
Are you on Facebook? - Social media English lesson

source: Twominute English    2013年6月1日
Everybody's friend and their grandmas are on Facebook now. If you don't know how to talk Facebook, you're going to miss a lot of conversations. In this lesson we put you in some common Facebook related situations.
Exercises for the lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/272-Ar...
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:07 In this lesson, we will talk about Facebook.
0:14 It was nice meeting you, Jenny.
0:17 Same here Sam. Hope to see you again soon.
0:21 Are you active on Facebook?
0:23 Yes, Sam. I do have a Facebook account.
0:26 Great ! Err... What name should I use to search your profile?
0:31 You can use my email ID to find me there.
0:35 That will be great. Thanks Jenny.
0:43 Hey Pauline, how are you doing?
0:45 I’m doing great. How about you Angel?
0:48 I’m good too. We partied last night and I uploaded the pictures on Facebook. You should totally check them out.
0:53 Oh really ?! Well, how can i miss that?! I will certainly do it.
0:58 And I’m sure you’re gonna love them!
1:06 Hey, Sam. How are you doing?
1:08 I’m good Pauline.
1:10 Did you notice that I’ve tagged you in some pictures on FB?
1:13 No, I did not. But I’ll be checking my updates in a minute.
1:17 You must! Everyone was looking awesome at the party. Every pic is simply crazy!
1:24 Sounds cool! I will check them as soon as I get time. Thanks for telling me, Pauline.
1:32 Are you active on Facebook?
1:37 You can use my email ID to find me there.
1:44 What name should I use to search your profile?
1:50 Did you notice that I've tagged you in some pictures on FB?
1:58 We partied last night and I uploaded the pictures on Facebook. You should totally check them out.