
45 words that begin with L

source: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline   2016年10月14日
This video features 45 words in English that begin with the letter L.

CNN Student News with subtitles - October 15, 2016 | How Millennials are impacting housing in the U.S.

source: NEWS with Subtitles   2016年10月15日
Russians and Ukrainians on Crimea's Future; Continued Search for Disappeared Plane; Millennials` Effect on U.S. House Market.
As a region of Ukraine prepares to vote on its political future, we're bringing you two very different perspectives on the referendum from two world capitals. We also report on why the search area for a missing passenger jet may be expanded, and we examine how Millennials are impacting housing in the U.S. It's all featured today on CNN Student News!
Collection of videos by Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNe...
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
Student News Anchor: Carl Azuz.
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

CNN Student News with subtitles - October 15, 2016 | Earthquake in Los Angeles and Tsunami in Chile

source: NEWS with Subtitles   2016年10月14日
Deadline Set for Palestinians and Israelis to Agree on Path towards Peace; Sanctions on Russia over Crimea`s Annexation; Earthquake in L.A. and Tsunami in Chile; Solving the Flight 370 Mystery; Robotic Arm Helping Amputee to Play Drums.
Subjects covered today include the Middle East conflict, sanctions on some Russian officials, two recent earthquakes, and a theory about a missing passenger plane. You'll also meet a drummer who, after losing part of his arm, gained new abilities thanks to robotics.
Collection of videos by Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNe...
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
Student News Anchor: Carl Azuz.
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

The Bathroom (Learn English via Listening Beginner Level | Lesson 114)

source: Daily English Conversation    2016年9月9日
▶ Playlist Learn English via Listening Beginner Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDZCr...
There is a bathtub in my bathroom.
On the wall over the bathtub there is a shower head.
We have a shower curtain hanging on the rod over the bathtub.
If we want to take a shower, we close the curtain.
There is soap and shampoo in the bathroom.
The soap is used for washing yourself, and the shampoo is used to wash your hair.
Towels are hanging on racks.
There are washcloths or face cloths to wash yourself with.
The sink has hot and cold taps.
There is a plug for the drain.
When you pull the plug, the water runs out of the sink.
There is a toilet in the bathroom.
When you flush the toilet, the water swooshes out of it.
There is toilet tissue hanging beside the toilet.
We keep other things in the bathroom too.
There is a medicine cabinet which holds pain killers, toothpaste and makeup.
My mother likes to wear a lot of makeup on her face.
There is also hair spray and gel.
There are brushes and combs for our hair.
There are toothbrushes and dental floss for our teeth.
We only have one bathroom, so we line up to use it.
It is good to have more than one bathroom in a house.


source: Daily Listening    2016年9月19日

0:06 Today we're talking about evolution.
0:08 Now the man most people think of when talking about evolution is of course Charles Darwin.
0:13 He was a bit of a genius, wasn’t he?
0:15 He was.
0:16 Evolution means the way living things change and develop over millions of years.
0:21 And a genius has great and unusual skills or abilities in a particular subject or area.
0:27 Well Charles Darwin was a clever man but I happen to know that another man actually came
0:33 up with the same idea, but many years before he did!
0:37 So how do you know that then, clever clogs – that's someone who thinks they know everything?
0:41 What was his name?
0:42 Well, his name was Patrick Matthew.
0:45 OK, well we’re going to learn more about him on today’s programme.
0:49 But first can you answer this, Neil?
0:51 What was Patrick Matthew’s job?
0:52 Was he … a) a politician?
0:54 b) a church minister?
0:57 Or c) a horticulturalist?
0:59 Well, I don’t know so I'll go for the most profession that sounds most interesting - a
1:05 horticulturalist, so I’ll choose that one!
1:08 That’s a person who studies plants.
1:10 OK.
1:11 We’ll find out later whether you are right or wrong.
1:13 But let’s listen now to Dr Mike Weale talking about Patrick Matthew.
1:19 Can you hear the word he uses to mean 'change-making'?...
1:23 He published a brief outline of the idea of species being able to change into other species
1:29 through natural selection – this great, transformative idea that unites us all in
1:34 a single tree of life.
1:35 And he did that 27 years before Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace did so.
1:41 And they recognized that he did so but other people since then have simplified the story
1:47 and tended to concentrate just on Darwin.
1:49 So, Matthew believed that evolution happened by natural selection.
1:55 And natural selection describes the way that plants and animals adapt to their environment,
2:00 because some individuals survive and reproduce, and others don’t.
2:04 And adapt means the way our bodies or our behaviour change to suit new conditions.
2:10 And what does Mike mean by ‘a single tree of life’?
2:14 Well, the basic idea behind evolution is that all the different species – or types of
2:19 living thing – have evolved from the same simple life form.
2:24 Just like a family tree describes how the members of your family are related to each
2:28 other, so the ‘tree of life’ describes how all living things are related.
2:32 So if this was a transformative – or change-making – idea, why don’t more of us know about
2:39 Patrick Matthew?
2:40 A good question, Neil.
2:42 We heard in the clip that Darwin acknowledged – or accepted - Matthew’s claim to the
2:46 idea.
2:47 But it seems to be down to us – the general public – wanting to simplify things.
2:52 Well, I like to keep things simple, Rob.
2:55 You don’t have to tell me that, Neil.
2:57 But let’s hear more on why Matthew might have been passed over – or ignored – by
3:02 some.
3:03 Here’s Dr Patricia Fara, senior tutor at Clare College Cambridge.
3:08 She tells us why Darwin was so successful.
3:12 And listen out for the word she uses to mean close friends and supporters.
3:17 He brought his allies on board.
3:19 And although he was publishing from his stronghold down in Kent he had the most famous, most
3:25 prominent, eminent members of the scientific society in Victorian times who were pushing
3:29 on his behalf.
3:31 Having a scientific theory being accepted is not just a matter of whether the theory’s
3:36 right.
3:37 The word she used was allies.
3:39 What are they Neil?
3:41 Allies are people who help or support us in something - having someone on board also means
3:47 to have someone’s support for an idea or project.
3:51 And Darwin’s allies weren’t just mates from down the pub, were they?
3:54 No, they weren’t!
3:56 They were famous, prominent and eminent scientists.
4:00 Prominent means important and well-known and eminent means important and respected.
4:03 Ah yes!
4:04 So you could say that I’m an eminent radio presenter, Rob?
4:07 Well, I could Neil, but…
4:09 OK, OK, OK moving on!
4:11 These eminent scientists were pushing on Darwin’s behalf.
4:14 In other words, they were taking strong action to promote his theory of evolution.
4:20 And it’s possible that Patrick Matthew did not enjoy the same level of support.
4:25 That could be true.
4:27 So do you remember the quiz question from the beginning of the show, Rob?
4:31 Indeed I do!
4:32 I asked: What was Matthew’s job?
4:35 Was he … a) a politician?
4:36 b) a church minister?
4:39 Or c) a horticulturalist?
4:41 And I said c) horticulturalist.
4:44 Yes.
4:45 And that was the right answer – so well done!
4:48 Just to remind you: a horticulturalist is a person whose job is to study and grow plants
4:53 such as flowers, fruit and vegetables.
4:56 But Matthew was interested in trees too.
4:58 In fact, his ideas about evolution appear in an appendix – or section giving extra
5:04 information – at the end of a 200-page book about wood!
5:08 So maybe that’s why we know Darwin’s name but not Matthew’s.
5:11 It doesn’t seem fair.
5:13 Well, life’s not fair, Neil.
5:15 You should know that by now!
5:16 I should, I should…
5:17 So why don’t we hear the words we learned today?
5:19 OK.
5:20 Here we go: evolution
5:22 genius, clever clogs
5:27 natural selection, adapt
5:31 species, transformative
5:35 passed over, allies
5:39 on board, prominent
5:43 eminent, horticulturalist
5:47 appendix. Thank you, Neil.

How to order a meal: Part Two

source: Simple English Videos    2014年1月2日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at my video website: http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com/la...
Follow me on twitter @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Animals and the sounds they make!

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie!   2016年2月10日
Improve your English pronunciation by making ANIMAL SOUNDS! In this fun lesson, I'll teach you the names of many animals and about the sounds they make. This beginner lesson is a perfect to watch with your kids! The great thing about practicing animal sounds is that they often have strong vowel sounds which let you practice how native English speakers enunciate. You'll get to hear my pronunciation and repeat after me. So let's have some fun with our English! Take the quiz at: http://www.engvid.com/animals-and-the...

Back Up - English Phrasal Verb

source: Twominute English    2013年8月12日
The phrasal verb 'back up' has different meanings. One meaning of 'back up' is to give support or reinforcement and it may also mean to give moral support and encouragement. This verb also means to keep something in reserve. Let's learn more about 'back up' in this video. After learning, you should practice using this phrasal verb in your conversations.
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0:06 In this lesson, you will learn how to use the phrasal verb 'back up' in your conversations.
0:18 Hello everybody. Let's learn how to use the phrasal verb 'back up' today.
0:25 Yes, Amelie. To 'back up' means to support, doesn't it?
0:30 That's it, Yana. As in the sentence: 'If you ask the teacher for a free period, I will back you up'.
0:39 I get it. 'Back up' means to support an idea and also to support someone morally. It also means to give encouragement.
0:49 For example: 'The jury asked for evidence to back up what the prosecution was saying'.
0:54 Here's another example:
0:57 'Carter revived his enthusiasm to become a professional ball player, when his mother backed him up'.
1:05 'Back up' also means to keep something as substitute or to save something for the future.
1:11 At home we have the solar panels to back us up in case of power cuts!
1:17 Yeah, that would be the same principle of a computer backup right? Saving my files after copying them in case my PC crashes.
1:28 Yes, to backup a computer is to copy and save the files. However, 'back up' also means a jam, a bottleneck or a stoppage.
1:39 You mean something like a traffic jam? Please give an example.
1:45 Yes, like traffic jam! For example: 'The traffic was backed up due to the rain' or 'The rain backed the traffic up for about an hour'.
1:56 'Back up' also means to move back or to be back into a previous place.
2:04 Alright! That's why cops shout 'back up' all the time in the movies!
2:10 Exactly! How about some more examples?
2:15 Yes, let's see some conversations now.
2:24 Congratulations, Duke! I can't believe you scored at the last minute!
2:29 Thank you! I was so overwhelmed when the crowd backed me up!
2:33 Why not?! You are the homeboy favorite!
2:37 Yeah, but I'm still a back up player. I was on the ground only after Leon got a red card.
2:42 Don't worry. Just talk to the coach. I'll back you up on this for sure.
2:47 Thank you, Seth. I'll do it.
2:55 Man, what happened?! You look like a drowned cat!
3:00 The traffic is all backed up due to the rain, I just came out of the taxi and walked.
3:06 Why did you have to walk in the rain?
3:09 I didn't want to be stuck there all day. Today is the day I back up my PC and I didn't want to miss that.
3:16 Are you for real?! Just make sure you don't get water onto your PC, or there will be nothing to back up.
3:28 The fence fell and broke my flower pots.
3:32 Oh! I backed it up with some sticks in the morning.
3:35 I told you to fix it, Seth. You are just too lazy!
3:40 I was thinking about it but I had to do some laundry.
3:43 C'mon, I don't think Jenna would back you up on that. She did the laundry today.
3:49 Okay! I will fix it now. Here I go, alright?
3:53 Thank you dear. Get me some new flower pots, too.
4:01 At home we have the solar panels to back us up in case of power cuts!
4:14 I'll back you up on this for sure.
4:21 I was so overwhelmed when the crowd backed me up!
4:28 I'm still a back up player.
4:34 The traffic is all backed up due to the rain.
4:43 Today is the day I back up my PC.

# more grammar videos on phrasal verbs

Idioms & Phrasal Verbs - "on"

source: JamesESL English Lessons    2009年7月27日
http://www.engVid.com/ If you have ever wanted an easy way to learn phrasal verbs or idioms with the preposition "on", this lesson is for you. Learn how the preposition is influenced by verbs and how it changes a verb's meaning.

# more grammar videos on phrasal verbs

What's the difference between work, a job, and business?

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2013年8月24日
In this video lesson Ceema uses "work", "job", and "business" differently.
"Work" is not only something that you do for money, it's also a place that you go to every day. We talk about "going to work" in the morning, and at the end of the day when you see your spouse or roommate, you ask: "How was work?" So, "work" means as being all the things that happen while you're working.
The word "job" has more to do with the company you work for, and what kind of work you do. Some good phrases to think of when you think of the word "job" are "find a job", "lose your job", "job hunting", "my job is (fun/boring/difficult/etc.)"
"Business English" has come to mean a specific type of language which is used in the business world. It's polite and usually a bit formal. It brings to mind images of talking to a customer or client, shaking hands, negotiating, sending important e-mails, and so on. It also includes economic terminology and vocabulary for talking about companies that you might learn in a traditional "business English" textbook.
Another common use of the word "business" is talking about a small store or company that you own yourself. So also include some phrases for talking about owning and running a business.
The difference between these words in the real world can be a little fuzzy. But it may help to think about "work", "job", and "business" in this way when you use these words in your daily life.

36 English Expressions with GET

source: Espresso English    2012年12月23日
Learn 36 English expressions with the word GET in this English Vocabulary Lesson. Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and intensive English courses.

# grammar videos on phrasal verbs

Confused Words - sometime or sometimes?

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2011年3月9日
http://www.engvid.com/ Do you go to the movies sometime or sometimes? There is a big difference -- learn what it is in this lesson presented by Rebecca, then take the free quiz athttp://www.engvid.com/confused-words-...