
The Suffix -able: Grow Your Vocabulary with Simple English Videos

source: Simple English Videos    2016年10月20日
Learn about the English suffix -able. Words ending in -able are probably adjectives and they often carry the meaning of something you can do. The 'a' in -able is pronounced as a schwa sound and is unstressed.
This is another video in our new ESL playlist, designed to help you grow your English vocabulary fast and improve your IELTS, TOEFL and TOEIC scores. Click here for the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... (We'll be adding more videos regularly)
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LISTEN or HEAR? (Basic English Lesson)

source: Learn English with Gill (engVid)    2016年7月29日
"Listen" or "hear"? Do you know which word to use? These verbs may seem the same, but we use them differently in English. In this easy lesson, you'll learn how to use these words correctly. I'll also teach you some of the most common expressions we use with "listen" and "hear" so that you get real-life examples of these words in English. After you watch, take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/confusing-words... to make sure you know the difference between "listening" and "hearing".

Time (Learn English via Listening Beginner Level | Lesson 109)

source: Daily English Conversation    2016年9月9日
▶ Playlist Learn English via Listening Beginner Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDZCr...
Time is something that you should never waste.
Once an hour is gone, it is gone forever.
You should make the most of every minute.
Time is a funny thing.
Some days go by so slowly.
Those are the days that you do things that aren't fun.
When you are having fun, time just flies by.
Time is made up of different units.
Seconds turn into minutes.
Minutes turn into hours.
Hours turn into days.
Days turn into weeks.
Weeks turn into months, and months turn into years.
We measure our lives by time.
We are very concerned with time.
Even little children are very conscious of time.
Little children often want to appear older, so if you ask a three-year-old how old he is, he
will often say three and a half.
Many of our sayings are based on time.
"Give me a minute."
"Hold on a second."
"I'm running out of time."
"Time's up."
"I just want an hour of your time."
All of these are common things that we say, and they're all based on time.
We are a society that lives by the clock.
We almost all wear watches, and we glance at our watches a lot.
Time is something that we can't see, but it is a big factor in our lives.
How many times a day do you look at a watch or a clock?
I bet you'd be surprised at just how many times you do.

BBC 6 Minute English | IS A GAME JUST A GAME? | English CC | Daily Liste...

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月24日
0:07 Did you have a good weekend?
0:08 Yeah, it was OK thanks although, you know, I'm a bit tired now.
0:12 Why's that?
0:13 It's a bit embarrassing but I stayed up all night playing a computer game.
0:19 All night?!
0:20 You must be addicted.
0:21 Addicted, by the way, means unable to stop doing something.
0:25 Well, maybe today's programme might have some advice for me.
0:29 That's right.
0:30 Today we're discussing whether computer games are bad for our health - and in particular
0:33 - bad for children.
0:34 OK, Rob, why don't you wake me up a little bit by asking me today's quiz question?
0:40 OK - here goes.
0:42 In America, what percentage of people who play computer games are female?
0:46 Is it... a) 28%
0:49 b) 38% or c) 48%
0:52 Well, I do know a few female gamers so how about b) 38%.
0:58 OK, right.
0:59 Go for the middle option?
1:02 We'll find out if that's the right answer later on.
1:04 OK, so what kind of computer games do you like to play, Finn?
1:07 Well, I quite like those role-playing games.
1:11 You know, the fantasy role-playing games.
1:13 OK, well, role playing is where you create your own characters and stories in a fantasy
1:16 - or imaginary - world.
1:18 But, to be honest, those kind of games aren't really up my alley - which means they're not
1:22 really suited to my tastes or abilities.
1:25 Any other kind of games you like, Finn?
1:26 Yeah, I also quite like shoot-'em-up games.
1:31 These are games where you have to do a lot of shooting and there's a lot of violence.
1:35 It's funny because you don't strike me as a violent person, Finn.
1:38 I'm not, at all.
1:39 I wouldn't hurt a fly, Rob!
1:41 But maybe shooting people on a computer screen seems a bit more harmless.
1:45 OK.
1:46 And not to hurt a fly means to be gentle and unwilling to make people unhappy.
1:51 And harmless means unlikely to hurt or upset anyone.
1:54 Well, let's hear Internet safety advisor Alan MacKenzie discussing how adult computer games
2:00 can have a negative effect on children.
2:02 Many people understandably will just think that a game is just a game and not realising
2:09 the explicit content that's in there - and as you suggest, the violence and sexualisation
2:13 of women in particular, which is wholly inappropriate for anybody, never mind children.
2:18 Well, you know, if you want my opinion, Rob, a game is just a game.
2:22 It's generally a harmless form of entertainment.
2:26 What do you think?
2:27 I'm torn, actually - meaning I'm unable to decide.
2:31 Most people, like you Finn, probably aren't affected by what you see in computer games.
2:36 But we can't ignore the small percentage of people who are affected.
2:40 Well, that's true really, isn't it, Rob?
2:43 And whilst playing computer games all night doesn't make me violent, it certainly makes
2:48 me very tired!
2:49 I can see that.
2:51 But also Finn - when do you and your wife actually talk to each other - when you're
2:54 in your own computer fantasy world for hours on end?
2:57 Yeah, it's not great, is it?
3:00 And for hours on end means a long time, by the way!
3:04 So, I don't know.
3:06 Maybe if she played as well, then we could have some virtual conversations...
3:10 Well, that sounds ridiculous!
3:12 But let's move on.
3:13 Alan talks about explicit content in games.
3:16 What does that mean?
3:17 That means showing things in an open and direct way.
3:21 So some adult games contain open violence and sexualisation.
3:26 And shall we explain what sexualisation means?
3:29 Yes.
3:30 It means making someone or something sexual - and in this case, women.
3:35 This might be through the shape of a woman's body, or the clothes she wears, or the way
3:39 she behaves in these games.
3:42 Alan says this type of explicit content - violent or sexual - is inappropriate for computer
3:47 games.
3:48 And inappropriate means not the right thing for a particular situation.
3:52 And he is worried about children accessing this type of content.
3:57 Let's hear more from him.
3:58 What advice does he give?
4:00 So it's a matter of educating the parents and the wider community in these issues, and
4:06 making them aware of the type of content that's in there, and why it's inappropriate, and
4:10 the effects that it may be having on their children and their behaviour.
4:13 Alan thinks it's the responsibility of parents and the wider community - now that means other
4:19 groups of people, such as friends, relatives and teachers for example - to check on what
4:25 children are viewing and playing.
4:28 But this will only work if they understand which types of content are OK and which aren't.
4:33 That's right.
4:34 So the adults need educating too.
4:36 They need to be shown.
4:37 Yes, that's right.
4:38 So I'll be checking on your behaviour from now on, Finn!
4:42 OK, That's probably a good idea.
4:44 So, let's hear the answer to today's quiz question next.
4:47 Yes and I asked you, in America, what percentage of people who play computer games are female?
4:54 Is it... a) 28% b) 38% or c) 48%?
4:58 And I went for the middle option, as usual, and I said b) 38%.
5:05 And you are wrong, this time Finn!
5:07 The answer is actually c) 48%.
5:09 Are you surprised by that?
5:12 Yes and no.
5:13 I think a lot more people are playing games in general, so lots of them must be women.
5:17 Absolutely.
5:18 Why not?
5:19 OK, shall we now listen to the words we learned today?
5:22 Good idea.
5:23 We heard: addicted
5:26 fantasy up your alley
5:30 shoot 'em up not to hurt a fly
5:36 harmless for hours on end
5:41 explicit content sexualisation
5:46 inappropriate wider community

Sensible - Sensitive: A three minute English lesson

source: Simple English Videos     2013年8月16日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at my video website:http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com/la...
Follow me on twitter @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

Learn English - TO & FOR

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie!    2011年5月8日
http://www.engvid.com/ I made this lesson about the difference between 'FOR' and 'TO' for you. Why did I use the word 'for' in that sentence, and not 'to'? Watch this lesson and learn when to use 'to' and when to use 'for'. Take the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/english-grammar... to make sure you've got it.

Christmas vocabulary | Christmas traditions | English lesson

source: Crown Academy of English  313年12月6日
A Christmas vocabulary lesson with subtitles in which I teach you plenty of English words and phrases related to a traditional English Christmas

2:03 The story of Christmas. I explain the birth of Jesus in a stable in Bethlehem with images of the crèche (nativity scene)
5:50 When is Christmas? I show you a calendar with the dates of Christmas eve, Christmas day and boxing day. I define the 12 days of Christmas.
9:13 We look at some English vocabulary for Christmas decorations, in particular, both types of Christmas trees: real pine Christmas trees and artificial trees along with tinsel, baubles and fairy lights.
12:00 More English words for decorations: We look at holly and the tradition of kissing under mistletoe and also Christmas stockings and hanging them on the mantelpiece.
16:45 A short video clip showing outdoor Christmas decorations in a town at night.
17:50 The legend of Father Christmas / Santa Claus and how he delivers presents with his sleigh and reindeer.
21:28 Traditional Christmas music and some examples of carols.
23:15 Leaving a mince pie and glass of sherry for Father Christmas and a carrot for the reindeer.
26:05 Wishing family merry christmas on christmas day before going to church for mass.
27:32 English vocabulary for gifts and presents and opening them.
28:42 A traditional English Christmas dinner with roast turkey, cranberry sauce, roast potatoes, turnips, chipolatas, sprouts, stuffing and bread sauce.
30:58 I continue the English vocabulary lesson with an explanation of Christmas crackers.
33:25 Eating Christmas pudding for dessert.
34:21 Different types of nuts that people eat during Christmas - hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds.
35:06 Christmas cake with icing which we often eat with a cup of tea of coffee.
36:10 Listening to the Queen's speech on Christmas day and a brief history.

Break In - English Phrasal Verb

source: Twominute English    2013年8月17日
The phrasal verb "break in" means to enter by force; in an unauthorized manner. It also means to interrupt something. This phrasal verb is also used to mean the training of an animal or to adapt to something new. In this English tutorial video you will learn about the meaning and use of the phrasal verb 'break in'. Let's learn from this video how you can use this phrasal verb in your conversations.
Facebook page: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:06 In this lesson you will learn about using the phrasal verb ‘break in’ in your conversations.
0:19 Today we will learn about the phrasal verb ‘break in’. It can be used in a number of ways. We will discuss them one after another.
0:28‘ Break in’ means an intrusion. It means a forced entry. For example: ‘The burglars broke in and ransacked Sundance Mall’.
0:40 Yes, ‘break in’ also means to interrupt something, like interrupting a discussion.
0:46 Breaking in when someone is discussing something is not good though.
0:50 Breaking in a discussion is not always bad, Earl. Well...but ‘breaking in’ also means to get accustomed to a new task.
1:01 Yeah, like training someone or learning something for a purpose.
1:06 That’s right. Let me give you an example to help you understand: ‘It will take him weeks to break in the new racing car’.
1:15 It means the driver will need weeks to properly know how to drive the new racing car, right?
1:22 You got that right!
1:24 Okay. ‘Break in’ also means to train a horse for riding.
1:29 Yes, some horses take years to break in for riding!
1:34 Especially those wild ones. Okay, but let’s listen to some conversations with more examples now.
1:41 Alright!
1:48 Guess what? Last night somebody broke in and stole Jonathan’s new car from his garage!
1:57 Really?!
1:59 Yes, really! I feel so sorry for him, he was talking about a high security locking system for his garage.
2:07 Oh! That was when you were on the phone with him and I broke into the room. I overheard you.
2:13 Yeah!
2:19 Seems I’ll need some time to break in this new software.
2:23 It’s a bit complicated. You’ll need a lot of work.
2:27 I’ve handled worse. I just need to read the manual.
2:30 Good luck breaking it in.
2:37 Guess what? Today Sammy’s new pony broke into the garden and messed everything up. It ate the daisies that Sammy’s mother had planted so lovingly.
2:47 Ha ha! That’s funny. That’s why I don’t think keeping a pet pony is a good idea.
2:53 You know Sammy! He thinks he’s an outlaw living in wild-wild west. I’m just glad he hasn’t broken into a bank yet.
3:00 I know what you mean. Children can be quite intense!
3:08 ‘It will take him weeks to break in the new racing car’.
3:20 Last night somebody broke in and stole Jonathan’s new car from his garage!
3:37 That was when you were on the phone with him and I broke into the room. I overheard you.
3:51 Seems I’ll need some time to break in this new software.
4:01 Good luck breaking it in.

English Vocabulary - Roots - "port"

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)     2009年4月5日
http://www.engVid.com/ Improve your English vocabulary by learning special "root" or "base" forms that let you understand many different words! In this lesson, I explain the root "port".

Difference between - 'Clean out', 'Clean off', 'Clean up' & 'Clean away'

source: Learn English with Let's Talk       2013年7月23日
Before Ceema explains the differences between "clean up", "clean out", etc. here's a warning: if you don't already know these phrases, it's a bad idea to learn them all at the same time. If you already know these expressions and you'd like to figure out exactly how they're different, Watch on!

Spaces and messes
When you talk about cleaning, you're talking about two different things:
the space that you're cleaning
the mess that's in that space

You can use each form of "clean" to talk about either cleaning the space:
eg. We need to clean up the living room.
OR cleaning the mess that's there:
eg. We need to clean up those dirty dishes.

The different forms of 'clean'
You "clean out" the inside of a space that has a large mess in it:

clean out the refrigerator
clean out your car
clean out your desk
You "clean off" a flat surface:

clean off the counter
clean off the whiteboard
clean off your windshield
You "clean up" a room or a larger area:

clean up your bedroom
clean up the city
clean up after the concert
clean up your hard drive
"Clean away" is different from the others because you only use it to talk about the messy things that you're cleaning, not the space that those things are in:

clean away the dishes
clean away the mud
clean away the broken branches
'Clean' by itself
What about just using the word "clean" by itself?

It usually means to clean the most obvious part of something. For example:

clean the toilet
This means to clean the inside of the toilet bowl.

clean the floor
This means to clean the surface of the floor.

If using the word "clean" by itself would lead to any confusion, use one of the other phrases instead. For example, instead of saying "clean the cabinets", say:

Can you clean out the cabinets?
Can you clean off the cabinets?

Just and Only: Confusing Words in English

source: Espresso English    2012年12月17日
The word JUST has two definitions in English: one is "very recently" and the other is "only." This lesson will show you examples and help you understand the difference between the confusing words JUST and ONLY in English. Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and intensive English courses.

Business English Vocabulary - CUSTOMER & CLIENT

source: Learn English with Rebecca     2011年5月18日
http://www.engvid.com/ In your business, do you have customers or clients? What's the difference, anyway? Learn more in this short but informative lesson, then test your understanding by taking the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/business-englis...