
Visual Vocabulary - To Play the Devil's Advocate

source: EnglishAnyone    2016年11月11日
Begin your FREE fluency test here: http://www.bit.ly/2fsfOIV
Thanks to http://www.actionpictures.net for the great animations!

Today’s expression is “to play the devil’s advocate.” This is an advanced expression meaning to give a counterargument, usually just to help people think more clearly.
It’s often easy to think an idea is great, so you pretend to “play,” or become, “the devil’s advocate” by arguing against the idea to test that idea’s strength. You’re advocating the opposite position that the devil might take.

# “To play the devil’s advocate” is a phrase you can use in both professional and casual situations:
A: This sounds like a good plan, but let me play the devil’s advocate for a moment. Won’t this hurt sales?
B: Actually, you’re right. Maybe we should consider something else.

A: Not to play the devil’s advocate, but shouldn’t we ask Mom before borrowing the car?
B: It’s OK. She already knows we’re going to use it.

A: If I may play the devil’s advocate, going to the party might not be a good idea because you might meet your ex-girlfriend.
B: That’s a good point! Let’s get pizza instead.

A: If someone had played the devil’s advocate, your team might not have made the wrong choice.
B: You live and learn!