
Talking About Career Choices

source: Twominute English     2013年4月10日
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0:07 In this lesson, we will see how to talk about career choices.
0:16 Hey Steve. How are you?
0:18 Not so good, June. I’m really confused about what to do after college.
0:24 I guess it happens. I myself have always been interested in interior designing. So I signed up for a couple of diploma programs.
0:32 That’s great. Did you get selected anywhere?
0:37 I’ll get to know next week.
0:39 Do you have a backup plan?
0:42 Yeah! My friend’s in construction. I’ll work at his firm to get some practical training.
0:47 It seems you have everything sorted out.
0:58 Excuse me, Sir. May I talk to you for a moment?
1:01 Sure Steve. What is it?
1:04 Well, I’m really confused. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do after college.
1:10 That can happen to anybody, Steve. Students usually get confused about it. What are your major interests?
1:18 Well, I’ve always wanted to be a police officer. That’s why I joined this course in criminal psychology.
1:25 Why don’t you apply to a Police Training Academy? You have all the credentials.
1:31 Mr. Carson’s son is an NYPD officer. He’ll be able to guide you better.
1:36 Oh! Thank you, Sir. I’ll talk to him first thing tomorrow.
1:46 Hey Sammy. Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in days.
1:52 Hey Steve. I’ve been busy. I was sending applications to join the Army. I had to go back home for some documents.
2:00 That sounds great but are you sure about it?
2:04 I have no doubts. This is what I want for my life.
2:08 That’s great, man. I’m planning to join the NYPD.
2:12 Good news! Both of us would be protecting people and serving our country. I don’t think there’s anything better than that.
2:19 I couldn’t agree more, Sammy.
2:24 I’m really confused about what to do after college.
2:30 I myself have always been interested in interior designing.
2:37 So I signed up for a couple of diploma programs.
2:43 I’ll work at his firm to get some practical training.
2:48 What are your major interests?
2:51 Well, I’ve always wanted to be a police officer.
2:56 I have no doubts. This is what I want for my life.
3:03 I’m planning to join the NYPD..