
CNN Student News with subtitles - October 28, 2016 | The deterioration of U.S.-Russia r...

source: NEWS with Subtitles     2016年10月27日
The WWF issues a warning about the world's animals, U.S.-Russia relations are compared to a new Cold War, and Japan's high-speed rail network gets even faster.
Today's international headlines: The World Wildlife Fund issues a warning concerning the planet's animals, experts compare the deterioration of U.S.-Russia relations to a new Cold War, and Japan tests the next chapter of its Shinkansen network. CNN Student News are also telling you about a penguin that was recently outfitted with a wetsuit. Why? Because Fridays are awesome!
Collection of videos by Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNe...
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
Student News Anchor: Carl Azuz.

CNN Student News with subtitles - October 27, 2016 | Mediterranean Migrant Deaths Reach...

source: NEWS with Subtitles   2016年10月26日
Today's show covers migrant deaths in the Mediterranean, muscle loss in space, hits to young football players, and tech as a teaching tool at a haunted house.
A new report from the United Nations underscores the risks being taken by thousands of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea. A new report funded by NASA suggests muscle loss in space is responsible for the back problems of many astronauts. And a new medical study has some doctors concerned about hits to young football players -- even when they don't suffer concussions. CNN Student News are also examining how a haunted house's technology is being used as a teaching tool.
Collection of videos by Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNe...
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
Student News Anchor: Carl Azuz.

Conversation Patterns | Until | Further | Set 5 | English Speaking Pract...

source: Mark Kulek     2016年10月26日
My videos are vocabulary-based for conversation practice. Each video is themed to provide context for learning. To insure success, every video is designed with open slots for vocabulary substitution practice. These patterns allow students to practice on their own and teachers can have their class practice together as a group.

Let's Learn English Lesson 33: Learning America's Sport

source: VOA Learning English    2016年10月26日
Anna teaches how to play baseball in this video.
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 33 Speaking Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2016年10月19日
In this video, learn about agent nouns. These are nouns that indicate someone or something that performs the action of a verb. Usually, they end in "–er."
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 33 Pronunciation Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2016年10月19日
In this video, learn about agent nouns. These are nouns that indicate someone or something that performs the action of a verb. Usually, they end in "–er." See the whole course at http://learningenglish.voanews.com/z/...

What is Halloween? American Culture Lesson for English Learners

source: Go Natural English    2016年10月21日
Is Halloween a public holiday? Is it religious?
Join the free sample course the 7 Steps to Fluency at http://gonaturalenglish.com/7steps.
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BBC 6 Minute English | LIFTS | English CC | Daily Listening

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月28日
0:05 I'd like to start by asking how did you get up here to the studio - on to the sixth floor
0:09 - this morning?
0:10 Well, by lift, of course.
0:11 I thought so.
0:12 That’s what we’re going to talk about in this programme - lifts.
0:16 Or elevators, as Americans call them.
0:18 Lifts?
0:19 That's not very exciting, is it?
0:21 What’s there to say about lifts, Rob?
0:24 I mean they take you up and down and that’s it really.
0:27 Well, you're in for a surprise, Neil – but first let's see if you can answer this question:
0:32 Which country has the most lifts?
0:35 Is it... a) The USA?
0:36 b) Italy? or c) China?
0:40 Well, it seems obvious to me because of the massive expansion in its construction industry,
0:47 I'm going to say China.
0:48 Okay.
0:49 Well, we'll find out if you're right or wrong later on.
0:53 But now, let's elevate – or raise – your knowledge about lifts.
0:58 This invention has had quite an effect on which floor people choose to live on.
1:03 Well, I suppose before the days of lifts rich people lived on the ground floor and poorer
1:09 people lived on the top floors and had to use the stairs.
1:13 Now though it's the other way round – and that, in turn, has given rise to penthouses
1:19 with their fantastic views.
1:21 And the history of lifts goes back a long way.
1:24 It was mathematician Archimedes who invented the first lift in 236 BC.
1:30 In the Middle Ages there were examples of lifts being used for military purposes.
1:35 Then they helped to move agricultural products around.
1:39 They really came into their own – or became very useful - in the Industrial Revolution.
1:44 And there was a wide range of methods used to drive them, too – pulleys, water and
1:50 steam power, electricity and so on.
1:53 Today, tall blocks of flats couldn't exist without them.
1:57 And you're right, Rob, there's more to lifts than meets the eye.
2:00 There certainly is.
2:02 But have you noticed how nobody says anything in a lift?
2:06 Have you ever felt uneasy in a lift, Neil?
2:08 Actually yes, I have.
2:09 Just this morning I was standing next to the big boss and neither of us knew what to say
2:16 to each other.
2:17 Yes, it's a strange one, isn't it?
2:19 Well, let's listen to Jason Whale, sales manager at Elevators Ltd, talking about this subject.
2:25 He thinks he may have found a solution to the problem.
2:29 He uses a word that describes the state of feeling strange or uneasy.
2:33 Can you tell me what it is?
2:36 It's a very anxious experience the time you spend in a lift.
2:39 I think everyone behaves very differently and awkwardly in a lift.
2:43 If you have things around you, you take away that awkwardness.
2:47 We all look at our phones sometimes or look down at the floor.
2:50 Well, surely it's better to look at advertisements on the walls…
2:55 He said awkwardness, which describes the state of feeling strange or uneasy.
3:00 He suggests that advertisements in lifts could improve our experience of being in one.
3:06 I suppose that could mean moving, digital ads.
3:10 It could, but before we consider that further, let's delve into lifts a little more.
3:16 Of course there's always the danger of getting stuck in one – but thankfully that's rare
3:20 and usually you can dial an emergency number and be rescued.
3:24 And did you know that most lifts mark the 13th floor as 12A or something similar because
3:30 13 is considered an unlucky number?
3:34 By the way, have you heard of the elevator pitch?
3:37 Yes, I have Neil.
3:38 It's something we can do when we're stuck in a lift with someone.
3:41 Yes - people say that if you have an idea or product to sell you should be able to sell
3:47 it – or pitch it – to someone quickly.
3:50 So in other words, in the time it takes for an elevator – or lift - to reach the top
3:55 of a building.
3:56 It's a good idea if the lift doesn't break down!
3:59 Let's get back to the thought that digital advertising can make travelling by lift a
4:03 more pleasant experience.
4:06 Let's hear from Jason Whale again.
4:07 He uses a word that means "thinner".
4:10 Can you spot it?
4:11 I think, with all things, as technology becomes both slimmer and also cheaper as well, it
4:17 becomes much more attractive to people who purchase lifts and therefore there are so
4:23 many different ways to enhance a lift with light boxes, with moving images, with television
4:28 screens, it becomes quite exciting for us, and hopefully a little bit more interesting
4:33 for the people who use lifts every day.
4:36 He said slimmer which means thinner.
4:38 And he said enhance, which means improve.
4:41 Well, he could be on to something.
4:43 Looking at moving advertisements must be better than listening to Muzak– that's non-stop,
4:48 pre-recorded – usually boring - music.
4:50 Oh, that's terrible!
4:51 I hate Muzak!
4:53 OK.
4:54 So Neil, do you remember the question I asked you at the beginning of the programme?
4:57 I asked you which country has the most lifts?
5:00 Is it... a) The USA?
5:02 b) Italy? or c) China?
5:04 And I said c) of course.
5:06 It must be, it has to be China!
5:08 Really?
5:09 You sound so sure... but in fact you're wrong.
5:11 The answer is actually Italy.
5:12 Does that surprise you?
5:14 Yeah.
5:15 It astonishes me to be honest.
5:16 All these old buildings that have got lifts in…
5:18 I wonder why.
5:19 Well, before we go, it's time to remind ourselves of some of the vocabulary that we've heard
5:23 today.
5:24 Neil.
5:25 came into their own elevators
5:31 elevate blocks of flats
5:34 there's more to lifts than meets the eye awkwardness
5:40 delve into largely
5:43 slimmer enhance
5:48 Muzak Thanks, Neil.

When I Grow Up (Learn English via Listening Beginner Level | Lesson 105)

source: Daily English Conversation    2016年9月9日
▶ Playlist Learn English via Listening Beginner Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDZCr...
I have been thinking about what I'd like to be when I grow up.
There are so many choices.
I could be a principal like my father.
I could be a teacher.
I like animals.
Maybe I should be a veterinarian.
My cat just went to the veterinarian to get her shots.
I don't think my cat was too happy to be there.
I could be a farmer and grow vegetables.
Maybe I could be a doctor and cure people.
If I was good enough, I could be a famous sports person or a singer.
I could be an actor on television or in the movies.
Maybe I would like to be a policeman or a fireman.
I could rescue people.
I can play the piano.
Maybe I should be a musician.
I could be a lawyer.
I sometimes watch shows about lawyers defending people.
Lawyers have to be able to speak well.
I could be a carpenter and work with wood, or I could be a welder and work with metal.
There are just so many jobs.
I could work in a restaurant.
I could cook food, or I could serve food.
I could be an airline pilot or the captain of a ship.
I could be a repairman or an artist.
The world is full of jobs.
Some of the jobs require a lot of education.
Some require a little bit of training, and some require a lot of training.
It's all up to me.
I can be whatever I want to be.

So and Such - A One Minute Video English Lesson

source: Simple English Videos      2013年3月27日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at my video website:http://www.simpleEnglishvideos.com/la...
Follow me on twitter @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
To find out more, follow this link: http://www.vickihollett.com/business-...

How to understand native speakers' questions in English

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2012年2月24日
http://www.engvid.com Native English speakers ask questions SO fast that you can't understand them! Watch this lesson to improve your listening comprehension in English. You'll be able to answer questions like "watayadoin?!"

Settle down - Fun With Phrasal Verbs

source: Twominute English    2013年8月19日
The meaning of the phrasal verb "settle down" is to stop being in a rush or being angry and to become calm or quiet. Settling down also means to start living a peaceful life with little change. In this English tutorial video you will learn about the meaning and use of this phrasal verb. You should practice at the end by repeating the selected phrases in order to improve your oral skills.

0:19 Let’s learn about the phrasal verb ‘settle down’!
0:22 To ‘settle down’ is to become calm and composed. My children settle down when Mr. Bean is on.
0:30 Right. Settling down means to quit moving around or making noise.
0:35 Settling down also means to stabilize in your life; when you don’t expect much change in your job or family.
0:42 Do you mean to marry?
0:44 Yes, many people use ‘settle down’ to say they’re getting married, starting a family, having kids, etc.
0:52 Okay, Okay, I got it. It means to give up living a youthful carefree life with lots of changes and movement and start living a normal stable life, right?
1:01 Exactly! Before settling down here in Minnesota I used to travel a lot.
1:07 Got it. The phrase ‘settle down’ is used even when someone needs to stop a fight or an argument. Am I correct, Vindy?
1:14 Yeah, that’s the phrase we use to command someone to stop doing something and become quiet, especially when the person is making a fuss.
1:23 Alright. Should we see some more examples in context?
1:27 Sure! Let’s listen to some conversations.
1:37 Why are the kids making such a noise?
1:39 They want to watch TV.
1:41 Then turn on the TV and make them settle down.
1:44 Good luck with that!
1:45 Watch me. Alright, kids. Settle down and sit near the TV. I’m turning it on.
1:55 Nova, so what’s next after moving?
1:59 What do you mean? I’m moving to Michigan to be close to my family.
2:03 Are you settling down by yourself?
2:05 Yeah! My boyfriend needs to finish college first.
2:08 I see. George is a good man, dear. When it’s time, I’m sure you’ll settle down and be happily ever after.
2:22 Why don’t you keep an eye on Nova, Mark?
2:25 Why? What happened?
2:27 She’s very frustrated by the project. Today I saw her throw a pen at the wall.
2:32 I’ll see if I can get her to settle down.
2:34 Yes, after all, it’s just work. In time, it will get done.
2:38 We should all settle down and stop getting so angry over work.
2:43 Agreed.
2:49 My children settle down when Mr. Bean is on.
2:56 Before settling down here in Minnesota I used to travel a lot.
3:07 Then turn on the TV and make them settle down.
3:14 Alright, kids. Settle down and sit near the TV.
3:25 Are you settling down by yourself?
3:34 When it’s time, I’m sure you’ll settle down and be happily ever after.
3:47 I’ll see if I can get her to settle down.
3:56 We should all settle down and stop getting so angry over work.

# Click this line for more grammar videos on phrasal verbs

English Vocabulary - TRACT words - contract, subtract, abstract, and more!

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2010年11月29日
http://www.engvid.com/ In this English vocabulary lesson, I use my "pyramid method" to teach you words that are built from the root "tract" -- subtract, attract, detract, and more!

105 Regular English Verbs with -ED in the Past: Pronunciation Practice

source: Espresso English    2012年12月16日
Many English learners make pronunciation mistakes with the -ED ending of regular verbs in English in the past tense. There are 3 ways to pronounce it:
1) Like T
2) Like ED (with an extra syllable)
3) Like D
Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and intensive English courses

When to use 'THE' with places

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2011年6月1日
http://www.engvid.com/ No matter how long you've been studying English, you may still be unsure when to use "the" ! In this lesson, you can review when to use the definite article "the" in connection with places. You'll also learn when to capitalize "the"!
Test your knowledge with the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/using-the-with-...

# more grammar videos on using a, an & the