
Talking about Twitter

source: Twominute English    2013年5月31日
Twitter is one of the leading social media platforms. It's very popular because it has a vast reach, and you have to express yourself very briefly. In this lesson we will see people talking about twitter and social media.
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0:07 In this lesson, we will talk about Twitter.
0:15 Hi Paul, how are you doing?
0:18 I’m good Jason. What’s up?
0:21 Nothing much. I want to create a Twitter account. Do you have one?
0:26 Yeah, I do. And creating one is very easy.
0:30 Can you help me out with it?
0:32 Sure, no problem. Go to twitter.com and click on Sign up.
0:37 What else?
0:39 Nothing much. You’ll be asked to fill out a simple form
0:43 Enter some basic info and your Twitter account will be created in a few minutes.
0:48 Oh, that sounds really simple. I think even I can do it. Thanks a lot for your help.
1:01 Hey, you know what?! I recently created a Twitter account.
1:07 Oh! That’s great. I’ll definitely start following you. Are you enjoying it?
1:12 Yep, it’s amazing. I can follow my friends and celebrities.
1:17 I get to know everything that’s going on with them.
1:20 That’s cool, right ? I’ve been on Twitter for a while now. It’s already part of my routine to check my friends’ tweets.
1:28 Well, I just don’t wanna become some sort of Twitter junkie who tweets all day long.
1:34 Hmm...Good luck with that!
1:43 Hey, man! Are you on Twitter?
1:46 Sure thing I am. Why do you ask?
1:49 I was wondering if you’re following Christian Bale.
1:52 Nah! I don’t follow many celebrities.
1:55 You should follow him. The guy’s amazing. I never miss his tweets.
2:00 Is that so? I guess I can follow him then. No big deal.
2:05 Man, I’m sure you won’t regret it. His tweets are inspirational!
2:09 Wow..I see somebody is a great fan huh?!
2:13 I never denied that I am!
2:21 Hey Jason. Where have you been?
2:24 Just busy with work. What happened?
2:27 Nothing much. I usually follow your tweets and they’re great.
2:30 You make my day with your funny and ironic remarks.
2:34 Really?! Well, I simply write what I feel. So its not tough. Thanks for the compliment though.
2:41 You should tweet more often. Trust me, a lot of people will be following you soon.
2:46 That would actually be cool. I like the idea of being a Twitter celebrity.
2:51 You can expect new tweets later today.
2:54 That’s great!
2:59 I want to create a Twitter account.
3:04 I usually follow your tweets and they’re great.
3:10 You should follow him. The guy’s amazing. I never miss his tweets.
3:20 I can follow my friends and celebrities. I get to know everything that’s going on with them.
3:32 You should tweet more often. Trust me, a lot of people will be following you soon.