
Alternative and Clean Energy - Talking About Renewable Energy Sources - ...

source: Twominute English    2013年6月21日
Alternative and clean energy are terms used for renewable sources of energy, such as solar energy and wind energy. They create no harmful effects to the environment unlike other energy sources, such as oil and coal. In this video you will learn how to talk about alternative and clean energy.
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0:07 In this lesson you will learn how to talk about alternative and clean energy.
0:18 Sometimes I’m afraid of these wind farms. Don’t you think those large fans will break if a hurricane comes?
0:24 Don’t think of crazy things like that! They’re way too heavy and strong to be blown over by a hurricane
0:32 I was just wondering. It seems we have no electricity problems now, though.
0:36 Thanks to renewable energy!
0:39 By the way, why is it called renewable energy?
0:42 Because this energy is created by natural sources, like the sun and the wind, which are not exhausted when they’re used.
0:51 They don’t produce any pollution either, right?
0:51 They don’t produce any pollution either, right?
0:54 Correct! That’s why they are also called “clean” energy.
1:04 Hans, what are you're doing on the roof?
1:06 I’m installing a solar-panel roof! Goodbye, power bills!
1:10 You mean you’ll put solar panels on your roof?
1:13 Yup! My roof tiles were old, anyway.
1:16 Great idea, but what about the rainy season?
1:19 That’ll be fine, I didn’t disconnect the power cables.
1:23 So, you’ll use both. Man, I should get a solar roof, too!
1:27 Of course you should, you’ll save money and help the environment!
1:36 Billy, have you noticed there’s something different about the city?
1:40 You're right! It feels a bit livelier than before.
1:44 What’s different?
1:45 I think it has something to do with the taxis!
1:48 Taxis?
1:50 The new Mayor ordered all the taxis and public transport to use clean fuels that do not produce much pollution.
1:57 Thanks to the Mayor, this city doesn’t stink of oil or smoke anymore!
2:07 The electricity bill is killing me! They’re going to raise the rates again!
2:13 I think it’s better to switch to alternative energies.
2:17 You mean solar energy?
2:19 For us, yes! But there are other types too, like nuclear power and wind power.
2:25 Yeah! I heard they are also extracting energy from the ocean and seas.
2:31 That’s right. They can even make energy from garbage!
2:35 Hmmm...That’ll really help us control pollution.
2:41 Sometimes I’m afraid of these wind farms.
2:47 It seems we have no electricity problems now, though.
2:54 They don’t produce any pollution either, right?
3:01 I’m installing a solar-panel roof!
3:08 Man, I should get a solar roof, too!
3:14 You’ll save money and help the environment!
3:22 I think it’s better to switch to alternative energies.
3:22 I think it’s better to switch to alternative energies.
3:30 But there are other types too, like nuclear power and wind power.
3:40 That’ll really help us control pollution.