Learn English with BeGlobal    2015年10月24日
Download Free Ebook Learn English Fast & Easy: http://ebook.beglobal.club/
Website Learn English: http://beglobal.club/
Fanpage: https://www.fb.com/LearnEnglishConver...
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4 ways to understand what you hear

source: JamesESL English Lessons     2013年2月22日
http://www.engvid.com/ Learn how to understand almost everything you hear right now in 4 easy steps! If you are an advanced English student, and you already know grammar and can understand what you read, but have trouble understanding when people speak in movies and in real life, watch this lesson to find out HOW to listen and UNDERSTAND! http://www.engvid.com/4-listening-com...

New Year's Day

source: Twominute English    2014年2月24日
People celebrate and welcome the coming year with great joy. Everyone wishes their family and friends and even strangers a Happy New Year. Many people get together to party.
You can talk to your friends and family about the new year and wish them a happy New Year. But what are the English words and phrases that you'll use? Don't worry; we are here to help!
Facebook page: http://facebook.com/twominenglish

0:15 Hello! Good to see you, dear viewer.
0:18 New Year’s Day is something we all get excited about.
0:21 A new year with new resolutions gets us motivated.
0:25 We share the occasion with our near and dear ones and celebrate it with happiness.
0:30 So let’s listen to some conversations about New Year’s Day.
0:35 Don’t forget to practice the lines by pausing the lesson and repeating the dialog anywhere you want!
0:42 It will help you build up your English fluency.
0:44 Also check out the vocabulary section at the end to increase your vocabulary.
0:50 So let’s get started!!
0:59 Hey Patrick. How you doing?
1:01 I’m fine Katy. What about you?
1:04 I’m great. So what are you doing for the New Year’s Eve?
1:08 Nothing, I just plan to sit at home and watch movies. And you?
1:12 I don’t have any plans yet.
1:14 You know what? Why don’t we call over some friends and celebrate at my place?
1:18 Wow! That’s a great idea. I’m sure everyone would love to come to that.
1:22 Yeah. But they might already have other plans.
1:25 Let’s call them as soon as possible.
1:28 You call all your friends and I’ll call mine.
1:31 Okay. I’ll call you back then.
1:33 Okay. Bye. Talk to you later.
1:42 Hi Sarah! Happy New Year to you!
1:45 Hey, Darleen. The same to you and your family.
1:48 Thanks! So, what are you doing later today? Any plans for the first day of the year?
1:54 Haven’t really planned anything. We celebrated last night and had so much fun!
1:58 Really? What did you do?
2:01 My husband and I invited our families over and we ate, drank and danced till midnight.
2:06 Wow. That’s nice! We’re thinking of celebrating today.
2:10 Oh yeah? What are your plans?
2:12 I think we’ll pack some food and have a picnic at Central Park.
2:17 Great idea! Enjoy. Take care.
2:21 You too. Take care!
2:29 Hey Ed! What’s up?
2:30 Nothing much. I was just thinking about my New Year’s resolution.
2:34 Oh cool! What’s your resolution?
2:36 I want to study hard and become a better student and help my parents out more.
2:40 Wow! That’s nice.
2:42 So, do you have any New year's resolutions?
2:44 No, I haven’t made any for sure yet but I may start going for a walk every morning to lose some weight.
2:52T hat’s a great start. I’m sure you’ll succeed, and you’ll enjoy the walk, too.
2:57 And if you study hard enough, maybe you’ll become the next Einstein!
3:02 Yeah, right. Thanks. I just hope this year goes well too.
3:05 It will. If we both work hard and don’t give up, we can get what we want.
3:13 That’s true. Thanks!
3:21 Hey, where did you celebrate your new year’s eve?
3:23 I went to Times Square in New York. Where did you go?
3:26 Really? I was there too. I never saw you.
3:29 Oh. It was so crowded I almost lost my friends there.
3:33 Yeah true. But it was awesome, right? Ryan Secrest was there and then Coldplay came to play.
3:39 Yeah. It was really great!
3:41 I know. I’m definitely going there again next year.
3:44 Hey, we should go together!
3:46 That’d be awesome!
3:47 Okay. Let’s do it!
3:58 The last day of the year, that is, December 31st, the day before the new year starts.
4:04 People usually celebrate the beginning of the new year.
4:12 A picnic is when we pack food and eat it outdoors to enjoy with friends and family,
4:17 usually in a park or somewhere away from home.
4:26 A New Year resolution is a decision to make a change for the coming year,
4:31 something that you want to do to improve your life.
4:40 To become a better student is to perform well in academics and get better grades.
4:46 It could also mean to just try harder, and to behave well at school.
4:52 Thank you for watching this lesson. We’ll be back with a new one tomorrow.
4:55 Do come back and watch it!
4:58 Please don’t forget to hit the like button below, your feedback helps us deliver great lessons!
5:03 Remember to leave your comments below, it helps you interact with other learners and us.
5:09 Catch you later!

Confused Words - DURING & WHILE

source: Learn English with Rebecca   2009年4月24日
http://www.engVid.com/ We say "During the lesson..." but "While I was studying..."
Find out why in this English lesson.