
Renting a Car - Interactive English Lesson

source: Twominute English    2013年6月24日
When you go out of town to a new city, you often need to rent a car to travel around town. If you can drive and possess a valid driving license, it's always better to rent a car then to hire expensive taxis. Specially now when you can never lose the way thanks to GPS.
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0:06 In this lesson we will listen to some people renting a car.
0:16 Hello there. I need to rent a car.
0:18 Hi! What size are you thinking?
0:20 Well, err…this is my first rental. What sizes do you have?
0:24 We have compact, medium, and full size, the compact being the cheapest.
0:28 I’m traveling with my wife and little daughter, so a compact will be fine. What are your daily rates?
0:34 For the compact, it’s $29,90 per day, but if you’re renting it for more than seven days, you get a price break.
0:40 Not bad! I’m going to rent it for 10 days.
0:44 In that case, you’ll be paying $19,90 per day.
0:47 Wow! That’s a great discount! I’ll take the compact, then.
0:50 Good choice. May I see your driver’s license and a credit card, please?
1:00 Ok, Mr. Patterson, let’s see…will your wife also drive the car?
1:03 Yes. Since we’re going to Boston for my brother’s wedding, we’ll take turns driving.
1:08 By the way, can I return the car there, or are there extra charges?
1:13 There are no extra charges for that. Where will you return the car in Boston?
1:17 At the Boston airport.
1:19 Very good, Mr. Patterson. You’re all set. Have a safe trip.
1:22 Oh! What about the mileage?
1:25 There is no extra charge for miles, but you must return the car with a full tank of gas, or else they’ll charge you for that.
1:31 Fair enough. Thanks for your help.
1:40 Hello, is it Time Travels?
1:43 Yes. This is Beth, how can I help you?
1:46 I would like to rent a car to take me to the Hotel Shangri-La from Las Vegas airport.
1:52 Sure. May I know your name and your schedule please?
1:56 It’s Suzie Thatcher. I’ll need it at 12 noon today, and I prefer a white limousine.
2:03 That’s not a problem, Ms. Thatcher. The driver will be holding a sign with your name on it.
2:07 Very good. How much is the rental?
2:10 Our rates are $45,00 an hour.
2:13 Okay, that’s fine.
2:16 In case of delays, or any problem, please call us at this number, Ms. Thatcher.
2:21 All right. Thanks for your help.
2:29 Hello. I’d like to rent a limo to take me to the Hotel Shangri-La.
2:35 We have the Luxury Sedan, for 1-4 passengers, and the Stretch Limousine, which fits 1-8 passengers.
2:42 Ok. I’ll go with the Luxury Sedan. What are your rates?
2:47 Well, they’re based on a three-hour rental. The luxury Sedan goes for $55,00 per hour, plus gratuity.
2:54 I just need it to drop me off at the Shangri-La, at Echelon Place.
2:59 That won’t be a problem.
3:01 Will it take long?
3:03 It will just take a moment for the driver to bring the car around. You can have a seat, if you like.
3:08 Thank you.
3:13 Hello there. I need to rent a car.
3:19 What sizes do you have?
3:23 What are your daily rates?
3:26 Can I return the car there, or are there extra charges?
3:35 What about the mileage?
3:39 I’ll need it at 12 noon today, and I prefer a white limousine.
3:50 I’d like to rent a limo to take me to the Hotel Shangri-La.
4:00 I’ll go with the Luxury Sedan. What are your rates?