
How to use W5 questions for more interesting conversations

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2016年9月9日
Do you want to have longer conversations that are more interesting to you and the person you are speaking with? Would you like to chat with native speakers more often? In this video, I will share some ideas that will help you have better conversations with others. If you follow my advice, I guarantee people will like you more! How do I know? Watch the video and find out.

# relevant grammar videos: information (Wh-) questions

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source: Crown Academy of English    2016年9月12日
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Related videos: Comparative adjectives: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewMviI...
English grammar: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Listening practice: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Vocabulary: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

# click for more grammar videos on comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, adverbs, and nouns

CNN Student News September 12 2016 subtitle /cc 9-11 terrorist attacks in retrospect

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100    2016年9月11日
This Monday, we're remembering the attacks of September 11, 2001. Our reports include a timeline of events, a retrospective on New York City's World Trade Center, and an example of how one man's heroism helped inspire an annual day of service. CNN Student News' daily events coverage resumes tomorrow.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

CAN SCIENCE FICTION SAVE THE WORLD? | Daily Listening | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月5日
What will the future be like? Good or bad? Positive or negative? A lot of science-fiction writing imagines a world which is dark and scary. But does it have to be like this? Rob and Finn discuss a project where science-fiction writers try to inspire people with optimistic stories, and teach you some language about the future.

0:05 Hello Finn – are you well?
0:06 Very well, thanks.
0:07 Rob, tell me – do you have a favourite science-fiction movie?
0:12 Ahh, science fiction – stories about an imagined future … well my favourite was
0:18 and always will be ET: Extra Terrestrial, and you Finn?
0:25 Mine would probably be Blade Runner – the movie with Harrison Ford set in a dark, scary
0:32 Los Angeles where he hunts robots called replicants.
0:36 You know the one?
0:37 I do – and come to think of it, lots of movies and stories about the future are quite
0:42 dark and negative … But perhaps this might change.
0:48 A new project wants to use the power of science fiction to do something very different: to
0:55 inspire people to create a better future.
0:58 It sounds very grand.
0:59 We'll be discussing the project and learning some language to talk about the future in
1:03 this programme.
1:04 But before we get too far into the future, I'm sure you have a question for me, Finn?
1:09 Yes indeed.
1:10 It's about the film Blade Runner.
1:13 It's set in the future – but in which year?
1:17 a) 2000 b) 2019
1:21 c) 2056 I think I'm gonna go for the far future, c)
1:29 2056.
1:31 Well I'll tell you if you're right or wrong later in the not-too-distant future.
1:37 Very good.
1:38 So, as we were saying: lots of science fiction is negative.
1:41 Yes, there's a word to describe the kind of future world which often appears in science
1:48 fiction: dystopian.
1:51 The noun 'dystopia' means an imagined place where things are unpleasant or bad.
1:57 The opposite is utopia and utopian.
2:01 But why is so much science fiction dystopian?
2:05 Dr Braden Allenby from Arizona State University.
2:08 The downside of both of science fiction and movies is that they tend to be dystopian,
2:15 they tend to be very negative, they tend to be very noir.
2:19 Dystopian is easier to do.
2:20 It's easier to write a dystopian story than it is to write an optimistic story.
2:25 He says dystopian stories are easier to write.
2:28 I can see that – there's more conflict in a world which has problems – and good stories
2:33 often have a lot of conflict and problems to resolve.
2:36 Yes, but Braden thinks being negative is the downside of science fiction.
2:42 A downside is a disadvantage, a bad point.
2:47 He would prefer to see more optimistic science fiction.
2:51 Optimistic, more positive about the future, which is why Braden is taking part in something
2:57 called Project Hieroglyph.
2:59 It brings together writers, scientists, engineers and artists to create optimistic stories about
3:05 things which really could happen in the next 50 years.
3:09 So let's talk about the kinds of things are happening in these stories?
3:14 Well, there's one about a huge tower 20 km tall – going all the way into space.
3:20 Apparently, building the tower is good for the US steel industry … and they invent
3:25 a new kind of energy in the story too.
3:28 Sounds very interesting – but is it plausible – could it really happen?
3:33 Could they really build a tower that big?
3:35 Well, there's another about environmentalists who fight to stop people building the first
3:40 hotel in Antarctica.
3:43 Environmentalists – people who care about the environment.
3:46 Well there's conflict there … and it's plausible, so it could be a good story.
3:52 But I can't help thinking – will these stories actually change anything?
3:57 Ed Finn, who edited a book of these stories, thinks so.
4:00 He says: "A good science-fiction story can be very powerful".
4:04 "It can inspire hundreds, thousands, millions of people to rally around something that they
4:10 want to do."
4:12 To rally around something means to come together in support of a cause.
4:17 And Braden Allenby says you can already see the influence of science fiction in modern
4:22 research.
4:23 Which item is being worked on right now?
4:26 "Why are people working on, for example, invisibility cloaks?
4:30 Well, it's Harry Potter, right?
4:33 That's where they saw it."
4:34 An invisibility cloak – a long coat which makes you invisible, in other words unable
4:41 to be seen – which people first saw in one of the Harry Potter movies.
4:45 Interesting … so will the stories from Project Hieroglyph inspire people to do and invent
4:51 new things that can help others?
4:53 Can they help create a bright future – that's a good, positive future?
4:57 Or will they just be good stories?
5:00 Time will tell – that means we'll find out as time goes by.
5:04 One thing that we're going to find out right now is the answer to when the movie Blade
5:09 Runner was set?
5:10 I said the answer was c) 2056.
5:13 And the answer was in fact b) 2019.
5:18 A little bit earlier, Rob.
5:21 Quite soon, then?
5:22 Yes, it's in a couple of years.
5:23 So, watch out LA.
5:25 But, Rob, can you remind us of some of the words we learned today?
5:30 We had … science fiction
5:34 dystopian, downside
5:38 optimistic, plausible
5:42 a bright future, time will tell
5:48 And that's it for today's programme.
5:51 If you want to listen to more programmes like this one, visit bbclearningenglish.com.

By or Until?

source: Simple English Videos      2014年11月12日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com/by...
Many thanks to Zehra and Zeynep for appearing in this video. And big thanks to their Dad, Turgay, for filming them for us.
Check out Turgay's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/turgayevren
If you'd like to see Zehra and Zeynep in another video - check out this one:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eosNZ...
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

How to read job ads in English - Understanding abbreviated writing styles

source: English Teacher Jon    2012年4月6日
http://www.engvid.com Grammar is important, but there are times when we need to shorten/condense our language to communicate what we want to say. In this lesson you will learn about some "abbreviated" (shortened) ways of speaking in job advertisements, and looking for apartments. Take a quiz on this lesson athttp://www.engvid.com/job-ad-abbrevia... .

SAT Vocabulary List #4

source: Catlin Tucker    2014年10月13日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

Speaking English: How to say CH & SH

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2014年8月4日
http://www.engvid.com/ 'Ship' and 'chip' are two words that have very similar sounds! It is difficult to say SH and CH sounds because you may not have them as two different sounds in your language! Your lips and breath hold the key to mastering these two English sounds! In this pronunciation lesson, I'll help you improve your accent by teaching you how to make these sounds correctly.

WEDDING & MARRIAGE Vocabulary in English

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2015年5月20日
DING DONG! Do you hear those bells ringing? It's time for a lesson on wedding and marriage vocabulary! Do you know who the "maid of honor" is? What do you do at a "wedding shower"? And what is the meaning of the wedding rings? In this lesson, you will learn all this and more. To see if you are prepared for the big day, make sure to do the quiz and see if you've understood the lesson. Congratulations, and good luck!

In Time or On Time - Confusing Phrases in English

source: Twominute English    2013年11月1日
In this lesson, we will compare the uses of 'in time' and 'on time'. They describe the moment when a person should arrive for an appointment or when there is a limit of time to do something.

0:07 In this lesson, we will learn how to use ‘in time’ and ‘on time’.
0:20 Hello, everybody! Many people get confused about when they should use ‘in time’ and ‘on time’.
0:28 That’s right, Max. But not anymore. Today, we’ll see examples of how to use them correctly.
0:34 Yes! But first, a little explanation about their functions.
0:39 Ok. We use ‘in time’ when we want to say that you arrive at the right moment to do something.
0:47 It means that you are not too late to do something.
0:51 Right.
0:53 For example, yesterday I went to the movies with my girlfriend. The movie started at 4pm.
1:00 We arrived a little late and missed the previews, but we were in time to watch the beginning of the movie.
1:08 Here’s another example: Clair went to France, but I arrived at the airport in time to say goodbye.
1:16 That means she was still there when you got there.
1:21 Yep. And we use ‘on time’ to explain that you are not early or late. For example, I’m never late for work or class, I am always on time.
1:33 Great example, let’s listen to some dialogues now.
1:43 Excuse me, Ms. Carter, may I come in?
1:47 Good morning, Ron. You are late again! Why can’t you arrive on time to class?
1:53 I’m sorry, but I depend on my father to bring me to school, and he is always late.
1:58 Well, Ron, tell your father that if you are not on time for the next class, I will have to call him to school and have a serious conversation with him.
2:08 Yes, Ms. Carter.
2:15 Hey, Kev. What’s up?
2:18 Hey, Max! Why didn’t you go to Sarah’s dinner party?
2:22 I had to work until late…
2:25 You missed it, man.
2:27 What time did it start?
2:29 Well, it started at 7pm, but I got there at 8:30.
2:33 Oh, no! So, you missed dinner.
2:37 Not really…I was late for the party, but I was in time for the dinner, because they only served it at 9pm.
2:49 Clair went to France, but I arrived at the airport in time to say goodbye.
3:01 I’m never late for work or class, I am always on time.
3:11 You are late again! Why can’t you arrive on time to class?
3:19 I was late for the party, but I was in time for the dinner, because they only served it at 9pm.

15 Idiomatic Expressions You Can Use at Work

source: Espresso English     2013年3月14日
A lot of American idiomatic expressions are typically used in informal English -- but these 15 idioms are different! Read the idiomatic expressions and example sentences, listen to the pronunciation and repeat the words and sentences out loud to improve your English speaking.

Cat Idioms in English

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年7月8日
http://www.engvid.com/ There are lots of expressions in English that involve cats. In this lesson, I let the cat out of the bag, so you never have to feel lost if someone uses one of these idioms in conversation. Take the quiz on this lesson at http://www.engvid.com/