
CNN Student News - September 8, 2016 | Trump leads Clinton | U.S. Presid...

source: NEWS with Subtitles      2016年9月7日
Trump leads Clinton; U.S. Presidential Debate Requirement; How Some Millennials View Blue-Collar Jobs; CNN Hero`s Effort to Bring Medical Care to Kenya.
Not every candidate for U.S. president is allowed to participate in the upcoming debates. Find out the polling threshold set by the organization that sponsors and produces them. CNN Student News will also take a look at how some millennials are finding job opportunities in blue-collar fields, and we'll bring you a Character Study on a woman who returned to a dangerous part of Kenya to help others.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: http://goo.gl/0vY7J0
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

Animal names to describe different things – Spoken English lesson

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2016年9月6日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/animal-names-to...
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

Duck – to dodge (verb) or a Sitting duck – a helpless victim or target

Dog – a wicked person (adjective) or Dog – to continuously question a person about something (verb)

Cat – a stylish lady or cat – someone who is witty and clever

Bear – a man who has a huge built, is hairy, resembles a bear or teddy bear- someone who is very warm and huggable.

Fox – a foxy woman is a sexy woman but when a man is called a fox, it means that he is cunning, can cheat easily and cannot be trusted.

Bird – can be used in place of a person, or bird breed – an insulting way of saying that someone is not intelligent. A man could also refer to a woman as a bird, to describe a beautiful woman.

Turkey – used to talk about someone who is not intelligent or cold turkey means to talk about something that is completely over or stopped like when going on a diet, you could say, “I have quit fried food cold turkey.”

Tiger – a man who is fierce, especially a sportsperson who need to win be fierce to win a game.

Horse – Horsey is an adjective to talk about a person who as a long and ugly face.
To horse around means to be loud, noisy and to be rough, mostly used with kids.

Bitch – used for a woman is considered rude, mean, who insults everyone, but it is an abuse so should be avoided.

Missing Thumbdrive Conversation: Learn English with Simple English Videos

source: Simple English Videos    2016年9月2日
This video is part of a larger project we're working on about negative questions. They're often used to show surprise in English and to react to things that are not quite as they should be. Here we see Vicki getting Jay into trouble with the boss. How many negative questions can you spot?
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.
Would your school or organization like to sponsor one our videos? To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

BBC 6 Minute English | THE BITTER TASTE OF SUGAR | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月3日
BBC 6 Minute English | THE BITTER TASTE OF SUGAR | English Subtitle

0:00 Hello I'm Rob.
0:01 Welcome to 6 Minute English.
0:02 I'm joined today by Neil.
0:04 Hello.
0:05 Neil here.
0:06 Excuse me I'm enjoying a bar of chocolate…
0:10 Where did you get that from?
0:13 In the vending machine upstairs – that's the automatic machine with drinks and sweets
0:17 – you put coins in it to release whatever you paid for.
0:21 Now, if it was up to some health professionals, you wouldn't see many of those machines around
0:27 anymore.
0:28 What?
0:29 No more machines which offer you as many sweets as you like, no questions asked?
0:33 Exactly.
0:34 The World Health Organisation has recently proposed a cut in its recommendation for how
0:39 much sugar we should have.
0:41 They now say that it should be less than 5% of our calorie intake.
0:46 A calorie is a unit that measures how much energy you get from food, and calorie intake
0:52 is how many calories we eat in a period of time – say a day, for example.
0:56 Yes.
0:57 So this might be it for sugar for you today, Neil.
1:01 Well, let me see… this bar of chocolate contains 215 calories!
1:06 That's quite a lot, isn't it?
1:08 But life can be sweet even with less sugar, Neil.
1:11 So today, we're going to talk about what should be done to help us eat less sugar and you'll
1:16 learn words about food.
1:18 But I like my sugar!
1:21 Many people do.
1:22 So let me ask you about how much they like it.
1:26 Which country has the highest sugar consumption?
1:29 Is it: a) China
1:30 b) India c) The United States
1:34 I think it's the United States.
1:37 Okay.
1:38 Well, we'll have the answer at the end of the programme!
1:41 Right, so let's talk about sugar.
1:44 Health experts are looking for ways to make us eat less of it.
1:48 We all know that too much sugar can cause not only obesity and diabetes but also tooth
1:53 decay – this destroys the hard surface of your teeth and exposes more sensitive parts.
1:58 Ouch!
1:59 Yes, it can be very painful.
2:02 You might enjoy eating sweets but nobody likes toothache – that's what we call the pain
2:07 in your teeth.
2:08 Experts say we should always brush our teeth after eating sugary food.
2:11 Yes.
2:12 Aubrey Sheiham, Professor of Dental Public Health at University College London, goes
2:16 even further.
2:17 He is part of a team which is suggesting the authorities in England reduce the number of
2:22 vending machines in public places.
2:25 Listen to what he says.
2:26 Which word does he use to describe Neil's chocolate bar and other kinds of wrapped sweets?
2:32 We shouldn't have vending machines with confectionery and soft drinks in any publicly-funded institutions
2:42 – no schools, nurseries, hospitals etc. – and also limit the amount of sugar in
2:52 school meals, nurseries' meals.
2:55 That again would be a first step that one would take.
2:59 He mentions 'confectionery', meaning chocolate and sweet snacks, which can be bought from
3:03 vending machines, along with soft drinks – which are cold sweet drinks that are not alcoholic.
3:09 The professor doesn't want these machines in state schools or hospitals.
3:13 And he also wants meals served to children in schools to have less sugar.
3:17 He's got a point there.
3:18 We get used to sugar in childhood.
3:20 And it seems that the more sugar we eat, the more we want.
3:23 But if we get used to eating things which are less sweet, after a while when we eat
3:28 something very sweet, it doesn't taste so good.
3:31 Do you understand what I mean?
3:32 Yes, I do.
3:33 It's a matter of habit.
3:35 We don't need so much sugar to enjoy the sweet taste.
3:39 But the professor says there's another way of encouraging us to eat less sugar.
3:43 Aubrey Sheiham talks about tax on sugar.
3:47 France has already adopted a sugar tax.
3:50 Where's the money being spent?
3:51 Let's listen.
3:52 You've got a lot of public support in France where the consumption of sugar has gone down
4:01 considerably.
4:02 And, what is good about what the French have done is that tax that has gone on sugar is
4:09 being spent in the health service.
4:11 This is a way that you could actually use that money from the sugar tax and spend it
4:19 on improving health care and dental care.
4:23 He says it's being spent on the health service.
4:26 This is the doctors' surgeries and hospitals financed with public money – money paid
4:30 to a government in the form of taxes.
4:32 Oh, so chocolate might become more expensive!
4:35 Not so good for me because I have a sweet tooth…
4:38 Ah a sweet tooth, yeah, like me – a strong preference for sweet food.
4:43 Well, people with a sweet tooth should be careful or they might end up with toothache.
4:48 I care a lot about my teeth.
4:50 Good on you.
4:51 You've got a fine set of gnashers there.
4:53 Okay, let's go back to our quiz.
4:54 I asked you which country has the highest sugar consumption.
4:58 The options were: China, India and the United States.
5:01 And I said the United States.
5:04 And Neil, you are wrong.
5:05 The correct answer is actually India.
5:08 According to a report issued by the US Department of Agriculture in 2012, India was the country
5:14 with the highest consumption of sugar.
5:16 Then we had China and the country in this list which ate the least amount of sugar is
5:20 the United States.
5:22 These countries are also amongst the largest producers of sugar.
5:26 Okay.
5:27 Well, now our time is up.
5:28 Let's remember some of the words we explained today.
5:31 Yes.
5:32 They were: vending machine
5:35 calorie intake, calorie
5:38 tooth decay, toothache
5:42 confectionery, soft drinks
5:47 health service, to have a sweet tooth
5:50 Thanks, Neil.
5:51 That is it for today.
5:52 Why not go to bbclearningenglish.com to hear more 6 Minute English.
5:56 Bye for now!
5:57 Bye!

Cook, Cooker or Chef

source: Simple English Videos    2014年11月25日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com/co...
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.
Would your school or organization like to sponsor one our videos? Contact us for more details. And students, Vicki specialises in business and professional English and provides private on-line classes. To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

Advanced English pronunciation with poetry

source: English Teacher Jon    2012年3月7日
http://www.engvid.com English pronunciation can be very challenging because the sounds are very inconsistent. Why do we say beard, but heard? They look like they should sound similar, but they do not. This is a great lesson for advanced students to learn some new words, as well as their pronunciation. Take a quiz on this lesson athttp://www.engvid.com/advanced-pronun... .

SAT Vocabulary #6

source: Catlin Tucker    2012年11月8日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning.

English listening practice - "A dangerous summer"

source: Crown Academy of English    2014年7月19日
This is an English listening practice video based on an article called "A dangerous summer"
The English lesson begins with some new vocabulary to help you understand the article.
I then give you the exercise questions that I would like you to answer and then you listen to the article for the first time. If you need more time to answer the questions, you can go back and listen again.
I then give you the correct answers to the questions with some more English vocabulary.
Finally to help your listening comprehension, I play you the article one last time with subtitles (transcript) on the screen.
The accent of this video lesson is British English.
More English listening practice: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

How to Talk About Restaurants and Eating in English

source: Learn English with BeGlobal    2015年11月22日
Download Free Ebook Learn English Fast & Easy: http://ebook.beglobal.club/
Website Learn English: http://beglobal.club/
Fanpage: https://www.fb.com/LearnEnglishConver...
Subscribe To Update New Lesson: http://bit.ly/EnglishBeglobal

Advanced English Vocabulary - racist, sexist, biased, ignorant, prejudice

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2011年8月31日
http://www.engvid.com Learn English vocabulary to talk about people who are prejudiced. I explain the following words: generalization, preference, bias, correlation, prejudice, sexist, racist, fallible, ignorant. Then, test your understanding with the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/prejudice-vocab...

A Hard Day at Work

source: Twominute English     2013年10月13日
If you have a job, you've surely had good and bad days at work. Some days are really tough and tiring. How would you talk about such a day with your friends?
This lesson will give you the vocabulary to pour out your feelings to your friends and colleagues. Telling them how was your day, what difficulties you faced, etc.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Website: http://twominenglish.com

0:17 Hey Ron, what’s up with you? You look tired!
0:20 Yeah, man. I had a tough day at work.
0:22 Oh, what happened?
0:24 I just had a lot to do and my boss was cranky as usual.
0:28 Just go home and rest. You’ll probably feel better tomorrow.
0:31 I guess you’re right.
0:39 Hey there! Long time, no see.
0:41 Oh, hi George! Yeah! I’ve been all tied up with work.
0:45 What happened? You look tense.
0:47 I’m just in a very delicate situation, I messed up a bit.
0:51 What did you do?
0:53 I was supposed to transfer some money from my boss’s account to a customer but I sent it to a wrong person.
0:59 Oh, no! What are you gonna do now?
1:02 My boss has given me a few days to recover that money or else I might lose my job.
1:07 Good luck, Selena!
1:09 I need it, thanks.
1:17 Hey dude! Why didn’t you show up at the baseball match today?
1:20 I had to work late hours at the office!
1:23 Why? What happened?
1:25 Well, I hadn’t finished my project. So, my boss made me stay late.
1:29 That’s sad. Your boss surely makes people work their butts off!
1:32 Yes, he does!
1:40 Hey Cathy! What’s up? Are you done with your project?
1:43 No, Janet. I would’ve finished by now but a client has been driving me crazy.
1:48 Yeah, I know, right? They drive me crazy too. What did this one do?
1:54 He’s been calling me up all day pointing out my mistakes in the project. It’s been very irritating.
2:00 Why don’t you ask him to email you instead?
2:03 I asked him, but he didn’t listen.
2:06 What a bore!
2:10 I had a tough day at work.
2:14 I just had a lot to do and my boss was cranky as usual.
2:22 I’ve been all tied up with work.
2:25 I’m just in a very delicate situation, I messed up a bit.
2:33 I had to work late hours at the office!
2:38 I would’ve finished by now but a client has been driving me crazy.
2:46 He’s been calling me up all day pointing out my mistakes in the project.

Confused Words - EFFECT & AFFECT

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2010年5月10日
http://www.engVid.com/ Are you affected by something or effected by it? If you're not sure which is right, this English lesson will clarify the difference. Test your understanding of the lesson by taking the quiz athttp://www.engvid.com/confused-words-...