
News Words: Accountable

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月1日
Learn the meaning of accountable with your hosts, Anne and Jonathan.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Adverb-Adjective Collocations in English

source: English Lessons with Alex   2016年8月26日
Does your language have words that just sound good together? In English, these are called collocations. In this important English vocabulary lesson, you'll learn 10 common adverb-adjective combinations. These include expressions such as "seriously injured", "highly probable", "totally wrong", "virtually impossible", "cautiously optimistic", and more! If you want to improve your vocabulary and sound like a native English speaker, this lesson is a must, especially for intermediate and advanced level English students. Take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/words-that-belo... and see how high you score!

# relevant grammar videos: adverbs of manner & degree

CNN Student News September 14 2016 CNN Student News subtitle /cc Ceasefire in Syria, Oil Pipeline & Americans' Income

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100    2016年9月13日
A ceasefire offered a glimmer of hope for Syria on Tuesday. Find out what elements are needed for one to hold. Other stories covered today include the controversy over an oil pipeline in the U.S. and a report on Americans' median household income. Finally, a Character Study rounds out our coverage.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

42 LANGUAGES | Daily Listening | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月3日
Many of us have heard of superheroes like Superman, Spiderman and Wonder Woman.
These fictional characters exist in comics and in films but can they exist in real life? Finn and Rob describe some modern-day superheroes - people who have dedicated their lives to doing good things. They discuss what it takes to be a superhero.

0:00 Hello I'm Rob.
0:01 Welcome to 6 Minute English.
0:03 I'm joined today by Finn.
0:05 Hello.
0:06 Or, as we say in Chinese, "你好,我是 Finn", which means "Hello, I'm Finn".
0:11 Ah, 你好.
0:12 Where did you learn to speak Chinese?
0:16 At university.
0:17 Though I must say I'm a bit rusty now!
0:20 Rusty?
0:21 You look OK, but what you really mean is you're not as fluent as you were before!
0:26 That's right.
0:27 Learning, and practising, a language requires effort.
0:30 But the children of the school in London that we're going to be hearing about today had
0:34 no choice.
0:35 They're from different countries and no less than 42 languages are spoken in the playground.
0:41 It's incredible!
0:42 In the playground – that's the area in the schoolyard where children play during their
0:47 break between lessons – they speak 42 languages?!
0:51 Wow.
0:52 Yes.
0:53 Of course they all have to learn English because they live here.
0:56 But more on that in a moment.
0:58 First, as the tradition goes, I'm going to challenge you with a question, Finn.
1:03 OK.
1:04 I'm ready or... 我准备好了!
1:06 Huh?
1:07 I'm ready!
1:08 OK.
1:09 Which country has the most official languages?
1:12 Is it: a) India
1:13 b) Nigeria c) South Africa
1:16 Good question.
1:18 I would say India or Nigeria...
1:21 Let's say Nigeria.
1:23 OK.
1:24 I will reveal the answer at the end of the programme!
1:26 So let's talk about Byron Court, a school with 600 pupils in north-west London.
1:32 The school gets high marks for integration.
1:35 Marks - so here you mean scores in tests or exams.
1:40 They get high marks for integration - integration means bringing people together - as they have
1:45 pupils from all over the world.
1:48 Yes, they come from places as far apart as Iraq, Somalia, India, Romania and Slovakia.
1:56 Many are children of immigrants and refugees.
1:59 So how difficult is it for these children to learn English?
2:03 Well, let's listen to this pupil from Byron Court.
2:07 Where did she learn her first words in English?
2:09 When I was two years old I went to nursery and then I learnt a bit of English there.
2:10 And when I came here I got to learn all my English.
2:20 She says she began to learn English at nursery - that's a place where very young children
2:26 are looked after while their parents are at work.
2:29 Byron Court's head teacher - the person in charge of a school - believes children feel
2:34 integrated because she tries to celebrate all the different cultures and avoids suggesting
2:39 one culture is better than the other.
2:42 It all sounds very nice, Rob, but I wonder what happens in the classroom.
2:46 I mean, many pupils are learning basic words in English while, at the same time, studying
2:52 things like science and maths also in English.
2:56 So, quite a challenge?
2:58 It is indeed a big problem.
3:00 So does this lower educational standards?
3:05 Those are the knowledge and skills students should have at a particular level.
3:09 Yes it does, but not for long, says Martyn Pendergast, educational officer at Brent Council,
3:16 that's the area where the school is located.
3:19 Listen out for the verb he uses which means testing children's performance.
3:23 In Brent our children perform just below national averages when they are assessed at seven years
3:29 old.
3:30 But by the time they're 11 they've caught up with national standards, and at 16 they're
3:36 flying.
3:37 He says they are assessed - which means tested and given scores - when they are seven years
3:44 old.
3:45 At that time they have worse results than children in other British schools.
3:50 But by the time they celebrate their 11th birthday, they've caught up - they've become
3:55 equal with pupils of their age elsewhere in the country.
3:59 And by 16, he says, "they are flying", which is a nice way to describe these children's
4:05 progress.
4:06 It's good for them because they end up as bilingual adults - speaking two languages
4:11 fluently.
4:12 So their effort pays off.
4:14 At Byron Court the concern is more about pupils who are native speakers of English.
4:19 Parents worry about their children not learning much.
4:23 Maybe the best thing is for everybody to try to learn a second language.
4:27 Not a bad thing in today's small world.
4:30 Talking about learning languages, I want to know if I got the answer to your question
4:35 right.
4:36 The question was about the country with the most official languages.
4:40 And the options I put to you were India, Nigeria or South Africa.
4:44 And I said Nigeria.
4:47 But... maybe I think India now.
4:49 Can I change my mind?
4:50 You can if you want because you'd still be wrong.
4:52 Oh, no, really?
4:54 The country with most official languages is the Republic of South Africa with 11 languages.
4:59 Eleven!
5:00 Interestingly India has 18 languages that are recognised by its constitution and can
5:05 be considered as official, however, the difference is that each language is recognised as the
5:11 official language of a certain area such as Kashmir, for example.
5:15 OK.
5:16 Right.
5:17 So I was kind of right in a different way.
5:19 The overall official language is Hindi.
5:21 Fascinating!
5:22 Well, lots of languages to learn, in any case.
5:25 I'll stick with English for now.
5:26 It's time to wrap up.
5:27 OK.
5:28 So let's remember some of the words we explained today.
5:31 They were: rusty
5:33 playground, marks
5:35 integration, nursery
5:38 head teacher, educational standards
5:42 assessed, caught up
5:44 bilingual. Merci beaucoup.
5:47 Thank you, Finn.
5:48 That's it for today.
5:49 But please do log on to bbclearningenglish.com to find more 6 Minute English.
5:54 Bye for now!
5:55 Bye or, as we say in China, 再见!

Interested & Interesting: adjectives with - ed & -ing endings

source: Simple English Videos     2014年11月4日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.
To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

# relevant grammar videos: present participle vs. past participle

How to use the word ABOVE in English

source: English Teacher Jon    2012年5月7日
http://www.engvid.com In this class, I'll teach you when and how to use the word ABOVE in English. You'll learn when we use the word "above" with measurements, and also when to use the word "below". Then take the quiz athttp://www.engvid.com/above-below/ to test your understanding!

SAT Vocabulary List #2

source: Catlin Tucker    2014年9月3日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

GETTING HIGH with Ronnie!

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2014年9月4日
Do you smoke marijuana? I'm from Canada, and smoking weed is very common here. Even if you don't smoke marijuana, you'll hear a lot about it in movies, books, and music... and REAL LIFE! Learn common vocabulary and slang like joint, bud, bong, stoner, and more. Are you ready? Let's get STONED!
Take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/getting-high-wi... and make sure you're baked first.

How to use NO & NOT in English

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2011年5月12日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this English grammar lesson, I give you some clear rules you can follow on when to use 'no', and when to use 'not'. After the class, take the free quiz athttp://www.engvid.com/how-to-use-no-n... Oh, one note: in the lesson, I suggest not using these words in the same sentence. To be clear, they should usually not be used together in the same *clause*.

How to overcome laziness? - Intermediate English Lesson

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2014年1月29日
In this lesson, Ceema tells you how to overcome laziness. It could be due to the cold weather where in you just don't feel like doing anything. Sometimes you may be tired and so you feel lazy. But laziness also means being idle, and don't desire to do anything.
So, how do we overcome laziness.

1. Break down tasks : When you are lazy, small and big tasks seem very overwhelming. So it is better to break them down into chunks.

2. Rest, sleep and exercise : It is imperative to rest and sleep well, say about 8hours daily. Exercising daily, keeps the body physically fit and active.

3. Have a vision : Visualize what you want to be. This motivates you and enables you to be active.

4. Know the consequences : When you do your tasks, they will yield positive results. So, this reduces piling up of work, too.

5. Visualization : This means imagination. Imagine yourself doing the task efficiently. This leads to a positive mindset which eventually turns into action.

6. Procrastination : This means delaying your tasks to a later date. This should be strictly avoided as, it is the biggest barrier to overcoming laziness.

7. Observe others' success : Successful people have an active life. They do their work efficiently all the time. Keep a close watch on them to see how they overcome their laziness, pull up their socks to get down to their tasks and finally achieve success.

10 English Phrases for Changing Your Mind

source: Espresso English  2013年3月9日
Learn English phrases and common English expressions for changing your mind. Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and English courses.

Past tense of 'should' - "I should have", "You shouldn't have", etc.

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年9月4日
http://www.engvid.com/ The word 'should' doesn't follow the normal rules in English, when used in the past tense. In this grammar lesson, I explain how to use 'should' in the past tense to form sentences like "I should have watched the lesson."