
Historical Figures

source: Twominute English    2013年6月2日
A historical figure is a famous person in history, such as Florence Nightingale or Napoleon or Mahatama Gandhi. So who is your favorite historical figure? Learn from this lesson and talk about why you admire the person who you find the most impressive in history.
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0:07 In this lesson, we will study how to talk to someone about historical figures.
0:19 Hey, John! What are you reading?
0:22 I’m reading a book on Gandhi.
0:25 Oh! Is it good ?
0:28 Yeah, it’s really good. Gandhi inspires me deeply. He led India to independence.
0:35 Well, that must’ve been hard.
0:39 It was hard. But do you know he didn’t use any force or weapons
0:45 He just believed in non-violent civil disobedience.
0:50 That’s inspiring. If only there were more people like him these days!
1:00 Hey Chris, I need your help with something.
1:04 Sure! What is it?
1:06 We were having a Science class and my teacher asked me about Edison.
1:11 I didn’t know anything about him so I got really embarrassed.
1:16 That’s bad, Kate. He’s such a popular historical figure.
1:21 I’m not good in History. Who was he?
1:24 Thomas Alva Edison. The guy invented electricity, Kate!
1:29 Oh, great! I’m even more embarrassed now.
1:39 Hey John! I heard you were reading a book about Gandhi.
1:43 Yes, I was. But I want to read more about Abraham Lincoln now. Do you know anything about him?
1:52 Of course! He is my favorite president.
1:55 He’s everyone’s favorite president I guess. The whole country was in shock after his assassination.
2:02 I can only imagine the commotion after the shock. What’s sad is that he was killed by an actor.
2:10 I know. That’s really sad. John Wilkes Booth, right?
2:15 That’s right. Hey, did you watch the latest movie about Lincoln?
2:21 I did. It’s awesome. Daniel Day-Lewis is an inspiration for us actors.
2:27 He’s amazing. I’ll watch it this weekend.
2:36 Hey Bob, tell me the name of a historical figure you admire.
2:41 Just like that?! Hmm...okay...I know: Mother Teresa!
2:49 Who was she?
2:51 You don’t know?! Well, she was a nun and a missionary. She devoted herself to working among the really poor people.
3:02 Where was she from? And when was she born?
3:06 Gee! Gimme a break. I’m not Google. But why do you ask?
3:12 Just asking. I need to learn more about historical figures.
3:17 Oh, I see. What you need is to read more, girl!
3:26 I’m reading a book on Gandhi.
3:32 Gandhi inspires me deeply.
3:37 If only there were more people like him these days!
3:45 I didn’t know anything about him so I got really embarrassed.
3:54 He’s such a popular historical figure.
4:02 I’m not good in History. Who was he?