
CNN Student News with subtitles - October 7, 2016 | Hurricane Matthew Nears the U.S. So...

source: NEWS with Subtitles    2016年10月6日
Hurricane Matthew Nears the U.S. Southeast; China Poses a Potential Challenge for the Next U.S. President; Colorado Facility Converts Food Waste Into Energy.
Today's show begins with a focus on Hurricane Matthew, providing a look at its strength, an illustration of its potential storm surge, and an explanation of how storm names are determined. CNN Student News examine how China could pose a significant challenge for the next U.S. president, and we take you to a facility in Colorado that gathers food waste and processes it into energy.
Collection of videos by Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNe...
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
Student News Anchor: Carl Azuz.
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

10 words in English that don't make sense! Hmmm...

source: EnglishLessons4U     2016年10月5日
Do you ever wonder why we park a car in a "driveway" but drive on a "parkway"? Why do we have "toes", not "footfingers"? And why do we brush our teeth with a "toothbrush" and "toothpaste" instead of a "teethbrush" and "teethpaste"? Sometimes, it looks like English makes no sense! I understand your frustration, so in this lesson, I will make sense of the senseless and look at some vocabulary that can confuse English learners.
TAKE THE QUIZ: http://www.engvid.com/10-words-in-eng...

24 quick word replacements -Stop using ‘Boring Adjectives’ (English spea...

source: Learn English with Let's Talk  2016年10月6日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/English-speakin...
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.in

'Nice' can be replaced by
So instead of saying "Susan is nice"; you could say ..."Susan is very likeable, her personality is pleasing, her manners are gracious and she is always cordial in her behaviour."

'Bad' can be replaced by
So instead of saying that "Mark is a bad person" ...you can say "Mark is such an awful person, he can be very nasty and wicked and has rotten manner."

'Happy' can be replaced by
So instead of saying that "Stella is a happy girl"... Replace it with " Stella is always so cheerful, her nature is jovial and experience is always glad. She always seems so elated with life."

'Good' can be replaced by
"Today is a good day" can be said as " Today is a super / pleasant / stupendous / stunning day."

'Sad' can be replaced by
"The weather is so sad " can be rephrased as "The weather is so gloomy." " I am feeling sad " can be replaced with " I am feeling so upset or downcast or cheerless."

'Pretty' can be replaced by
"Sarah is a pretty girl" can be said as " Sarah is gorgeous / very appealing / stunning or attractive ."

CNN Student News with subtitles - October 6, 2016 | Hurricane Matthew Barrels Toward th...

source: NEWS with Subtitles    2016年10月5日
Hurricane Matthew barrels toward the Bahamas and the U.S., Student News bring you clips from the U.S. vice presidential debate, and global tech teams reach for the moon.
With Hurricane Matthew churning in the Caribbean, we're looking at where the storm has been, where it might be going, and how its effects extend well beyond its eye. Following the one and only U.S. vice presidential debate, we're bringing you some clips from the face-off. And with international teams competing for a shot at the moon, we're exploring their driving force.
Collection of videos by Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNe...
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
Student News Anchor: Carl Azuz.
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

Paying for dinner (English Conversation For Beginners - Lesson 32)

source: Daily English Conversation    2016年9月25日
▶ 100 Lessons English Conversation for Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TmH...
Lesson 32: Paying for dinner.
Tim : Excuse me. Check please.
Waitress : OK, how was everything?
Tim : Very nice. Thank you.
Waitress : Would you like this to-go?
Tim : Yes, can you put it in a plastic bag?
Waitress : Sure, no problem. Here you are. That'll be 25 dollars.
Tim : Do you take credit cards?
Waitress : Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard.
Tim : OK, here you are.
Waitress : Thanks. I'll be right back.
Tim : OK.
Waitress : Here's your receipt.
Tim : Thank you.
Waitress : You're welcome. Please come again.

BBC 6 Minute English | CHINS | English CC | Daily Listening

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月15日
What's the point of having a chin?
Almost every part of our body seems to be the subject of endless debate. But there’s one part you don’t hear much about - the chin. Join Rob and Neil as they investigate this forgotten part of our face and explain some related vocabulary.

0:07 Hardly a day goes by without hearing someone talking about some aspect of our bodies.
0:12 Do you know what I mean, Neil?
0:13 Oh, yes, Rob.
0:14 Almost every part of our anatomy seems to be the subject of endless debate.
0:20 It could be our stomachs and what we eat.
0:22 It could be our posture and how we stand.
0:26 It could be our skin and how we should look after it.
0:29 Yes, I know, it gets very tedious – that means boring – so I don't really take any
0:34 notice, as you can see!
0:37 But there’s one part of our body you don’t hear much about – and that is the chin.
0:42 The chin?
0:44 You mean the small bit of bone under the mouth?
0:46 It’s not the most interesting part, is it Rob?
0:49 I mean, it doesn’t do anything, does it?
0:52 I must admit I’ve never even thought about it.
0:55 What’s it for, anyway?
0:56 Well, some people think it’s very useful for folding up large sheets and towels.
1:01 You know, you hold one end under your chin like that with it…
1:05 Come on, Rob, you're not being serious!
1:07 Of course not.
1:09 But seriously, the more you think about it, the more interesting the chin becomes.
1:13 You’ve still got to convince me, Rob.
1:15 A chin is just a chin.
1:17 That’s all there is to it.
1:19 Not so fast, Neil.
1:20 The chin may turn out to be a more important part of the body than you think.
1:25 But before we get into that, let’s turn to the quiz.
1:27 Chin up, Neil.
1:28 A good phrase - it means stay positive and optimistic.
1:32 OK well how optimistic are you about getting this question right?
1:37 How long ago do you think humans developed chins?
1:41 Was it... a) 150,000 years ago?
1:43 b) 2 million years ago? or c) 5 million years ago?
1:47 Hmm.
1:48 I have no idea.
1:50 They all sound far-fetched to me.
1:52 Far-fetched means something is difficult to believe.
1:55 But I think I’ll go for 2 million years ago.
1:59 'B'.
2:00 Okay.
2:01 Well, we'll find out if you're right or wrong later on.
2:04 But the first thing to say is that humans are the only animals to have developed a chin.
2:09 Let’s listen to Dr James Pampush from the University of Florida.
2:13 What word does he use to mean it sticks out?
2:16 Humans are the only animal that have a chin and by that I mean, you have this bony projection
2:24 underneath your teeth that sticks out past your teeth on the lower portion of your jaw
2:31 and it’s such an unusual feature, that in a way it sort of helps define what it means
2:37 to be human.
2:39 So he used the word projection which means something that sticks out from the main surface.
2:45 And the word jaw is used to describe the lower part of the face, which the chin is part of.
2:51 So, we now know exactly what the chin is.
2:53 But why did it develop?
2:55 Now from what I understand, Rob, it has a lot to do with when humans started to cook
3:00 their food, so the food they ate became much softer.
3:04 Therefore, our ancestors – that’s the people related to us from a long time ago
3:09 – they didn’t need powerful jaws or sharp teeth anymore.
3:13 And, strangely, that made the jaw drop and produced that odd piece of bone we know as
3:20 the chin.
3:21 But some time later the chin became associated with sexual attraction in men.
3:26 Males with prominent – that means easy to see - jaws were supposed to be attractive
3:31 to women.
3:32 And men with small chins were thought to be unattractive or weak people.
3:36 They were even called chinless wonders sometimes.
3:39 Chinless wonder, an interesting phrase!
3:41 So, let’s have a look at yours, Rob.
3:43 Are you a chinless wonder?
3:45 Mmm.
3:46 Looks pretty normal to me.
3:48 How about mine?
3:49 Well, Neil, your chin is rather pointed if you don’t mind me saying.
3:53 But I’m not sure what that means, to be honest.
3:54 So, let’s move swiftly on.
3:56 Let's hear what Dr Pampush has to say about this.
4:00 He uses a word that means this theory is likely to be true.
4:06 It seems plausible to me that chins emerged as some kind of feature and then later were
4:11 selected to be sex ornaments.
4:15 But not the presence of the chin but, rather, the shape of the chin being some kind of marker
4:20 for sexual identity.
4:23 The word he used was plausible meaning something that is acceptable or believable.
4:28 The word chin has also given us some interesting expressions.
4:31 A double chin, for example, describes loose skin hanging beneath the chin which makes
4:37 people look like they’ve got two chins!
4:39 It’s something that people don’t like and often try to get rid of.
4:43 And then there’s the verb to chinwag.
4:46 That means to talk a lot or to chat in a relaxed way with friends.
4:50 A chinwag tends to be a conversation about things that aren't very important – but
4:55 our conversation about chins is very important!
4:58 I guess so Neil, OK – so how about the answer to that question I asked you earlier?
5:03 I asked you how long ago did humans develop chins?
5:07 Was it a) 150,000 years ago?
5:09 b) 2 million years ago or c) 5 million years ago?
5:13 And I said 2 million years ago.
5:16 You know your chins, you were right.
5:18 Well done!
5:19 Ah brilliant!
5:20 Chins really have been around for a long time.
5:21 Now, before we go, it’s time to remind ourselves of some of the vocabulary that we’ve heard
5:27 today.
5:28 Neil.
5:29 tedious chin up
5:31 far-fetched projection
5:34 jaw ancestors
5:37 prominent chinless wonder
5:41 plausible double chin
5:43 chinwag. Thanks Neil.

Safety and Security - in depth explanation

source: Simple English Videos   2014年2月27日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at my video website:http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com/la...
To see a simpler explanation of these words, click here: http://youtu.be/wEjSyqaHr2U
Leave a message in the comments, or send me a video response. I'll be sure to watch it. And don't forget to visit my video website - Simple English Videos dot com. http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com
Follow me on twitter @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

"I'm the normal one." Indirect speech.

source: Neil Collins   2015年10月21日
Did you see Jürgen Klopp's first press conference at Liverpool F.C.? If so, you probably remember his widely reported quote "I'm the normal one." Even if you didn't see the press conference, you may have read Klopp's quote. In this video tip, I'm going to talk about indirect speech or reported speech. This is when you tell someone what another person said. I'll use different sentences from Klopp's interview to explain indirect or reported speech.
If you want to talk about the news or what someone said in a meeting, presentation or business lunch, you need to know how to use indirect speech. Watch this video tip to find out how!

# Click for related grammar videos: quoted/direct speech vs. reported/indirect speech

English Idiom 'Daylight Robbery'

source: Twominute English    2013年8月4日
We use the idiom 'daylight robbery' or 'robbed in daylight" to react to an unfairly high price of something that you are buying. It means that you are charged too much for something or some service. In this English tutorial video you will learn about the meaning and use of the idiom 'daylight robbery'. Let's learn from this video how you can use this idiom in your conversations.
Exercises for this lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/278-Id...
Faceboo: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:05 let's learn about the Indian daylight robbery
0:09 in this lesson and how to use it in your conversations
0:18 supposedly the restaurant had a cup of tea
0:21 which you usually get or two dollars everything will get
0:25 suddenly they treat the price that five dollars
0:29 that's I daylight robbery that surely daylight robbery
0:34 the a-team daylight robbery means that somebody is charging you very high
0:39 prices
0:40 for something are some service yes
0:43 daylight robbery means unfair overcharging
0:47 isn't a deal which is used when you were upset or angry
0:52 that's right Duke we can't use this casually
0:56 or implied conversations it's an expression that they did nation
1:00 a person who uses this probably isn't going to buy the item which cause this
1:05 emotion
1:06 I agree up sometimes
1:09 either the market and when they tried a few hours hurt me
1:13 I tell them it's daylight robbery and I never write that thing
1:17 good we mustn't allow people to overcharge us
1:22 let's listen to some conversations now
1:30 what's teacher how don't match
1:33 I got from the new online store for how much
1:38 I hate twenty dollars online for this but they charge the next three hours for
1:43 delivery
1:44 Wow that was
1:47 too much me how do you ensure daylight
1:51 yeah is a complete daylight robbery
1:54 it's not eaten bread
2:02 we have to stay a night Minister tell so expenses
2:06 I say there once or twice it wasn't so expensive
2:10 back head they charged us a hundred and twenty dollar store
2:14 very small sweet I'll come on that's daylight robbery
2:19 last night he is sixty dollars for the best suit they had
2:22 a hundred and twenty dollars for that sweet is
2:25 just not where the al
2:33 hey buddy how much is at all it's one hundred and eighty dollars
2:39 well expense it what's the best price you can get a
2:44 I'm afraid there's no bargaining the price is this
2:48 man just because you're the only score shot in town
2:53 it doesn't mean you can't do eight daylight robbery
2:56 sorry but that's a
2:59 limited edition ball signed by nasty I can show you another one
3:04 and good price from a deterrent
3:10 that's I daylight robbery
3:17 Wow that was too much
3:21 me called you a shorter daylight
3:35 yeah is a complete daylight robbery it's not eaten bread
3:47 well come on that's daylight robbery
3:55 man just because you're the only source
3:58 out in town it doesn't mean you can't do eight daylight robbery

How To Talk About The Weather in English

source: Learn English with BeGlobal     2015年12月10日
Download Free Ebook Learn English Fast & Easy: http://ebook.beglobal.club/
Website Learn English: http://beglobal.club/
Fanpage: https://www.fb.com/LearnEnglishConver...
Subscribe To Update New Lesson: http://bit.ly/EnglishBeglobal

English Grammar - All about phrasal verbs!

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2010年2月18日
http://www.engVid.com/ If you want to "keep up" with other English students, you need to master phrasal verbs. In this lesson, I explain how phrasal verbs work, using "keep up" as my main example.

# Click this line for more grammar videos on phrasal verbs

How to Improve Your English Pronunciation

source: Espresso English    2012年12月30日
Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and intensive English courses.
Clear pronunciation is essential for speaking fluent English. Your pronunciation does not have to be "perfect" -- but it does need to be good enough for other people to understand you successfully.
Consider this...
If you are a beginner and you have a small vocabulary, but great pronunciation, then you can communicate simply but successfully. On the other hand, if you have advanced grammar and vocabulary but your pronunciation is BAD... then other people won't understand a single word you say!
That's why improving your pronunciation is so important. It also increases your confidence, because you know that whenever you speak, other people will understand you.

Talking about travel

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2011年1月31日
http://www.engvid.com/ Depart from? Arrive at? Travel to? If you're going to travel, this short English grammar lesson will help you speak correctly about your experiences. After you've watched the lesson, test your understanding by taking the free quiz: http://www.engvid.com/speaking-englis...