
Parent Teacher Meetings

source: Twominute English    2013年5月24日
Are you ready for today's parent teacher meeting? Will the teacher complain to your parents about your behavior or will she appreciate your efforts? In this lesson, we will see some conversations that you might in a parents and teachers meeting.
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0:07 In this lesson, we will see commonly mentioned topics during parent teacher meetings.
0:19 Mr. George. How’s my son Samuel doing in his studies?
0:23 Samuel is a brilliant student, Mr. Peter! Who guides him at home?
0:28 hardly get time to assist him with his homework. My wife does help him though.
0:33 He’s always ahead of other students during class. As he is getting good guidance, I’m sure he will achieve great things.
0:40 Mr. George, I trust you and this institution to keep getting the best out of him.
0:46 We sure will, Mr. Peter.
0:58 Mrs. Miley, we must figure out what’s going on with your son.
1:02 Rick? Is he not doing well, Mr. George?
1:08 I’m afraid, he isn’t. I think he needs some serious guidance at home. Do you look after him personally?
1:14 Yes! I sure do. I always make him to do his homework!
1:17 The thing is he breaks into a fight with students every now and then. Some teachers even reported that he vandalised school property!
1:25 What?! Why on Earth would he do that?! I always gave him whatever he wanted.
1:33 Don’t take this the wrong way but perhaps you shouldn’t have, Mrs. Miley.
1:38 I’ll remember that, Mr. George. And I’ll talk to him. Please accept my apologies on his behalf.
1:54 Mrs. Justin, I went through my daughter Irin’s workbook the other day. It’s almost blank!
2:00 Oh Irin?! But every time I look, she’s writing. How can that be?
2:05 There are only some funny sketches on it. Would you please keep a closer eye on her?
2:11 This is a bit embarrassing. Please accept my sincere apologies. I will be more careful. And you know what? Irin always sits in the last row...
2:20 I think she’ll do better if you make her sit closer to you.
2:25 That’s exactly what I was thinking! Don’t worry, from next class on, that’s what I’ll do.
2:30 I appreciate it. Thank you.
2:38 Hello Peter! What brings you here today?
2:41 I came here today to thank you.
2:44 Thank me? Why?
2:47 Samuel won the National Science model exhibition! He said he was under your guidance.
2:53 Oh! That’s great news! It brings me nothing but joy!
2:57 Thank you very much Mrs. Justin!
3:00 Being properly guided is important but it was all his idea. I just helped him creating the model.
3:06 He is brilliant! You should take good care of him, Peter!
3:10 I do everything I can to help him.
3:12 That makes two of us.
3:17 How’s my son Samuel doing in his studies?
3:25 I hardly get time to assist him with his homework. My wife does help him though.
3:36 I trust you and this institution to keep getting the best out of him.
3:47 I sure do. I always make him to do his homework!
3:55 Why on Earth would he do that?! I always gave him whatever he wanted.
4:07 I’ll remember that, Mr. George. And I’ll talk to him. Please accept my apologies on his behalf.
4:22 Would you please keep a closer eye on her?
4:29 I think she’ll do better if you make her sit closer to you.