
Leave a Bad Taste in One's Mouth

source: Twominute English      2013年6月25日
Leaving a bad taste in one's mouth means a bad memory or a bad feeling about something or someone. It indicates a feeling that something unfair or unpleasant happened. In this video you will learn the meaning and uses of this idiom.
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0:06 In this lesson you will learn how to use the idiom 'leaving a bad taste in one's mouth' in your conversations.
0:19 To leave a bad taste in your mouth means that you have a bad feeling or memory about something or someone.
0:26 Leaving a bad taste in a person's mouth means leaving a bad impression.
0:30 For example, the way Jim talked to me the other day. It left a bad taste in my mouth.
0:34 He was like my brother, but the New Year's party incident left a bad taste in my mouth.
0:40 When something leaves a bad taste in your mouth, there's a feeling of something wrong or unfair. What happened at the New Year's party, anyway?
0:48 Oh, that's an unpleasant memory. He's just a dishonest jerk! A bad taste in my mouth!
0:54 Is it about Jim? Leaving a bad taste in one's mouth also refers to an ex-lover whom you wish you had never dated.
1:02 Cool down Emm, I don't want to speak about it anymore.
1:06 Oh C'mon! Tell me. Jim left a bad taste in my mouth, you know it very well.
1:11 Yeah. You'd better be careful when dating your next guy.
1:20 Let's go to Hotel La Belle today, their desserts are just awesome!
1:26 I don't want to go there.
1:29 Why?
1:30 Don't you remember? That rude waitress left a bad taste in my mouth.
1:35 She's probably out of work now.
1:38 I don't care! Could we just go to Cafe Morrison?
1:42 Yeah! Alright.
1:50 Where is Pete?
1:52 He's not coming.
1:54 What happened?
1:57 The business deal last month left a bad taste in his mouth.
2:02 Poor Pete! I feel sorry for him.
2:05 I warned him before not to do any business with that bunch of thieves!
2:16 Why didn't you call Irene?
2:18 Irene's waiting for you on the lawn.
2:22 I thought she was coming along to the beach.
2:25 She said she won't come.
2:28 Why?
2:30 The tsunami left a bad taste in her mouth.
2:34 I can understand.
2:40 It left a bad taste in my mouth.
2:45 Jim left a bad taste in my mouth, you know it very well.
2:55 He was like my brother, but the New Year's party incident left a bad taste in my mouth.
3:07 That rude waitress left a bad taste in my mouth.
3:16 The business deal last month left a bad taste in his mouth.
3:26 The tsunami left a bad taste in her mouth.