
Saying you like something - English words and phrases

source: Twominute English    2013年1月8日
So there's something you really like, and you want to talk about it? Use this lesson to learn words and phrases that you can when you want to tell somebody that you like something. Don't forget to practice using the section at the end.
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0:07 In this lesson, we are going to learn how to say what you like to do.
0:15 Hello. My name is Paul.
0:18 I am new in the neighborhood. What do you all do for fun?
0:22 Nice to meet you.
0:25 We do a lot of things.
0:27 I like to play sports, go to the park and play games at the arcade.
0:33 That sounds like fun.
0:35 What do you do for fun?
0:38 I like to build model planes, ride my bike and play at the arcade.
0:44 Cool. Let’s go to the arcade tomorrow.
0:48 we might meet some other guys from the neighborhood.
0:54 I am so excited about our vacation!
0:58 Me too. What do you want to do there?
1:02 I love shopping so that is a must.
1:05 I also like nature so hiking or a trip to the waterfalls would be nice.
1:09 Okay.
1:10 I would like to go golfing at the resort and try out jet skiing.
1:15 That sounds fun. This vacation is going to be great.
1:22 What do you like to do in your free time Paul?
1:25 I like to read, and I love to play video games.
1:29 Don't you exercise or play a sport?
1:32 Of course I do. I work out regularly and I love to swim.
1:38 That sounds like a lot of fun.
1:41 Yes it is.
1:46 Who's your favorite actor?
1:48 I totally adore Brad Pitt. What about you?
1:52 I like Bruce Willis.
1:54 And who's your favorite actress?
1:57 I really love Jennifer Anniston.
2:00 You and a million other men.
2:05 Hey Mandy, do you want to go out?
2:10 No, my favorite show is on right now. I am watching it.
2:13You really love this show this much that you'd rather watch it then go shopping?
2:19 Oh yes! I am a big fan of this show.
2:21 Well, then enjoy the show. I am going out.
2:25 Bye bye Paul.
2:29 I am new in the neighborhood. What do you all do for fun?
2:37 Nice to meet you. We do a lot of things.
2:43 I am so excited about our vacation!
2:48 What do you want to do there?
2:52 What do you like to do in your free time Paul?
2:58 Who's your favorite actor?
3:02 who's your favorite actress?
3:05 I am a big fan of this show.