
CNN Student News October 3 2016 subtitle /cc A Potential Peace Agreement...

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100    2016年10月2日
Monday's show begins in Colombia, where we're explaining the significance of a potential peace agreement between that nation's government and the rebel group that has fought it for 52 years. A stop in the Caribbean follows, for a look at Hurricane Matthew. The political challenges posed by Iran, the recent "black moon," and a Character Study are other subjects explored this Monday.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

30 words that begin with K

source: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline     2016年9月29日
Thirty words in English that begin with the letter K

At the restaurant (English Conversation For Beginners - Lesson 35)

source: Daily English Conversation    2016年9月28日
Lesson 35: At the restaurant.
Rebecca: This looks like a nice restaurant.
Scott: Yeah, it is. I come here all the time.
Rebecca : Let's sit over there.
Scott: OK.
Rebecca: Can you pass me a menu please.
Scott: Sure. What are you going to have to drink?
Rebecca: I'm going to have a glass of beer. How about you?
Scott: I think I'll have a glass of wine.
Rebecca: Do you want to order an appetizer first?
Scot : Not really, maybe we can just order some bread.
Rebecca: OK. What are you going to have to eat?
Scott: I'm not sure. I haven't decided yet. Can you recommend something?
Rebecca: Sure, I've had the steak and the lobster before. They're both very good.
Scott: I think I'll have the lobster. What are you going to have?
Rebecca: I'm not that hungry. I think I'm just going to have a salad.
Scott: I'm gonna go to the bathroom. When the waitress comes back, will you order for me?
Rebecca: Sure. No problem.
▶ 100 Lessons English Conversation for Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TmH...

Difference between CLOTH and CLOTHES

source: Espresso English    2016年10月1日
Learn more Confusing English Words here - http://www.espressoenglish.net/600-co...

BBC 6 Minute English | ARE MODELS TOO SKINNY? | English CC | Daily Liste...

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月13日
Are models too skinny?
Should skinny – or very thin – models be stopped from working on the catwalk? Listen to Rob and Finn discussing how thin is too thin for catwalk models whilst explaining some related vocabulary.

0:05 Hi there, Finn.
0:06 I have to say you've got a lean and hungry look today!
0:09 Oh really?
0:10 I'll take that as a compliment, shall I?
0:12 Please do.
0:13 Do you want a doughnut?
0:15 Actually, yeah – can I have two?
0:18 So what are we talking about today, Rob?
0:22 We're talking about skinny – or very thin – models and whether there should be a law
0:27 banning them from working on the catwalk.
0:29 And a catwalk is the long runway that models walk down at fashion shows.
0:33 Well, no danger there for me there Rob – I think I like eating a little bit too much.
0:38 And there's no danger of you becoming a model anyway, Finn – because you're not good looking
0:42 enough, I'm afraid!
0:43 Oh really.
0:44 OK.
0:45 Thank you, Rob.
0:46 That's very nice of you.
0:47 I think it's time for today's quiz question, please.
0:49 OK – well, here goes.
0:50 Which country banned the use of underweight models in 2013?
0:55 Was it… a) Israel
0:56b ) Canada or c) the US
0:59 You know what?
1:00 I've got no idea.
1:01 So I'll take a guess and say a) Israel.
1:04 OK.
1:05 Well, we'll find out if that's the right answer later on.
1:09 So come on, Finn, what do you think?
1:10 Are the models we see on the catwalk and in the media too skinny?
1:14 Well, yeah, I think some models do look fantastic but others look painfully thin.
1:21 Now, themedia, by the way, refers to the different ways information is communicated to us, so,
1:27 for example, through TV, radio, magazines, and often the internet and newspapers.
1:33 OK.
1:34 Well let's listen to Jamie Gavin, founder and managing director of media agency inPress,
1:39 talking about a new French law being discussed, preventing the use of underweight models.
1:46 Can you spot a phrase that means a limit or an ending?
1:49 I think it's a BMI of 18 or less, that's hopefully going to be banned by the French Assembly
1:55 today.
1:56 This is what the US health organization states as being kind of clinically unhealthy.
2:01 So it's almost like a cut-off point.
2:03 Yes, be thin, yes be thinner than the general population, but once it starts getting to
2:08 unhealthy territory really that's time to start banning it.
2:11 And the French Assembly did pass this law a few days later.
2:15 Now, did you spot the phrase for a limit or an ending?
2:19 It's cut-off point.
2:21 So models that are too thin will be banned – or won't be allowed – to work.
2:26 And the cut-off point is a BMI of 18 or less.
2:31 Now BMI stands for body mass index.
2:35 And this is the ratio of a person's height to their weight.
2:39 Ratio means the relationship between two things, showing how big one thing is compared to another.
2:46 But what happens if you're just naturally really thin?
2:50 The authorities could be accused of discrimination against skinny people – or treating some
2:55 people less fairly than others.
2:57 That's right.
2:58 It's a good point.
2:59 And that's why the French authorities and those of some other countries are using BMI
3:04 as a way of deciding.
3:05 So, models with a BMI of 18 or less weigh too little when compared to how tall they
3:12 are.
3:13 And clinically unhealthy – what does that mean?
3:16 It means when you need medical treatment for a condition or illness.
3:20 Now anorexia is an illness where a person refuses to eat in order to lose weight.
3:25 But some models these days are so skinny they do look anorexic.
3:30 You're right.
3:31 Let's hear more from Jamie Gavin talking about protecting the health of models.
3:36 What phrase is used to mean 'the responsibility'?
3:40 The theatrical agents and the modelling agents that have got a responsibility to look after
3:45 their clients.
3:46 There's a huge amount of pressure on both the agent and on the models themselves and
3:49 really the buck lies with them to make sure these people are healthy and that they're
3:53 looking after their careers as well.
3:56 So the problem with the modelling industry is that the agents who employ the girls put
4:01 pressure on – or strongly persuade – them to lose weight.
4:05 And in this way they aren't taking care of their clients, they are actually putting them
4:10 at risk.
4:11 Now, why's that, Rob?
4:13 It's because many people in the fashion industry prefer very thin models so it's a case of supply
4:18 and demand.
4:19 The agents are simply supplying the fashion industry with the type of girls they want.
4:24 Right.
4:25 And what does the reporter mean when he says the buck lies with the agents?
4:31 When the buck lies – or stops – with someone it means it's his or her responsibility, not
4:36 someone else's.
4:37 And agents who employed underweight models can face fines of up to 75,000 euros, or even
4:44 prison sentences.
4:45 OK, shall we hear the answer to today's quiz question?
4:49 OK.
4:50 Well, I asked you which country banned the use of underweight models in 2013?
4:54 Was it… a) Israel b) Canada or c) the US?
4:58 I said a) Israel.
5:01 And you were right, Finn!
5:03 Well done.
5:04 Now, shall we listen to the words we learned today?
5:06 We heard: skinny
5:10 catwalk media
5:14 cut-off point banned
5:17 BMI (body mass index) ratio
5:25 discrimination clinically
5:31 anorexia put pressure on
5:37 supply and demand the buck stops with or the buck lies with

Make and Do: common fixed expressions

source: Simple English Videos    2014年3月18日
To see a video on rules we follow when we use 'make' and 'do', click here: http://youtu.be/6y1otaeT-5E You can see this video with a clickable transcript at my video website: http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com/la...
Leave a message in the comments, or send me a video response. I'll be sure to watch it. And don't forget to visit my video website - Simple English Videos dot com. http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com
Follow me on twitter @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

7 Workplace Expressions in English

source: Learn English with Valen    2009年8月3日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this lesson you will learn some very common English expressions that you might hear in the workplace.

How to give the BEST speech or presentation in English

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie!   2015年3月2日
Giving presentations and speeches for work or class can be terrifying. When you are nervous, you might lose control and forget something. Maybe you are worried that your speech will be boring. In this lesson, you will learn some great tips to help you with writing and delivering your speech or presentation so you will never be afraid to talk in front of people again. Ronnie will teach you how to choose a topic, speak at the right speed, remember important facts, and more. Don't miss this important and effective lesson on public speaking!

Idioms in English - FOOT

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)   2010年5月25日
http://www.engVid.com/ Five idioms uisng the word 'FOOT' in English. Take my quiz on this lesson to test your understanding at http://www.engvid.com/english-idioms-...

Use of Fewer and Lesser - Commonly Confused Words

source: Twominute English     2013年11月18日
'Fewer' and 'Lesser' are two words that are used to express quantity, but there are important differences in how these words are used. 'Fewer' is used to talk about countable things, and 'Lesser' is used to talk about things you don't count.
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0:16 Hey John! What’s up?
0:18  Hello Lisa. I was just looking in the fridge. We have less bottles of soda left!
0:25You mean few. We have few bottles of soda left.
0:29 I can’t use less here?
0:32 No John. Less or lesser is only used when you want to talk about things you don’t count.
0:38 What about few?
0:41 You use few to talk about things that you can count. For examples, bottles of soda, apples, fingers on your hand.
0:49 Oh, I understand. Can you give me some examples of lesser too?
0:55 Sure. Lesser work, because you don’t count it. Less stress. Lesser energy. Anything you don’t want to express in numbers.
1:04 Nice! I am going to get some more bottles of soda because I have few left.
1:10 John, you should drink less soda.
1:14 Why did you use less here instead of few?
1:17 It’s simple. You can count bottles of soda, but you can’t count soda itself. That’s why when I didn’t specify that I am talking about bottles, I used less.
1:28 It’s so clear now. Thanks Lisa. What about some sample conversations now?
1:41 Good morning! How can I help you?
1:43 I am stuck! My car has stopped working and I have to reach Health Square.
1:48 Don’t panic, Sir. Where you are now?
1:51 I am at the Dublin city center.
1:54 Well, Health Square is less than four miles away. I am sending you few people from my team to help you with the car.
2:01 Thank you so much.
2:10 Hey, how are you doing now?
2:12 I am pretty fine now, Jake.
2:14 I heard only few people survived the fire?
2:17 Yes, you heard it all correct. There were 5 casualties and 2 survivors.
2:22 That’s so sad.
2:30 You cannot take this inside the flight, Sir.
2:32 Why not? It weighs just 12 kg.
2:35 Your cabin baggage must weigh less than 10 kg.
2:39 Okay. I’ll check it in then.
2:44 Well, health square is less than four miles away.
2:50 I am sending you few people from my team to help you with the car.
2:57 I heard only few people survived the fire?
3:03 Your cabin baggage must weigh less than 10 kg.
3:09 We have few bottles of soda left.
3:15 John, you should drink less soda.

# relevant grammar videos: 
1. Comparisons: comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, adverbs, and nouns
2. Quantifiers

Basic English Phrases for the Supermarket

source: Espresso English   2013年1月22日
Learn spoken English phrases for going shopping in a supermarket or grocery store.

English Pronunciation - A & E (Man vs. Men)

source: English Lessons with Alex    2011年3月6日
http://www.engvid.com/ Learn the difference between saying "man," "men," and other similar words that include these two common vowel sounds. Listen and repeat with me! This is a perfect lesson for beginners. http://www.engvid.com/english-pronunc...