
Moving To a Different City - Travel English Conversation

source: Twominute English    2013年7月24日
So you are moving to a new place. You must be eager to share the news with your friends, colleagues and family. Are you really happy about the change, or feeling sad about the fact that you have to leave your friends and family behind? In this lesson, we will learn about some phrases that you can use to communicate your feeling to others.
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0:06 In this lesson, we will talk about phrases that you can use to express your feelings about moving to a different city.
0:18 Hey Rosa. I've heard you are getting transferred to the corporate office?
0:22 Yeah. That's right. I'll be moving to New York in a couple of weeks.
0:27 That's really good news. From Texas to New York, huh? Life is going to be really exciting for you!
0:35 I hope so. I'm really excited about moving to New York. I've heard a lot about the city, and I'm ready to explore all its excitement and fun.
0:45 You look really happy. I wish you all the very best.
0:49 Thanks a lot Brian.
0:56 Honey! There's a letter from THY University.
1:00 What does it say, mom?
1:02 It says that your application has been accepted. But you must be there next week!
1:08 Next week?! How will I handle all this in such short notice?
1:13 This is your dream, Preity. You'll have to do it by any means.
1:18 This isn't a weekend getaway. I'll be gone for 3 years. How can I just move to a new city without proper planning?
1:23 Don't worry. I'll talk to your uncle in Washington. He'll make all the arrangements before you get there.
1:31 Well, I don't think I have much choice. Alright. I'll start packing today!
1:35 And let me call your friends over for dinner tomorrow. I'm sure you'd like to spend some quality time with your friends, too.
1:43 Aww... that's so sweet of you, mom! You're great!
1:52 What's up? Why do you look so upset?
1:55 Oh. I got a call from WHT Enterprise. I've been appointed the branch manager of their California branch.
2:03 Really? Congratulations! This is such great news.
2:06 No. Not for me, it isn't. I was aiming for the New York branch. I don't want to move to California.
2:14 Brian, look at the bright side. WHT is a leading name in the software industry. This is a great opportunity for you and your career.
2:21 I truly understand that and, I'm not letting it go. I'm just not willing to relocate to California. I have some personal reasons.
2:29 Well, you should forget about your personal problems and just concentrate on your career.
2:34 Hmm...Thanks for the advice.
2:41 Hey Rosa. How are you doing?
2:45 I'm good Ms. Helen. Glad to see you here.
2:49 Well, your mom told me you were relocating to New York. I thought it'd nice to meet you before that.
2:55 Oh. That's really nice of you.
2:57 So how are you feeling? All ready to welcome a new and adventurous life?
3:04 You're exaggerating a bit. I'm going there because of work. I don't think it's going to be that exciting.
3:11 Oh! You haven't tasted the grapes yet! Are you nervous about moving to a new city altogether?
3:20 Well... Yes, I am. I'm happy but I'm also feeling a little reluctant.
3:26 It happens. Don't worry. Everything will be just fine. It won't take long ‘till you're fully adjusted to the new environment.
3:37 I hope so. Thanks for your support, Ms. Helen.
3:45 I'm really excited about moving to New York.
3:52 I've heard a lot about the city, and I'm ready to explore all its excitement and fun.
4:06 This isn't a weekend getaway. I'll be gone for 3 years.
4:15 How can I just move to a new city without proper planning?
4:23 I don't want to move to California.
4:29 I'm just not willing to relocate to California.
4:37 I don't think it's going to be that exciting.
4:45 I'm happy but I'm also feeling a little reluctant