
So Far - English Grammar Lesson

source: Twominute English      2013年4月17日
"So far" means "until now." It is a phrase used to tell somebody about the condition of something until the moment we speak.'So far' is used to show a limit to something..In this lesson, we will see how to use the phrase 'so far' in a conversation.
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0:06 In this lesson, we will see how to use the phrase ‘so far’ in a conversation.
0:19 ‘So far’ is a phrase used to tell somebody about the condition of something until the moment we speak.
0:25 Yes, it means ‘until now’.
0:28 You are correct Tom, let me give you an example how we can use so far.
0:33 That would be brilliant!
0:35 The government has millions, but, so far, we haven’t discovered a vaccine for Malaria.
0:42 That is right Mindy. This phrase can also refer to distance.
0:47 For example, if we only have three hours to visit Paris, we won’t be able to go so far.
0:54 Here is another example. If you want to go to Europe, take a plane, because you can only go so far by car.
1:02 You are correct, in this sentence ‘so far’ is used to show a limit to something.
1:09 I think the meaning is clear so far, right?
1:12 Yes, now I understand. Let’s have some more conversations.
1:24 Hello Becky, how is your project going?
1:27 It’s going well, so far.
1:30 That’s good. How far have you got?
1:32 Well, so far, I’ve only got to the second stage.
1:36 That’s not too bad. I think you will finish it by the deadline.
1:40 If I can keep working as I have so far, I certainly will.
1:49 Becky! Your deadline for the article is tomorrow. Have you written anything so far?
1:55 Yes, it’s finished and I gave it to the editor 2 days ago, but it hasn’t been published so far.
2:02 Alright, how many articles have you written so far?
2:05 So far, I have written seventy articles.
2:08 How did you get the topics?
2:10 So far, my editor has been assigning me the topics, but I might write using my own ideas soon.
2:17 I look forward to seeing those articles, Becky.
2:25 You did great, Paul! That’s one of the best presentations I’ve seen so far.
2:31 Thank you Becky. Although I’m not the only one who should take credit for that.
2:35 I know Mindy helped you, but so far I haven’t met her.
2:38 She’ll be here soon.
2:40 That’s good. Don’t forget to introduce me to her.
2:47 If you want to go to Europe, take a plane, because you can only go so far by car.
3:00 It’s going well, so far.
3:06 Well, so far, I’ve only got to the second stage.
3:15 If I can keep working as I have so far, I certainly will.
3:25 Have you written anything so far?
3:31 So far, I have written seventy articles.
3:39 That’s one of the best presentations I’ve seen so far.
3:46 I know Mindy helped you, but so far I haven’t met her.