
English in a Minute: Hit Your Stride

source: VOA Learning English    2016年9月17日
What does it mean if you "hit your stride?" Find out in this week's episode of English in a Minute!
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

CNN Student News September 19 2016 subtitle /cc Apparent Acts of Terrori...

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100    2016年9月18日
From an explosion in New York City to assaults at a mall in Saint Cloud, Minnesota, we're starting with a look at apparent acts of terrorism on U.S. soil. After that, we're reporting on the potential impact of a gas pipeline shutdown in the U.S. Southeast, and we're exploring the history of oil's booms and busts in America. The divisive response to an NFL player's protest during the U.S. national anthem rounds out our coverage this Monday.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

The 25 Most Common Verbs in English

source: English Lessons with Alex   2016年9月16日
What are the most common English verbs? In this simple and fun lesson, I'll show you the 25 most common verbs. You need to know these (and you need to know them well!) if you want to become a fluent English speaker. Learn the present, past, and past participle forms of the verbs. I'll give three example sentences for each verb. Some of the verbs in this lesson include: have, make, do, see, know, and look. Don't miss this essential English vocabulary lesson!
TAKE THE QUIZ: http://www.engvid.com/the-25-most-com...

Talking about your Work | 925 English ESL Conversation Lesson 5

source: Business English Pod     2016年9月17日
Learn Business English for talking about your work. Download this ESL English lesson at:https://www.businessenglishpod.com/ca...
In our last 925 English lesson we looked at how to talk about your job. But what if someone wants to know more about what you actually do? For example, someone might ask what your daily routine is like. Or they might ask about your current or past projects. How can you describe these kinds of activities?
925English is a new business English course for lower level English learners.https://www.businessenglishpod.com/ca...

IS EATING MEAT KILLING OUR PLANET? | Daily Listening | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening     2016年9月6日
As our appetite for meat increases, we're being told to cut down on eating the stuff. A study claims a rise in the production of meat is causing more greenhouse gases which harm the planet.
Rob and Finn discuss why this is happening and the damage it is doing.
Link of IS EATING MEAT KILLING OUR PLANET? | Daily Listening | English Subtitle:https://youtu.be/1qQ6btH4pMY

0:06 Now Finn, there is nothing I like more than tucking into a juicy steak, munching on a
0:11 hamburger or chewing on a nice piece of roast beef.
0:14 It does sound good, doesn't it?
0:17 But meat eaters, like us, might need to think again about the amount we eat.
0:24 That's right because in the programme today we're discussing how eating meat can add to
0:28 the problem of greenhouse gas.
0:31 Greenhouse gas is a type of gas that stops heat escaping from the atmosphere and causes
0:38 a greenhouse effect – it warms up our planet – and that leads to climate change.
0:44 Yes, that's it's not a good thing.
0:46 We have heard in the past about greenhouse gas being caused by pollution from factories…
0:51 … and from using containers of things like paint or perfume, which is kept under high
0:57 pressure so that it can be sprayed – we call these aerosols.
1:01 But according to a recent report, the production of meat is also adding to the problem.
1:06 We'll talk more about this soon and looking at some related vocabulary, but not before
1:11 we've set today's question.
1:13 Are you ready, Finn?
1:16 Ready and waiting, Rob.
1:19 According to a study in America, how many tonnes of beef is produced globally every
1:24 year?
1:25 a) 59 million tonnes b) 69 million tonnes
1:29 c) 79 million tonnes Let's go supersize and say 79 million tonnes.
1:37 I'll let you know the answer at the end of the programme.
1:41 Let's continue our discussion about the link between meat and greenhouse gases.
1:45 Research from Cambridge and Aberdeen universities estimates greenhouse gases from food production
1:52 will go up 80% if meat and dairy consumption continues to rise at its current rate.
2:00 'Consumption' here means the process of eating food.
2:03 So more and more of us are eating meat – there is a surge.
2:08 Let's find out exactly why from BBC Environment Analyst, Roger Harrabin.
2:14 See if you can hear why meat production is causing the problem …
2:17 The surge in meat eating will drive more deforestation as farmers seek increasing amounts of land,
2:23 the study says.
2:24 Cutting forests releases greenhouse gases from the wood and the soil, and fertilisers
2:29 create greenhouse gases too.
2:31 The report says under current trends, agriculture alone will cause the world to bust its targets
2:37 for reducing the risk of dangerous climate change.
2:40 So eating more meat means farmers need more land to keep their animals on.
2:46 And to get more land, they need to cut down trees – which is called deforestation.
2:52 It's deforestation – cutting down forests – that causes greenhouse gases from wood
2:57 and soil to be released.
2:59 And there's another reason too – the use of fertilisers.
3:04 These are natural or chemical substances added to the soil to help plants grow.
3:10 Like these plants, used to feed the animals.
3:12 And another problem is that more of the fields used for growing crops that we eat, like wheat,
3:18 are being used to grow food to feed the animals that we later eat!
3:23 Research has also found beef cattle need 28 times more land than pork, poultry or dairy
3:32 farming.
3:33 So it's a big problem, but many of us have an appetite – a need or interest – for
3:38 meat.
3:39 Especially for carnivores.
3:40 Carnivores are really animals that just eat meat but we refer to humans as carnivores
3:44 too sometimes because they just love meat.
3:48 Something else is tempting us too.
3:50 Yes, something is encouraging us to eat more.
3:54 See if you can hear what it is in the next part of Roger Harribin's report…
3:59 The real challenge is the public's appetite.
4:02 There's a burger restaurant boom in major cities.
4:05 People are voting with their bellies and it's not normally mushroom burgers they're after!
4:10 Some interesting language there.
4:12 He described the increase in burger restaurants as a'boom' – so a major increase.
4:17 And he said people are voting with their bellies …
4:20 A nice phrase – he means, people are showing they like burger restaurants by going to them
4:26 and eating more.
4:28 And they're not buying burgers made of vegetables or things like mushroom burgers – they're
4:32 buying and eating meat, like beef burgers.
4:36 Well, with meat consumption predicted to double in the next 40 years as people globally get
4:42 wealthier, it's a problem that's not going to go away.
4:46 A bit like today's question – today's question was, according to a scientific study in America,
4:53 how many tonnes of beef is produced globally every year?
4:57 I said c) 79 million tonnes.
5:01 That's a lot to eat but you are wrong.
5:04 The answer is 59 million tonnes.
5:08 This is according to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
5:12 It also found cattle are the biggest source of greenhouse gases, accounting for more than
5:17 three-quarters of all gases made by farming livestock around the world.
5:22 Well before we chew over that fact, Finn could you please remind us of some of the words
5:28 we have heard today?
5:29 Ok: tucking into
5:33 greenhouse gas consumption
5:37 deforestation fertiliser
5:42 appetite carnivore
5:45 boom Well, that brings us to the end of today's
5:50 6 Minute English.

Fall or Feel?

source: Simple English Videos    2014年10月30日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website: http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

Listening Comprehension for Beginners - "under the weather"

source: English Teacher Jon    2012年8月9日
http://www.engvid.com/ Learn the meaning and origin of an idiom in English, as well as a lot of vocabulary, in this simple comprehension lesson. You'll also be training yourself to listen and understand in English. http://www.engvid.com/listening-compr...

15 Fishy Expressions in English

source: EnglishLessons4U     2014年10月10日
http://www.engvid.com/ There are so many idioms and expressions in English that have to do with fish and seafood! You might be fresh off the boat or feel like a fish out of water in an English-speaking country, but watch this video, and the world will be your oyster. You won't clam up when you have to speak. You'll stop being a dead fish in bed. After you watch, take out your trouser trout and do the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/15-fishy-expres...

3 ways to pronounce the EX sound in English

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2015年3月30日
Good pronunciation is essential to sounding like a native English speaker. Because words don't always sound like they are spelled, it can be confusing to learn how to say them correctly. But don't worry. There are rules to help you understand how to pronounce them. In this lesson, you will learn three different ways to pronounce the EX sound in English. Do you know the pronunciation difference between "excellent" and "exact"? Watch this lesson, and find out.

Talking about dancing in English

source: Twominute English     2013年10月16日
We all love to dance and we all enjoy seeing others dancing as well. There may be many instances when you'll need to ask someone to dance with you at a party. So, how would you do it? In this video, we'll focus on phrases you can use to ask or talk about dancing in English. Practice all the phrases at the end to build your fluency and comprehension.
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:07 In this lesson you’ll learn about phrases that you can use to ask or talk about dancing in English.
0:21 Hey, did you check the notice board?
0:23 No, not yet! What is it?
0:27 The senior classes have been invited for the open dance competition.
0:31 Really? When is it happening?
0:34 15th of next month. We have lots of time to practice.
0:37 Yup. We’re gonna rock the show this time.
0:47 Hey Julia. Can I talk to you for a minute?
0:49 Sure. What’s up?
0:51 Well... you know there’s the graduation party later this month, right?
0:54 Sure, Tim! The entire college knows that.
0:58 I was wondering if you’d go to the dance with me?
1:01 With you? Oh, gosh! Yes! Of course, Tim! I’d love that.
1:07 Great! That’s perfect.
1:14 It’s a great party, isn’t it?
1:17 It sure is. Everyone’s having fun.
1:20 Yep. They are playing some awesome numbers.
1:23 Yeah. The music is awesome.
1:25 Did you want dance?
1:26 I thought you’d never ask!
1:34 I had a lot of fun tonight.
1:36 Me too! You danced really well.
1:39 Thank you. You’re a fantastic dancer too!
1:41 Thank you. I think we were the best dancing couple on the floor.
1:46 I can totally believe that. Thank you for coming to the dance with me.
1:50 Thanks for asking me Tim. I loved it.
1:55 The senior classes have been invited for the open dance competition.
2:02 We’re gonna rock the show this time.
2:07 Wll I was wondering if you’d go to the dance with me?
2:13 They are playing some awesome numbers.
2:18 Did you want to dance?
2:21 You danced really well.
2:24 You’re a fantastic dancer too!
2:28 I think we were the best dancing couple on the floor.

10 English Phrases for Facial Expressions

source: Espresso English    2013年3月9日
Learn English phrases and common English expressions for facial expressions. Visithttp://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and English courses.

Sports Idioms in English

source: English Lessons with Alex    2010年9月22日
http://www.engvid.com/ Get ahead of the pack with these common English idioms, then attempt the free quiz at http://www.engvid.com/english-idioms-... to test your knowledge.

1. ahead of the pack
2. cover all the bases
3. jump the gun
4. on/off the mark
5. out of left field