
CNN Student News September 30 2016 subtitle /cc Tensions between the U.S...

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100     2016年9月29日
A train crash in New Jersey, China's warning for Japan, a look at tensions between the U.S. and Russia, and a U.S. presidential town hall are featured today.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

The WORST English mistakes native speakers make

source: JamesESL English Lessons    2016年9月28日
Even native English speakers make mistakes! In this video, you'll learn five mistakes English speakers make that you should avoid. We'll look at spelling, pronunciation, confused meanings, bad grammar, slang, and words that don't exist! It's okay to make mistakes, and when you're learning a language, you're going to make some. My goal in this lesson is to get rid of some common mistakes, so that you can sound smarter and be more confident with your English. Once you know these five mistakes, watch this other video on five other common native speaker mistakes: https://youtu.be/75CP1xyoNFo

Fun filled expressions with 'Break' - Free English Lessons

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2016年9月28日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/english-express...
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

Break the news to someone – to tell someone some important news, usually bad news
Ex: The doctor had to break the news of Claire’s illness to her husband.
Break someone’s heart – cause severe emotional pain or grief
Ex: Joe’s heart broke when Jill refused to marry him.
Break a promise – to not do what one said one would definitely do
Ex: My brother broke his promise; he did not come to visit us this year.
Break a record – to destroy a previously set high record by setting a record higher than the previous one
Ex: The athlete broke a record in swimming which was held for ten years.
Break the rules – to not follow the rules
Ex: Clyde has always been a rebel; he loves to break the rules.
Break a habit – stop or end a habit
Ex: I found it very tough to quit smoking; it’s hard to break a habit that is so old.
Break the ice – to do or say something to get conversation going especially when strangers meet
Ex: If you feel uncomfortable at the party try to break the ice by cracking a good joke.
Break a leg – used to wish someone good luck – originates from using it in for artists
Ex: I heard that you are participating in a dance competition, break a leg.
Break free – to break away from someone or something
Ex: We need to break free from these old fashioned ways of thinking.

Waiting For Ages

source: Simple English Videos    2016年9月27日
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There you can get email updates on new videos and live classes and also download a free copy of 'Fix It', a checklist for correcting common English mistakes

CNN Student News - September 29, 2016 - English CC

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月28日
CNN Student News - September 29, 2016 (Thursday) - English Subtitle/ CC: Following a U.S. congressional vote to override a presidential veto, we're explaining what the controversial bill was all about. We bring you a new report in our series on global challenges ahead of the next U.S. president. And after a look at the latest typhoon to strike Taiwan, we're exploring how Iowans banded together to prevent a dangerous flood from causing widespread disaster. That’s CNN Student News - September 29, 2016.

BBC 6 Minute English | THE COST OF LIFE SAVING VACCINES | English CC | D...

source: Daily Listening     2016年9月12日
The price of vaccines has escalated and some poor countries are struggling prevent children from catching certain life-threatening diseases. The warning comes from the organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres. It criticises the drug companies which reply that they can’t make such complex medicine cheaper than they already do. Rob and Neil talk about the price of vaccines. Listen to their conversation and learn some new vocabulary.
Link: https://youtu.be/HflTQkZc5iM

0:07 Today we’re going to talk about the cost of keeping people healthy.
0:10 The price of life-saving vaccines has escalated – has gone up - and some of the world’s
0:15 poorer countries are struggling to immunise children – to immunise, in other words,
0:19 to prevent children from catching diseases.
0:22 Yes, the organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres is criticising the pharmaceutical companies
0:27 which produce the vaccines.
0:29 Medecins Sans Frontieres is a well-known charity– a charity is an organisation set up to help
0:35 and raise money for people in need.
0:37 We’re going to talk about the cost of vaccines and you’ll learn some words you can use
0:42 to discuss the topic yourself or to follow the news.
0:46 But first, a question, Neil.
0:47 Yes?
0:48 The first laboratory-developed vaccine was produced in 1879.
0:52 The vaccine was against an animal disease called chicken cholera.
0:56 Who was the scientist behind it?
0:58 Was it… a) Alexander Fleming
1:00 b) Albert Sabin c) Louis Pasteur
1:04 Well, I don’t know, but I’m going to guess.
1:07 Probably not (a) because Fleming discovered penicillin.
1:10 Probably not (c) because Pasteur did pasteurisation.
1:14 I’m gonna go for (b).
1:16 OK.
1:17 It sounds like you know your vaccines.
1:18 Well, we'll have the answer to that question at the end of the programme.
1:22 Now, let’s talk about the controversy behind these life-saving vaccines.
1:27 On one side we have a charity and on the other side, the drug companies.
1:31 Which vaccines are they talking about?
1:32 Well, they’re talking about vaccines which prevent diseases such as tuberculosis, measles,
1:39 diphtheria and polio.
1:41 According to Medecins Sans Frontieres, between 2001 and 2014 there was a 68-fold increase
1:48 in vaccine prices.
1:49 Well, that is a lot!
1:51 It certainly is.
1:52 And the group says that there are particular cases in which rich western countries are
1:57 actually getting vaccines at a cheaper rate than poorer countries.
2:01 That’s what Medecins Sans Frontieres says, and they’re asking for more transparency
2:06 around prices.
2:08 Transparency means clarity, something done in an open way, without secrets.
2:12 Yes, they want to know the cost of the vaccines.
2:15 Let’s hear what Rohit Malpani from Medecins Sans Frontieres has to say.
2:20 See if you can spot the expression Malpani uses to describe how high the price of the
2:25 vaccine is for some countries.
2:28 This is all a black box.
2:29 It’s a black box in terms of the price they are charging to most countries around the
2:33 world so they’re often charging prices that are wildly out of proportion with their ability
2:37 to pay.
2:38 You have Morocco and Tunisia that now are paying higher prices than France for the pneumococcal
2:42 vaccine.
2:43 We also simply do not know the cost of production and if GlaxoSmithKline says that it costs
2:48 more than we are saying it does, then they should simply submit to some sort of audit
2:52 to ensure that we can verify the cost of production.
2:56 The expression which describes the relationship between the price asked and the ability to
3:00 pay is ‘out of proportion’.
3:03 It means it’s unrealistic or exaggerated.
3:07 And Malpani from Medecins Sans Frontieres says that Morocco and Tunisia are paying more
3:12 than France – a much richer country – for a particular vaccine.
3:16 And his organisation wants transparency.
3:19 They want to be able to verify the cost of production.
3:22 To verify means to confirm that something is really true and they want the drug company
3:27 to confirm that the cost to produce the vaccines is really as high as they say it is.
3:32 Well, at this point, we have to hear what the companies say.
3:36 Yes, because they argue that they already sell these vaccines at a discount, in other
3:40 words, at a reduced price.
3:42 Yes, they do.
3:43 GlaxoSmithKline says that around 80% of all their vaccines, including the one mentioned
3:49 by Malpani, are provided to developing countries at a substantial discount.
3:55 And the company adds that the pneumococcal vaccine is one of the most complex they’ve
4:00 ever manufactured because it combines 10 vaccines in one.
4:04 Yes.
4:05 On one hand, vaccines take many years of research and these companies want to make a profit,
4:10 which means to sell the product for more than it costs to make it.
4:14 But on the other hand, the lack of vaccines can kill people and it’s really very sad
4:20 to see people dying of diseases which can be prevented.
4:24 Some vaccines may be very affordable for a person in a rich country…
4:27 … but they might cost a fortune to someone in a poor country.
4:31 This is a very complex problem and I’m sure we will talk about this again in the future.
4:36 But now, let’s go back to the quiz question, Neil.
4:39 You asked about the first vaccine developed in a laboratory…
4:42 Yes, I did.
4:43 The first laboratory-developed vaccine was produced in 1879.
4:48 It was a vaccine for the animal disease called chicken cholera.
4:52 I wanted to know the name of the scientist who developed it.
4:56 Was it Alexander Fleming, Albert Sabin or Louis Pasteur?
4:59 And I said (b) Albert Sabin.
5:02 And you were wrong!
5:04 The correct answer is (C) Louis Pasteur, who was a French microbiologist.
5:08 Now, Neil, the option you chose, the American scientist Albert Sabin, in fact developed
5:14 an oral vaccine against polio in the 1950s – still very useful.
5:19 And Alexander Fleming from Scotland did indeed discover penicillin, as you said.
5:25 Well, that is interesting and I’m a bit disappointed that I got it wrong actually.
5:28 Okay.
5:29 Well, that’s it for this programme.
5:31 Now let’s remember some of the words we used today, Neil.
5:34 to immunise, charity
5:39 transparency, out of proportion
5:43 to verify, discount
5:46 to make a profit. Thank you.

Meeting and Greeting

source: Simple English Videos    2014年8月20日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website at: http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com
Follow me on twitter @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and subscribe to thisYouTube channel. Oh and don't forget to visit our website - Simple English Videos dot com.http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com

Love & Relationships - expressions and vocabulary

source: Learn English with Valen    2010年1月20日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this lesson you will learn some very common English expressions about love and relationships. Keep the comments clean, please! Don't forget to take the free quiz on this lesson at http://www.engvid.com/7-common-englis...

English listening practice | UK news story

source: Crown Academy of English    2014年9月21日
This is a British English accent.
English listening practice: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
English vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

How To Talk About Kitchen And Cooking in English

source: Learn English with BeGlobal    2015年12月1日
Download Free Ebook Learn English Fast & Easy: http://ebook.beglobal.club/
Website Learn English: http://beglobal.club/
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MUSE words - amusing, bemused, etc.

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2010年7月22日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this new series of English vocabulary "pyramids", I teach different vocabulary related to one base word. In this lesson, I use the base "muse".

Applying for a Passport - Tourism English

source: Twominute English    2013年11月22日
In this lesson, we'll talk about phrases you may use while talking about passport application.
Facebook page: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
Website: http://twominenglish.com for lesson scripts and more learning.
App for Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:18 Hey! What’s up, Neal?
0:20 Nothing much! Just trying to find out how to get a passport.
0:25 You just need the correct documents to apply for one.
0:28 Yeah? But I don’t know which documents are needed.
0:32 You’re gonna need your birth certificate, your id, a photograph and fill out an application form. It’s easy.
0:41 I have all of that. Can I fill this form online?
0:46 I don’t think so man. If you’re applying for the first time, you’ll need to go there and submit the form.
0:53 Alright! Thanks for the help!
1:01 Hello there. I want to apply for a passport.
1:04 Sure. Are you applying for the first time?
1:07 Yep. Never needed to go abroad before.
1:11 Alright, you’ll need to fill form DS-11 and submit it.
1:15 I got it right here. I just wanna submit it.
1:18 Great! Just submit it to the counter over there.
1:22 Will I need to pay a fee?
1:24 Yes. You can pay through card.
1:26 Okay. Thanks for your help.
1:29 You’re welcome!
1:36 Hey Jim! I applied for my passport.
1:39 Great! Did you have any trouble?
1:42 Nope! It was easy. I had the docs ready, and I paid the fee through my credit card.
1:48 Fantastic! So all you need to do now is wait, and you’ll get your passport soon!
1:54 Is there any way I can check the status of my passport?
1:58 Yeah, I think so. You just need to go to a website and fill in your details.
2:03 Do you know the website address?
2:07 Google it man!
2:15 Pack your bags hon!
2:17 Why? What?
2:18 We are taking that trip to Europe as I promised you.
2:22 We are? That’s unbelievable!!
2:25 Yep! I just got my passport, and I booked the tickets for next week.
2:29 Finally! This is going to be a wonderful trip. Will I need a visa?
2:34 Nope. We’ll get visas on arrival.
2:39 Just trying to find out how to get a passport.
2:45 Can I fill this form online?
2:49 I want to apply for a passport.
2:54 But I don’t know which documents are needed.
3:00 Will I need to pay a fee?
3:03 I applied for my passport.
3:08 Is there any way I can check the status of my passport?
3:15 I just got my passport, and I booked the tickets for next week.

British English vs. American English Vocabulary Words

source: Espresso English    2013年1月26日
Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and English courses.
This is a story about the daily life of New York Nate, who lives in the United States; and London Laura, who lives in England. As you can see, they have very similar lives... but the vocabulary words they use are very different!

Business English - Talking about your Responsibilities

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2011年1月4日
http://www.engvid.com/ What are you responsible for? Who are you responsible to? Learn how to answer these basic Business English questions easily and correctly. Take a free quiz on this lesson athttp://www.engvid.com/business-englis...