
Avoid and Prevent: Learn English with Simple English Videos

source: Simple English Videos     2016年8月23日
Avoid and prevent - these two useful English verbs are explained and illustrated with lots of examples in this #ESL video. We also look at the grammar and see how they both are followed by gerunds (nouns made from verbs)
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English Phrases to accept apologies and forgive someone

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2016年7月19日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/english-lesson-...
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

# Expressions and phrases to accept an apology or forgive someone.
It doesn’t matter
No problem
Please don’t mention it
No worries

Please don’t let it happen again
You should be, but I forgive you
Apologies Accepted
You couldn’t help it

# Some Golden rules to apologise
Express Remorse
Admit Responsibility
To make changes & Promise to never repeat

CNN Student News - August 24, 2016 (Wednesday) English Subtitle/ CC

source: Listening Regularly    2016年8月24日
CNN Student News - August 24, 2016 (Wednesday) - English Subtitle/ CC: The potential battle for the Iraqi city of Mosul, the process of naming tropical storms, and the status of a large wildfire all headline today's show. We're also featuring a Character Study, centered on the work of a woman who has taken action to help older dogs stay out of shelters. That’s CNN Student News - August 23, 2016.
Subscribe to our LISTENING REGULARLY for more: https://goo.gl/lioRdT


source: Learn English Lab     2016年8月3日
Watch this lesson and learn 10 INTERESTING IDIOMS based on CLOTHES.http://www.LearnEnglishLab.com

Learn Pronunciation with Poetry

source: English Teacher Jon     2011年8月19日
http://www.engvid.com English pronunciation can be tough, but immersing yourself in language and having fun with it can make a big difference. By learning to read poetry with tone and rhythm, you can make your spoken English come alive!
Test your understanding with the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/pronunciation-p...

SAT Vocabulary List #17

source: Catlin Tucker     2013年10月1日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

Pronunciation - V & W

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2013年9月6日
http://www.engvid.com/ "Do you know how to say the 'w' sound in English correctly? A lot of students mix up the 'v' and 'w' sounds in English. It's a problem, because it will sound like you are saying completely different words, and people won't understand you! For instance, 'west' is a direction, but a 'vest' is something you wear. Learn how to say V and W correctly in this pronunciation lesson.http://www.engvid.com/pronunciation-v-w/

Confusing English: LIE or LAY? RAISE, RISE, or ARISE?

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2016年2月22日
Today, you'll learn two sets of confusing vocabulary! Do you RAISE your hand, or RISE it? Do you LAY down, or LIE down? "Who is LAYING in my bed?" Or is that "Who is LYING in my bed?" This lesson will teach you the meaning of each of these words, and how each of them is used differently. Many native English speakers make mistakes with 'lay' and 'lie', but by the end of this lesson you will understand the grammatical reason why we use each of them in different situations. This is a part of the language that can be challenging for English learners because it has irregular verbs. But don't be scared! Mr. E and I will explain it and make it clear. So have a seat and let's learn some English! Afterwards, test your vocabulary knowledge with the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/confusing-engli...

Similar Sounding Words Part 01

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2013年4月19日
View all lessons in this series at http://www.learnex.in
English Lesson : Similar Sounding Words Part 01

Apart Vs A part
Apart (adv) separated by distance or time.
For example: I always feel so lonely when we're apart.

A part (noun) a piece of something that forms the whole of something.
For example: They made me feel like I was a part of the family.

Here Vs Hear
Hear: refers to something that is perceived by the ear. Such as:
Did you hear that noise?
Do you need a hearing aid?
If I hear you say that one more time I'm going to...

Here: refers to a place or at some point or to present something. Such as:
Here you go.
I told you the cookies are right over here.
My friend here is single. Here once stood the Twin Towers.

Bazaar Vs Bizarre
A shop or group of shops where a variety of goods are sold
The church bazaar or the open air bazaar

Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
Restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit

Assure vs Insure
Assure: to promise or say with confidence
Example: Let me assure you that I will be at the meeting at noon.

Insure: to issue an insurance policy
Example: I will insure my home with additional fire and flood policies.

Enquiry Vs Inquiry
The nouns 'enquiry' and 'inquiry' can mean 'question', 'inquest' or 'investigation'. They can be used interchangeably, but in the US, 'inquiry' is the more widely accepted. The words 'enquiry' and 'inquiry' derive from the verbs 'to enquire' and 'to inquire'. (The guidance on this page relates to the verbs as well as the nouns.)

In the UK, a distinction between 'enquiry' and 'inquiry' is developing. The word 'inquiry' is being used in relation to a formal inquest (i.e., an investigation); whereas, 'enquiry' is being used to denote 'the act of questioning'. However, there is still notable leniency on this distinction. Of note, many in the US will consider 'enquiry' a spelling mistake of 'inquiry'.

Personnel Vs Personal
Personnel: Employees are personnel,
Personal: Private individuals considered separately from their jobs have personal lives.

Retch Vs Wretch
Retch: If you vomit, you retch;
Wretch: ( ill mannered) if you behave in a wretched manner or fall into wretched circumstances, you are a wretch.

Shone Vs Shown
Shone: "Shone" is the past tense of "shine": "long after sunset, the moon still shone brightly in the sky."
Shown: "Shown" is a past tense form of "show": "foreign films are rarely shown at our local theater."

Wander Vs Wonder
Wander : If you idly travel around, you wander. ( Physical activity)
Wonder : If you realize you're lost, you wonder where you are. ( Mind activity, you are wandering in your mind or thoughts)

Rapt Vs Wrapped
When you get deeply involved in a project, you may say you're wrapped up in it; but if you are entranced or enraptured by something you are "rapt," not "wrapped."

The word means "carried away" and is used in expressions like "listening with rapt attention," "rapt expression," and "rapt in conversation."

Throw Away - Phrasal Verbs

source: Twominute English     2013年10月2日
The expression 'throw away' means to discard or dispose of something. We throw trash away. It can also mean that someone missed an opportunity or a chance to do something. Another meaning is to waste time or money on something, and the result is not positive. The sentences with the expression are highlighted at the end of the video. Practice them to build your fluency on the subject matter.
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0:01 Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
0:06 In this lesson, we will learn how to use ‘throw away’.
0:15 Hello, everybody. Today we’re going to talk about the expression ‘throw away’.
0:20 Hi, Andy. Hello, everyone. ‘Throw away’ is a common expression that means to discard something you don’t want, or need, anymore.
0:27 That’s right. Imagine you have an old T-shirt that has a hole in it.
0:33You will never wear this shirt again, so you throw it away. In other words, you put it in a trash can.
0:40 Andy, do we only throw objects away?
0:43 No. Sometimes we use this expression in a figurative way or so.
0:47 For example, when you spend a lot of time or money doing something and the result is not what you want at all,
0:55 you say you throw away your time or money.
1:00 I see…I spent a lot of money on a car that looked new, but never worked. So I can say that I threw my money away.
1:08 Yes, that’s exactly right.
1:10 Ok. I think I get it.
1:12 Let’s take a look at some dialogues with different examples.
1:21 Well, honey, we need to talk about our son.
1:24 I know. He spent all that time and money to become a doctor and now wants to leave everything and become a singer.
1:32 How can he throw away a college education like that?
1:35 I know! We have to talk to him. We need to help him see that this is crazy!
1:41 I talked to him for a long time yesterday, but he just wouldn’t listen to me.
1:45 He said he’s made his decision. I feel like I threw away two hours of my life talking to him.
1:51 No, honey. You did what you had to do. He has to understand that he is throwing away many future opportunities.
2:01You’re right. Let’s talk to him one more time, together.
2:04 Yes. We must at least try.
2:14 Excuse me, sir. I think you dropped this.
2:17 What? Oh, no. I threw it away.
2:21 On the floor? There is a trash can right over there.
2:25 Well, you’re right. I’m in a hurry. I didn’t see the trash can. Thank you.
2:30 No problem.
2:37 Hey, Debby. Did you go to the game yesterday?
2:41 Yes, and I’m sorry I did. I threw my money away! What a horrible game!!
2:46 I agree. I threw away an opportunity to go out with Eric because of that stupid game.
2:53 Why didn’t you invite him to go with you?
2:56 He doesn’t like football. But I’m glad he didn’t go. Why throw his money away, too?
3:02 You’re right, of course.
3:06 How can he throw away a college education like that?
3:11 I feel like I threw away two hours of my life talking to him.
3:18 He has to understand that he is throwing away many future opportunities.
3:30 Why throw his money away, too?
3:34 I threw away an opportunity to go out with Eric because of that stupid game.
3:44 I threw my money away!
3:48 I threw it away.

# Click for more relevant grammar videos: phrasal verbs

10 Common Binomial Expressions in English

source: Espresso English    2013年5月26日
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Idioms in English - Body Parts

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年1月12日
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